
The King of Gossip

His singing voice is addictive, his acting is enchanting, and his dance moves are absolutely electrifying. He is the KING of the entertainment world! However, this guy, with his god-like perfect looks and physique, is primarily known for his constant scandals, present everywhere and at all times. Reporter: You say it's just a rumor, but our people caught you spending a night at Avril's house? Man: I was just there to discuss some concert matters with her, and we ended up talking about life and dreams... Reporter: And what about the kiss with Emma Roberts? Man: Everyone knows I'm a great actor; I was just discussing with her how to perform a kissing scene. Reporter: But what about the Christmas Eve party with Scarlett Johansson, Taylor Swift, and seven other female celebrities... Man: Hey, buddy, I told you those are just rumors. We were just playing CS that night, 1V7, oh, NO, it was 4V4. Yes, all of that is just gossip!

OCTOBER456 · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 22 Bringing humiliation to oneself

Just as Chen Jin thought, there is no choice in this statement. You have to sign it if you don't want to sign it. Otherwise, it is almost certain that you will get out.

Some people were hesitant, but most of them had little social experience and quickly started writing. Even Junying and Tang Baoru quickly wrote down their names after Chen Jin's words came out, but Tang Baoru stared at him after signing. , wrinkled his nose, "King, if something goes wrong then, Yingying and I will be the first to settle the score with you."

Chen Jin shrugged and hadn't spoken yet. Li Guoxian on the other side said, "Just ask him to pay compensation to you two. However, it will be troublesome for you two to break up!"

Tang Baoru and Lian Junying didn't like this unfavorable guy, especially when he was sitting next to Chen Jin. He was still like that, which was simply unbearable. The former looked at him with contempt and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

At this time, Chen Qiang stood up and asked, "Mr. Wu, can we visit everywhere?"

This was a question that everyone asked unanimously. Wu Zhizheng didn't know what these guys were thinking, so he shook his head, "No, in the future, except for the professional training center at the back, you are not allowed to trespass anywhere else. Once caught, it will be cancelled." Your qualifications to participate."

At the end of the story, his voice was already very stern, which made the people below him feel cold. At this time, Wu Zhizheng began to lighten the atmosphere again, "Come on, you will become big stars in the future, and you can watch whatever you want." of."

Turning to leave, he seemed to remember something, stopped and turned around, "By the way, your promotion qualification card is your pass to enter here in the future, don't lose it."

An arrogant guy sitting in the front row stood up and asked with a shy face: "Mr. Wu, do people with golden promotion qualification cards have some privileges, and can they enter the studio and other places to have a look?"

Chen Jin remembered that this guy was the one he was whispering about in secret. This time, he probably had no good intentions and thought of stabbing Chen Jin indirectly. However, this guy was obviously a little too young, and Wu Zhizheng was just cold. She glanced at him and walked out without even shaking him off.

At this time, Li Guoxian patted his chest with palpitations, "Good guy, I was just about to ask this, what a blessing, what a blessing, otherwise I will be dead this time!" Chen Jin chuckled and answered half-truthfully. , "If you are still so arrogant, sooner or later it will be your turn to shine."

Li Guoxian seemed to be aware of this problem and gave him an elbow. He still refused to admit defeat, but lowered his voice and said, "Why, you feel distressed after I said a few words. Tsk, tsk, I can't see that you are still so sympathetic to her. "

Boss Wu Zhizheng left, and a very charming woman in her thirties stood up with a charming smile, "Hello everyone, my name is Chen Zichen. From now on, I will be responsible for your food, clothing, housing and transportation. But I Let me make it clear that except for the standard daily consumption in the wireless canteen and the hotel where you stay, I will not pay any attention to your consumption outside."

Seeing the beauty, and the beautiful woman with a smile, naturally made everyone feel more relaxed. Zhao Shaowen stood up with a smile, "Beautiful sister, will you meet many celebrities when you go to the cafeteria to eat later?"

Chen Zichen smiled sweetly, that mature style was still very lethal to the young guys in front of him, "Pretty boy, let me ask you, if you become a big star, will you still go back to the big cafeteria to eat?"

Although there was no direct answer, everyone understood, but Li Guoxian stood up and asked, "Is it possible that they are so busy that they have no time to eat, so they can only make do with it in the cafeteria?"

