
The King of Gossip

His singing voice is addictive, his acting is enchanting, and his dance moves are absolutely electrifying. He is the KING of the entertainment world! However, this guy, with his god-like perfect looks and physique, is primarily known for his constant scandals, present everywhere and at all times. Reporter: You say it's just a rumor, but our people caught you spending a night at Avril's house? Man: I was just there to discuss some concert matters with her, and we ended up talking about life and dreams... Reporter: And what about the kiss with Emma Roberts? Man: Everyone knows I'm a great actor; I was just discussing with her how to perform a kissing scene. Reporter: But what about the Christmas Eve party with Scarlett Johansson, Taylor Swift, and seven other female celebrities... Man: Hey, buddy, I told you those are just rumors. We were just playing CS that night, 1V7, oh, NO, it was 4V4. Yes, all of that is just gossip!

OCTOBER456 · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 26: Outstanding Among Peers

Everyone dared not stay up late. After dinner and playing Hong Kong's favorite leisure game, mahjong, they returned to their rooms to rest around nine o'clock, aiming to face the first day of the journey with full energy.

Chen Qiang tossed and turned, unsure if it was nervousness or unaccustomed to going to bed so early. When he woke up Chen Jin, who was sound asleep at eight in the morning, he looked somewhat unwell, with two big dark circles under his eyes, and his originally sunny and handsome face also lost some of its color.

Most of the others were also awake, except Li Guoxian, who came out of his room and complained loudly, "Man Zi's snoring was so loud last night that I couldn't sleep a wink. I strongly request a room change." Seeing his haggard face and dark circles not inferior to Chen Qiang's, it was clear he suffered a lot.

Li Guoxian had a sharp tongue. Xu Dong was unwilling to share a room with him. Zhao Shaowen didn't mind; he wasn't afraid of Li Guoxian's biting remarks. Smiling, he said, "It wasn't that loud, just like the buzzing of mosquitoes." He looked refreshed, "If you insist on changing rooms, I have no objections, but I can't help with that."

Li Guoxian looked pitiful, but Chen Jin and the others just laughed and went downstairs for breakfast. Only a fool would switch rooms with him. Seeing this, Li Guoxian howled, "And to think you're my good brothers. How unfair!"

At eight-thirty, the charming Chen Zichen arrived with the staff. She was there to take these 'little lambs' to TV City. Sashaying into the dining room, she smiled enchantingly, captivating everyone's hearts. Without regard for the other customers, she clapped her hands, "Today is the first day of your new life. I wish you all a wonderful start..."

Then she turned cold, hurrying them like chasing rabbits onto the bus. Those who woke up late and hadn't had breakfast were scolded by her, grabbing a few buns before boarding.

Once on the bus, she returned to her cheerful demeanor, "Today is your first day officially joining the New Talent Singing Contest. There will be a small press conference later, and you will all attend. Reporters will ask you questions..."

She turned serious again, raising a crystal-clear finger, "Remember, do not answer questions randomly. You should still remember the clause you signed yesterday about not accepting interviews without the company's permission. Although today's situation doesn't count, if you don't know, don't answer or butt in. If necessary, just say it's company policy... Got it?" Her last word was stern, even the most rebellious had to nod obediently.

Satisfied to see these 'little lambs' obedient, but maybe with one exception - the stunningly handsome guy who now had a charming smile. It seemed obedient, but Chen Zichen could feel his star-like eyes seeing right through her, even a bit mocking.

Women are the most gossipy. The female judge from the South District had painted Chen Jin as the most charming young man in the world, making him well-known among many women in TVB City. Chen Zichen was one of them. She had tested him yesterday but got no response. He was savvy, and his performance now showed he wasn't just a pretty face.

Still unconvinced, Chen Zichen stared at Chen Jin, trying to provoke a reaction, "Chen Jin, you are the only contestant this year who qualified directly. More reporters might question you, so be careful."

Her words weren't entirely false. With Chen Jin's looks and singing talent, TVB planned to heavily promote him, making him the star of this year's contest. Also, if Chen Jin proved outstanding, TVB would gain a new talent.

