
The King of Gossip

His singing voice is addictive, his acting is enchanting, and his dance moves are absolutely electrifying. He is the KING of the entertainment world! However, this guy, with his god-like perfect looks and physique, is primarily known for his constant scandals, present everywhere and at all times. Reporter: You say it's just a rumor, but our people caught you spending a night at Avril's house? Man: I was just there to discuss some concert matters with her, and we ended up talking about life and dreams... Reporter: And what about the kiss with Emma Roberts? Man: Everyone knows I'm a great actor; I was just discussing with her how to perform a kissing scene. Reporter: But what about the Christmas Eve party with Scarlett Johansson, Taylor Swift, and seven other female celebrities... Man: Hey, buddy, I told you those are just rumors. We were just playing CS that night, 1V7, oh, NO, it was 4V4. Yes, all of that is just gossip!

OCTOBER456 · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 23 What were you doing in the room just now?

Seeing Chen Zichen twisting her waist and swaying her hips, leading several staff members downstairs in a charming manner, Li Guoxian's Adam's apple twitched twice, and it seemed that he had swallowed a lot of saliva. His bitchy mouth couldn't help it anymore, and he patted Chen Zichen. Jin's shoulder, heheyile, "KING, why do I see our logistics manager taking aim at you? Good guy, you are really good at attracting bees and butterflies!"

Tang Baoru curled his lips, frowned, and sneered, "You men are so boring, all you can think about are these dirty things."

Li Guoxian sneered, but he replied shamelessly, "Why, you're jealous again." Tang Baoru simply ignored him and waved to Chen Jin, "King, help us Yingying take the suitcase in."

When Chen Jin helped them screw the suitcase into the room, Tang Baoru suddenly closed the door, causing a strange scream outside. Even Junying was a little embarrassed. At this time, Tang Baoru stared at Chen Jin and said softly: " It's not that I want to speak ill of people behind their backs. I don't know how you and Li Guoxian met, but I see that he always targets you and never restrains his mouth. For such a person, I think you should be careful. It's best not to tell him easily if you have anything to do."

Lian Junying answered softly at this time, "What Sister Ruru said is true. You should have seen it. Everyone seemed to be in a group. The seven of us were destined to be together, but Li Guoxian It's really a bit too much…"

People say that those who look good always have to take advantage. This is also determined by the subconscious tendency of human nature to seek beauty. Both girls look quite smart. Even Junying, who seems to be talkative, knows how to stick together. Hearing their caring words, Chen Jin smiled slightly and said, "Thank you, I know what to do..."

After clicking the button, he changed the subject, "Do you have any plans for the afternoon? I plan to go to the wireless training center to take a look and familiarize myself with it in advance so that I won't be like a headless fly when I go to class tomorrow."

Tang Baoru smiled and nodded, "I also have such a plan, let's go together in the afternoon." Lian Junying playfully added at this time, "Maybe we can meet big stars somewhere."

After helping the two of them finish the heavy work, he turned around and went out. Li Guoxian, who had been waiting outside, asked impatiently, "King, what were you doing in there with the beautiful woman just now?" He and Zhao Shaowen had their ears pressed against each other just now. From the door, nothing was heard at all.

"Secret!" Chen Jin deliberately put on an unpredictable expression, put his arm around Chen Qiang's shoulders and entered his room. Not to mention Li Guoxian, even Zhao Shaowen and Xu Dong followed him in unwillingly.

Seeing how curious they were about the baby, Chen Jin changed his mind and said, "What can I do with just such a little time? You are too bored and too curious."

Zhao Shaowen chuckled at this time, "King, the time is not short. If we kiss each other, it will be enough to suffocate the two beauties."

"Awen, don't let these two beauties hear your words, otherwise I can't guarantee whether the two beauties will suffocate you once." Chen Jin shrugged, "As for the method, I'm afraid to KISS won't know it. , there are quite a few pillows."

