
The King of Gossip

His singing voice is addictive, his acting is enchanting, and his dance moves are absolutely electrifying. He is the KING of the entertainment world! However, this guy, with his god-like perfect looks and physique, is primarily known for his constant scandals, present everywhere and at all times. Reporter: You say it's just a rumor, but our people caught you spending a night at Avril's house? Man: I was just there to discuss some concert matters with her, and we ended up talking about life and dreams... Reporter: And what about the kiss with Emma Roberts? Man: Everyone knows I'm a great actor; I was just discussing with her how to perform a kissing scene. Reporter: But what about the Christmas Eve party with Scarlett Johansson, Taylor Swift, and seven other female celebrities... Man: Hey, buddy, I told you those are just rumors. We were just playing CS that night, 1V7, oh, NO, it was 4V4. Yes, all of that is just gossip!

OCTOBER456 · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 25: A Charming Pair

After Chen Jin and Li Guoxian's contest, others also showcased their talents. Lian Junying's singing was soft and soothing, deeply mesmerizing; Tang Baoru's voice was crisp but her singing skills slightly lacking; Chen Qiang's voice was average, but his skills were good, and he had a wide vocal range; Zhao Shaowen might be the least impressive, with neither outstanding voice nor skills, but his dancing was excellent, bringing a vibrant feel to his performances.

The biggest surprise was Xu Dong. This unassuming guy had a clear and bright voice. His idol was Lu Fang, and he sang Lu Fang's songs with a deep understanding, earning admiration.

Overall, all seven were quite talented. Chen Jin thought that if others were of the same caliber, the competition would indeed be fierce.

The closer the levels, the more complex everyone's thoughts. The seven, a newly formed group, inevitably had selfish motives. After each had showcased their skills, the room fell silent, losing the earlier eagerness for mutual learning.

Tang Baoru, being straightforward, couldn't hold back. She took Lian Junying's hand and stood up, "You guys chat. It's too hot with so many people here, and the smell of you guys is unbearable."

With that excuse, everyone dispersed, some going to shower, others to drink water, leaving Chen Jin and Chen Qiang alone. They exchanged glances, and Chen Qiang chuckled, "Is it necessary? To the ears of a professional, there's a big difference."

Chen Jin shrugged, took off his shirt, and while preparing to shower, he laughed, "It doesn't matter. We just need to focus on ourselves and unite when needed."

"Oh, wow, King, your physique is enviable," Chen Qiang said, looking at Chen Jin's perfect body. "Look at those chest muscles, eight-pack abs, and shining muscles. Any woman would be charmed."

Sometimes pride can seem pretentious. Chen Jin turned around, struck a few poses, and said playfully, "Not bad, right? Envious? Ah, it's hard to abandon natural beauty!"

Chen Qiang laughed and playfully kicked at him, "Go away, I don't envy you. I don't rely on my physique."

Chen Jin scoffed, suddenly grabbed Chen Qiang's jaw, and teased, "Look at this handsome guy, says he doesn't rely on his physique. Maybe we should carve a few lines on it?"

Before Chen Qiang could retaliate, Chen Jin ran into the bathroom, laughing, leaving Chen Qiang yelling that he'd settle scores once Chen Jin was out.

The bathroom was near the entrance, a typical hotel room layout. Chen Jin had just finished showering and was wiping his wet hair when there was a knock at the door. Without much thought, he opened the door.

Tang Baoru and Lian Junying stood there. Seeing him like this, Lian Junying's face turned red, and even Tang Baoru's heartbeat sped up, finding him attractive. She casually poked his abs and teased, "Showing off your physique again... but it's really impressive!"

"I just came out," Chen Jin pointed behind him, "What's up? Or do you want to come in?"

"No wonder you opened the door so quickly. I didn't even call yet," Tang Baoru relaxed a bit, patting the shy Lian Junying, "Junying, don't be shy. You won't get to see this again soon."

Lian Junying blushed deeply, pinched Tang Baoru, and bravely asked Chen Jin, "We're planning to have dinner, wondering if you'd like to join."

Chen Jin frowned, "It's dinner time, it'll be crowded and noisy. Better to have it delivered here."

Tang Baoru looked at Lian Junying, nodded, "Okay, that's a good idea." She then dragged Lian Junying back to their room, "I want steamed seafood, Junying wants sweet and sour pork with pineapple, and a corn and pork rib soup. The rest is up to you... Call us when the food arrives."

The meal standard provided by Wireless was quite good. As long as they didn't go overboard, they could have a nice meal for four.

