
The King of Evolution

A game called 'Evolutionism' is the revolutionary MMORPG that allows the player to become either an adventurer or a monster. Meet Alden Gray. He is a high ranked player in the day where he also created a guild that can topple the balance of the world. At night, he is a rebel soldier. Alden is fighting an government that is trying to put all of the world under one rule. However, Alden lost his life and is reincarnated to a different world, but not as one would hope. Alden first reached the realm of the gods and was ridiculed by the Goddess of Order named Arukatha and was banished into the Void which no powerful being can survive, not even Deities alike. However, not only Alden survives in the Void, he is getting stronger there as well. Yet, he is not alone, he meets other beings with traits incomprehensible through normal means. Alden then transports himself to the world similar to his favorite MMO with the same identity in his game named Kain Void. Will he survive in a world like he did in the game or die again before he gets the chance?

NightlyWinter · Fantasy
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245 Chs

To Valtuz (Part 3)

I find a tree and began climbing to the top to get a better view of the upcoming battle. Now time to start.

"Schwarze, make yourself visible to the enemies." I said. Schwarze flapped his wings and began flying around the camp.

The bandits who are walking around, eating what they hunted. Laughing, cracking dark and vulgar jokes.

"That army of 300 including Arzus to Nolten village. Those poor villager fucks will be dropping like flies when they get there." one man said.

"It's been 3 days since they came here. I heard rumors about the village holding some good elves and beastkins. The best elf is in Noltia." another one said.

"Hehehe...you're making my mouth drool." said another bandit.

A bandit that was stationed on the wooden tower is vigilantly looking out for anyone unsuspecting. That is until a shadow flew over his head.

The bandit blinked and looked up to see a black owl flying around. An owl that any person should avoid. Black and purple feathers, purple eyes, black talons. The bandit's face paled greatly just by seeing the owl. The owl that spread great misfortune everywhere in its wake, etching fear and despair into their souls. By being seen by such an owl means their fate is sealed.

The Despair Owl.

"Guys! This is bad!" he shouted down at them. "There's a Despair Owl!"

At that moment, it's time to attack.

"Vampa, Burya, fly over and attack." I said.

Vampa and Burya flapped their wings and flew to the sky. Vampa charged her magic and began using a Tier V Lightning Spell, Thunderstrike. Yellow lightning sparks around her, emitting a bright light above the camp. The watching bandit that looked up saw a ball of lightning. Many others saw it as well.

"Monster Attack!" the tower bandit yelled as he began to jump off the tower just to get away, but it was too late.

Burya launched Thunderstrike upon the tower and Vampa launched a Tier V Fire Spell, Great Flame Pillar.



The two spell strike down upon the bandits with tremendous force. The shockwaves, the debris, and the corpses killed in the blast shredded the nearby tents.

"We're under attack!"

"Look! Thunder Crow and Flare Crow!" one bandit yelled, pointing at the sky.

"Steinberg, Flammenberg. Attack and give them a roar." I said.


A loud roar is heard from the trees which made them turn desperately where is it from since it was reverberating from a wide area. Then my two bears start running towards the camp.

"Rock Bear and Flame Bear!? Run! We don't stand a chance!" Said the bandits and began running away.

"Outta the way, yellow bellies! I have slain bears before and I'll kill it again!" said one bandit.

That one bandit bursts out of the tent wearing armor out of bear hide and wielding a greatsword. I take a look at that sword with Appraisal.

<Name: Cleaving Fang>

<Type: Greatsword>

<Rarity: Rare>

<Skills: Beast Bane-II, Slash Up-II, Weight Reduction-II>

Beast Bane, deals extra damage to beasts like Steinberg. It's a problem if left unchecked. However, these two bears are 3 ranks higher. I wonder how will they fare.

"The Bear Slayer, Torg! Go get them! Make them your next trophies!" the bandits cheered for Torg.

"HRRAAAGH!" Torg swung his single-edge greatsword at Steinberg's head which is plated in stone armor.


The blade that struck Steinberg's head and it shattered into pieces as if it was made of glass. Steinberg's head remained unmoved. Hell, his armor wasn't even scratched.

Torg looked at the broken weapon as its pieces fall upon the ground.

"My sword...broken?" Torg said. Steinberg then did a horizontal swipe at Torg's head. But time waited no one.


Steinberg swipes his large paw and pulverized Torg's head, scattering his brain and skull to the side. Torg's body fell down afterwards.

"Oh god, Torg was killed in one hit?"


The bandits that saw their "Bear Slayer" ironically get murked by a bear run for their lives.

"Gris, Noire, make sure none of them escapes." I said.


Gris and Noire nodded and went on different directions to cut off any stragglers from escaping. With their speed, no bandit could escape.

As I see the cage that has been undamaged since it is away from the initial blast, I jumped down from the tree.

"Hyoran, Fennec, Paura, Viri, follow me!" I said. They followed me to the cage where the Rock Bull is held in. We reached the camp, but most of the bandits are preoccupied with the bears and wolves.

We reached to the cage where two guards are watching the Rock Bull who is thrashing around, bound in chains and thick iron cuffs.

"Hey, cut it out!" the bandit yelled and struck the Rock Bull with a whip to cull the bull.

"Should we abandon the camp? Those monsters are bad news." one bandit said.

"We raided cities with that thing the boss gave us! If we lose it, it'll be our heads on his silver platter!" the other bandit said.

"Y'all won't be needing it anyway." I said. "Cause we'll be taking it."

The bandits quickly turned around at the voice, but it was too late for them to react. We severed their heads with our horizontal cuts.


The Rock Bull shot steam out from its nose and thrashed around to break free only for it to be in vain.

[The Rock Bull wants to get out of the cage and take vengeance upon the bandits for abduction.]

"Don't worry, buddy. We'll get you out." I said and I felt something tug at me. I looked down to see Fennec found the keys from the bandits for the locks.

I take the keys and unlocked the cage and unlocked the chains that binds the bull. Four on its legs, three on its torso, one on its neck, and one on each two horns.

I walked out of the cage and the bull pressed its nose against me.

[The Rock Bull appreciates you for freeing it. It will now follow you.]

Now that I got a closer look, this Rock Bull looks like the bulls from Spain. Its fur is black, protected by plates of stone, and the horns are sharp. Just like the time when my bull went through buildings and armies alike.

"I will name you...Taudera." I said to the bull.

[Rock Bull now named as Taudera.]

But first, I must heal Taudera. I placed my hand on Taudera's head and emitted a green light using Healing Magic.

[30 minor injuries healed. Taudera is now healthy.]

"Are you ready to take revenge on the bandits who caged you and go beyond?" I said to Taudera.

Taudera shot steam from his nose and scraped the ground with his hoof. He's ready for sure.

"Hey! The bull is out! Who are those bastards!?" one bandit yelled.

"Shit, we're already dealing with four monsters already. Get that bull back in!" the other bandit said.

Taudera glanced at me and glared at the group with malicious intent. I patted his torso and told him the words.

"Go gouge those fuckers."

Meet Taudera, he's a bull that will run them pockets if you cross him.

NightlyWintercreators' thoughts