Everyone laughed and laughed. Xu Dong, who had been silent all the time, couldn't help it anymore. He patted him on the shoulder and scolded him with a smile: "Okay, boy, stop being cunning and change the subject. Let's get to the point. What have you done?" ."

Chen Jin's face straightened, he stood up and went outside to close the door, and then asked everyone to sit down. Seeing how solemn he was, several people stopped messing around and quietly waited for his next words.

"Everyone should also notice that the thirty or so of us are obviously divided into five small groups, and we are naturally one of them in the eyes of others, so we must unite together and help each other, not just It's wrong to be hostile and cause trouble with other teams, but together we can resist others from causing trouble to us."

Xu Dong nodded, "King is right, we just got together because we are destined. No matter what happens in the future, we will always leave a good memory during this period of time." He turned to look at Li Guoxian again, "Ah Xian, with all due respect, you should not be so anxious to show off sometimes."

Unexpectedly, Xu Dong would say that later. Chen Jin glanced at him in surprise. In fact, Chen Jin originally planned to say this by himself, but not in front of so many people, but in private time.

Seeing everyone's concerned expressions, Li Guoxian couldn't reply, but felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He smiled and pointed at Chen Jin again, "KING, are these you and the two of you?" Something a beautiful woman said?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's curiosity was aroused. Chen Jin's favorable impression of this guy had dropped to the lowest. He smiled and nodded, "Otherwise, what do you think it would be? The two beauties just think they are girls. If He told us directly that he was afraid of our conflict, so he asked me to do it for him."

Since we just said that we are a team, there is no need to hide the plan to go to the wireless training center with Tang Lian in the afternoon, so as not to worry others. Sometimes it is just small things that cause dissatisfaction among people, " By the way, I just invited two beauties to go to TV City in the afternoon to check out the environment..."

Chen Qiang chuckled, "This is the most important thing, right? Besides, are the beauties taking the initiative to invite you? Will we disturb you if we go?"

Chen Jin raised his hands and shook his head, "Okay, okay, I surrender. In fact, I don't care, but girls always want to save face. If you talk too much, they will be unhappy. We'd better stop here."

It is less than a kilometer from the Yiqing Hotel where Chen Jin and the others are staying to the wireless Clear Water Bay TV City, and it only takes about ten minutes to walk. Although the weather in September is still hot, it is not unbearably hot. Chen Jin and the others are in After taking a break at noon, we met and took a stroll to TV City.

Tang Baoru and Lian Junying both changed their clothes. The former was dressed as a boy, a loose white shirt and a pair of jeans, while Lian Junying was dressed in a light pink dress, which was much softer.

Girls are always like this, and they still have a refreshing fragrance after bathing. Chen Jin and the other boys are not so particular about it, but everyone must be clean and fresh when they come today, so there is no need for that.

Tang Baoru pulled Lian Junying and walked beside Chen Jin, suddenly patted him, stared at him sideways, and asked seemingly casually: "King, how do you think your singing level is?"

This is probably a question that everyone wants to know. After all, Chen Jin's face and figure are so enchanting, and even his temperament is very attractive. Once he stands there, it is impossible to ignore, and it is even more fatal for women.

Although Chen Jin had sung before, he was not a professional, and he could not tell what level his own level was. However, after participating in the competition and hearing the comments from the leader of the Southern District, he became more confident. There are more powerful players, but he is still confident of winning the championship.

Naturally, it is difficult to say this, but everyone will be together in the future, they will choose songs to practice, and they will always hear him singing. There is no need for him to hide it and pretend to be calm, "I don't know very well either. But it should be fine, my breath is longer and my tone is good..."

Tang Baoru curled his lips, "What you said means you didn't say it. When you go back, you can perform it again for everyone to listen to... Don't worry, I will also perform my special skills."

Chen Qiang continued at this time, "Well, this is good. We can all show off our respective abilities and treat each other as a competition. This is also a promotion for each other."

There is definitely no problem in performing, but it is not realistic for everyone to tell others the skills they have mastered. Even if it is a small group, it is still selfish. Chen Jin does not deny this.

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