Watching them enter their room, Chen Jin asked, "What drinks or alcohol do you like? I'll order them too."

Tang Baoru turned around smiling, "Wow, so generous. Would you treat me to Lafite if I wanted it?" Then Lian Junying pushed her into the room, saying softly, "I'll have a fresh apple juice, and Sister Ru likes lemon soda..."

Watching them enter, Chen Jin turned back to his room. Chen Qiang looked at him teasingly, "Look at you, quite the charmer, winning hearts so easily."

Chen Jin smiled, changing the subject, "You must have overheard. What do you want to eat, or do you prefer to eat downstairs?"

"Spying? You really don't know how to appreciate good intentions," Chen Qiang retorted with a pout, looking quite displeased. "Tell me, how are you going to repay me?"

Chen Jin, feigning shock, exclaimed, "No way, are you hinting that I owe you a personal favor?" Chen Qiang slapped his forehead, rolled his eyes in resignation, and collapsed onto the bed. Then he burst into laughter, "I can't believe how shameless you are!"

Chen Jin, all dressed up, went to call Zhao Shaowen and the others, only to find they had already gone out. It seemed Tang Baoru had also realized this. He smiled wryly, returned, and briefed Chen Qiang about the situation, asking, "Are you going out too? Otherwise, I'm about to order. If the ladies wait too long, they might get angry."

"Those guys are so disloyal!" Chen Qiang expressed his surprise, having thought the same as Chen Jin. Then, turning to Chen Jin with a smile, he said, "Of course, I'll stay with you. This time I'll be the third wheel, determined to ruin your plans."

The order included steamed seafood, sweet and sour pork with pineapple, roasted goose, honey barbecued pork, shrimp with mushrooms, garlic lettuce, and a corn and pork rib soup, along with a fresh apple juice, lemon soda, a large serving of chilled lotus seed and red bean dessert, and finally, a bottle of red wine costing over eight hundred Hong Kong dollars.

The six dishes and one soup were just within the budget provided by Wireless; anything extra would be out of Chen Jin's pocket. The wine was Chen Qiang's idea, and Chen Jin, not recognizing the English name, agreed.

When the food was delivered, Chen Jin generously paid a thousand Hong Kong dollars to the waiter, giving the rest as a tip. Chen Qiang smacked his lips, "You're not some rich young master in disguise, are you?" He sighed, "My mom only gave me two thousand dollars, saying everything is covered here. She's already very generous."

The twenty thousand Hong Kong dollars Zhang Jiacong gave Chen Jin had almost been spent in Causeway Bay with his brother Zhang Weixiong. This time, Zhang Jiacong had given him thirty thousand more. Chen Jin, seeing Zhang Jiacong's insistence, didn't refuse. There's a saying: having money eases the mind when traveling.

With the basic salary in Hong Kong being three to four thousand, it was normal for Chen Qiang to have two thousand on hand. Chen Jin turned and smiled, "Keep it up. When you become a big star, this amount will be nothing."

Just as he was about to call Tang Baoru and Lian Junying, the two girls, as if smelling the food, opened the door and came over. Their eyes lit up at the sight of the feast laid out on the table.

Tang Baoru noticed the bottle of wine, picked it up, and said with a smirk, "You really know how to enjoy life..." While Chen Qiang was serving soup, he lowered his voice but loud enough for everyone to hear, "Let me tell you good news, King is a big spender, we're lucky."

"Really? Our Junying is also from a wealthy family!" Tang Baoru glanced at Chen Jin, teasingly hugged Lian Junying's shoulder, and joked, "Then they're quite a match."

Dodging Lian Junying's pinch, Tang Baoru leaned over to grab the lemon soda in front of Chen Jin. Both had changed into their casual pajamas, with Tang Baoru wearing a common silk nightgown. Its neckline was wide and large, revealing a lot when she leaned forward. The beautiful and enticing view of her delicate, pale treasures topped with crimson was fully exposed to Chen Jin's eyes.

"Didn't expect you to be so well-endowed!" Chen Jin marveled. His sharp gaze almost scanned the captivating scene into his brain. The voluptuous and charming sight was truly drool-worthy, invoking a desire to bite and even swallow.

Tang Baoru, about to take the lemon soda Chen Jin was passing her, noticed the odd look in his eyes. Her womanly intuition immediately alerted her to the embarrassing exposure. Her cheeks flushed pink, she frowned and glared at Chen Jin, discreetly covering her chest without a word.

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