Chen Jin sighed in his heart at the stupidity of this question, and then heard Chen Zichen chuckle, and it was a waste for this woman not to act, "Since we don't have time to eat, doesn't it also take time to go to the cafeteria? "

At this time, the guy in the front row who had just had a bad experience in front of Wu Zhizheng sneered, "Idiot, he must have eaten it directly on the set. This is really a stupid question to ask."

Li Guoxian is not the kind of person who gets angry in anger. He just has a sharp mouth. He glanced at Huang Mao hatefully and muttered, "Hold it, you can't fight with him, otherwise you will be in trouble." ."

Chen Jin laughed in his heart. Li Guoxian's words were obviously making excuses for himself, and also telling others to avoid embarrassment. In fact, they had already made rude remarks, so even if he argued with the other party, nothing would happen. .

Seeing the weird looks on Tang Baoru and the others' faces, Chen Jin felt that it was very hard to bear it. Chen Jin despised Li Guoxian in his heart and lamented for him. He was really embarrassed now.

It was Chen Zichen who gave Li Guoxian some relief, but Chen Jin could still see the deep ridicule and contempt in her eyes, "Actually, there are still celebrities in the dining hall, but they are very few. I would like to remind you now, don't Feel free to harass them, otherwise they may not look good on you."

As expected, there are not many celebrities in the big cafeteria of TVB. The only ones are second- and third-rate actors, just like the original Chen Jin. However, Hong Kong is such a small place that there are only so many TV series released every year. Tang Bao and others It's better than Chen Jinmeng's, and he's still famous.

The food was quite sumptuous, much better than the box lunches that Chen Jin had when he was playing a small role. This made up for everyone's regret of not seeing the big-name celebrities. After the meal, Chen Zichen chased them like ducks. The bus took them to a small hotel in Tai Po Tsai less than a kilometer away.

It is a hotel rather than a guest house, but the security measures are very good. Behind it is the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The environment is quiet, surrounded by red flowers and green grass. The rooms are clean and look very comfortable.

What Zhao Shaowen and the others are paying attention to is what Chen Zichen said. There are also many little celebrities staying in this place from time to time. They are chattering and impatient. They have already begun to discuss how to chase them and make friends with them.

The fifth and sixth floors at the top have been reserved for Chen Jin and others. Chen Zichen arranged rooms for them one by one. He did not act arbitrarily and listened to their opinions.

When Chen Jin and the others arrived, Chen Qiang had already stood up and said, "I'll live with KING." Seeing Chen Zichen's smiling smile, to be honest, Chen Jin was happier than Chen Qiang at that time. Because he didn't want to live with Li Guoxian. That self-righteous and foul-mouthed guy really didn't leave. Living with him was really torture.

Chen Jin and the others lived in 606. To his surprise, Chen Zichen pointed at 608 opposite, with an inexplicable smile, and asked Tang Baoru and Lian Junying to move in, and then turned to look at Chen Jin , "King, you have to take good care of these two little sisters!"

This woman has good looks and a particularly good figure. It was quite hot in Hong Kong in early September. She was wearing an office girl's suit. Her hips were tight and curved. Although the white shirts of this era were big, they could not cover up her figure. Benqi, who was high and had already tasted the taste. Chen Jin, who had been empty for a long time, and with the effect of the demon seed, was now even more ready to move.

The more charming a woman looks on the outside, the less likely she is to be easily provoked. This kind of woman is either pretending on purpose, or she is just a flirt. If she is pretending, and you are provoked, you will be doomed; As for Yan Shimei Xing, there are still many men behind her, and they will still be dead if they mess with her.

Pretending not to hear, Chen Jin didn't intend to respond, lest the woman fall on the pole. Seeing that Chen Jin didn't speak, Chen Zichen glanced sideways at him, with a hint of curiosity and surprise in his eyes, but didn't say anything more.

After arranging everyone's accommodation, Chen Zichen called everyone together again and finally gave instructions: "Everyone, please pay attention. This afternoon you can get familiar with the environment here, or you can go to the company's training center to take a look. It's all up to you." Make your own arrangements, but starting from tomorrow, your professional training time will be from 9 to 10 in the morning and from 2 to 3 in the afternoon. During these two hours, no one can be absent, otherwise they will be disqualified."

"Also, let me emphasize again, this hotel has a special kitchen that will provide you with meals within the standard. If you are not satisfied, you can also go to the company canteen to eat... In short, in these two places, The company pays for meals, but we don't care when we go outside, and the company is not responsible for safety issues."