However, she was disappointed again when Chen Jin nodded lightly, "Thank you, Miss Chen. I will be careful." He didn't ask how to deal with potential troubles or what to do in case of a situation.

The bus took less than five minutes to reach TV City. Instead of going to the training center, they headed to the far west side of the TVB building, where the press conference was held, also including a live recording. Relevant TVB stations would broadcast the footage during the noon and evening entertainment news.

After getting off, Chen Zichen led the thirty-two contestants to a large makeup room on the second floor. While the makeup artists tidied them up a bit, she reminded them one last time, "The press conference starts at nine-thirty. Rest well now and remember my words. Don't cause any trouble."

Although excited to attend their first press conference and possibly appear on TV, everyone was nervous at Chen Zichen's words. Li Guoxian, seeing Chen Zichen further away, couldn't help but blabber, "I didn't sleep well last night. I'll look terrible going out like this."

Tang Baoru seemed to be at odds with him. With everyone smiling, she snorted, "Just be yourself, no one expects much from you."

Her words were a veiled insult, although not directly mentioning Li Guoxian's average looks, but everyone understood.

Li Guoxian, grinding his teeth in annoyance, saw Chen Jin, now bewitchingly attractive under the makeup artist's skillful hands, even captivating the female makeup artist. He self-deprecatingly smiled, "Yeah, how can I compare with KING, huh? Look at his great skin..."

He was too busy talking to notice Chen Zichen approaching, scolding them, "Don't just chat, think about how to respond later. If there's trouble, you'll see." Yet, she couldn't help but take another glance at the dazzling Chen Jin, her heart beating unexpectedly fast.

It's common for men to be handsome, but Chen Jin had an otherworldly charm, an unconscious charisma that was too dazzling, too captivating, too irresistible.

After twenty minutes, the stylists, makeup artists, and hairdressers helped Chen Jin and the others groom from head to toe. Even the relatively plain Li Guoxian looked noticeably more spirited after the makeover.

Once everyone was ready, Chen Zichen clapped her hands, signaling them to follow her. As they reached the entrance of the press conference, Chen Jin saw Anita Mui and her entourage, including Wu Zhizheng, the chief organizer of the contest.

Chen Zichen hurried forward, greeting politely, "Sister Fang, sorry to keep you waiting."

Anita Mui, with her chic short hair, shook her head and smiled familiarly at Chen Zichen, "No need to be so polite, Ah Chen. If everyone's here, let's go in." Her eyes casually swept over Chen Jin, standing out among his peers.

After Chen Zichen nodded, Wu Zhizheng and Sister Fang courteously entered the press conference venue, followed by Chen Jin and the others. The 200-square-meter room was already packed with dozens of media reporters, photographers, and videographers. The New Talent Singing Contest was a major annual event on Hong Kong Island, and with TVB's influence, the turnout was naturally large.

The flashbulbs went off unexpectedly, and though Chen Jin hadn't often experienced such scenes, he was familiar with these kingmakers and procedures. With his body's transformation, he was calm and at ease, unlike the other more restrained and youthful contestants.

Wu Zhizheng, Anita Mui, and Chen Zichen all watched Chen Jin's performance. Wu Zhizheng and Anita Mui were evaluating whether he was worth cultivating or had the makings of a star, while Chen Zichen, with a childish mindset, was irked by Chen Jin's disregard for her, wanting to see him in a difficult situation.

After observing, Wu Zhizheng and Anita Mui nodded. Anita Mui's nod was simple admiration and approval, while Wu Zhizheng's included a hint of secret joy. If this year's contest was successful and they discovered a talent, it would benefit his career. Chen Zichen, however, bit her lip in frustration. Chen Jin seemed naturally cut out for this industry, or as if he had been in it for many years. His demeanor was impeccable.

Once Chen Jin and the others were positioned at the front (there were too many people to sit down), Wu Zhizheng began a brief speech about the competition's rules and thanked the media and contestants. After his speech, the press conference moved to its main agenda – media questions and free interviews.

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