
The king of everything

After humanity overcame the crisis of the Rifts thanks from the three kings, they became complacent with their powers. But what they didn't know was that the worst was still to come. And that they would be saved from someone they knew less. _________________________________________________ This is my first ever written story, so don't be too mean with me (but I will still read the comments and reviews to get better at this). Also, warning, english isn't my first lenguage.

LonelyAstronaut17 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 15: soul, a mysterious energy.

Finally, after FABL put the Aster with future sight on the ground, MAster decided to wake him up.

"come here and wake up" MAster touched slightly his head, and he instantly woke up.

"...uh? What.....happened?"

"..." Aster was.... well, he was no longer surprised after everything that happened, but he was still curious about how that Aster woke up with only a touch on his head when he was sleeping peacefully while being thrown in the air.

"..... don't think too much about it, let's just say his head is his weak point" MAster responded to OG Aster after seeing his face "now, let's do what we were going to do, everyone get ready!"

"YES!" (x9) all the other EX Asters that were making the preparations went towards MAster and stood at his side.

"now, let's do this, you must warn us if something will happen in the short future, ok?"

*yawn* "...ok...."

"ok, now, let's begin!" MAster and the other EX Asters stood close to each other surround a strange structure.

"remember, this structure will be the door towards the soul, it will be like a tunnel and we must be carefull while stranghtening its walls so they don't crumble" MAster and the other Asters started manipulating the mind, using its force to make a hole in the midle of where the structure was standing.

The structure looked like a normal arched frame door, it didn't have a door, it was only a frame, what was strange was that it was made of a weird almost transparent energy, it was made from mind energy.

MAster and the others started concentrating on the center of the door, trying to make a ``hole´´.

"...slower....." the EX Aster said while seeing the future.

"more slower guys!" OG Aster said louder so they could hear what he said.

"..." FABL was just there, laying down on the floor bored.

After the other's heard that, they started to slow down. And they continued like that, sometime changing the speeds while following orders until finally, they made a small hole.

"!!!" everyone was surprised, they finally made an advancement!

"....slower....dont get....excited....."

"slower, guys!"

They started to slow down again and continued with it. After time passed, they could see the differences, the hole was getting bigger and bigger, until it started touching all of the frame of the door.

"we can....start ``digging´´"

"ok guys, let's get in!" as OG Aster said that, everyone started getting closer to the door, forming a line.

"we will make a ``rope´´ of mental energy, you guys have to pass me the energy while I make a path, understood?" MAster said, while looking at the other EX Asters.


"ok, now, let's go" MAster got even closer at the door and started pushing it with the energy, he started drilling through it.

-one hour later-

/skill "soul connection Lv1" has been obtained/

*pant pant* "fucking... finally..." MAster fell to the floor after exiting the door "you guys take care of it now...."

"yes sir!!" the EX Asters started entering the door and started working on the foundations and stability.

*phew* "you made it safely, you deserve to take a brake, here, sit on this couch I made" OG Aster said, pointing at him the couch he made with his mind.

"....you learn fast, I'll greatly accept i-" before he could say anything, he could see FABL already sleeping on it.



The both of them were expresionless.

"...let me make another one for you" after that, he looked at his new skill.

/T1 soul connection Lv1: soul strenghtening +0%/

"mmmh, that's simple, but it will help while going inside. Now, what do I do?" he looked around, he saw MAster and FABL sleeping, but as he was looking, he saw again theother Aster who saw the future, surprisingly he wasn't sleeping.

"so....what do you want to be called in the future?" OG Aster said to him, looking at his face "I think SPAster would be good, it would stand for Sleeping Prophet Aster, because you say prophecies while sleeping, do you like it?"

He was silent while hearing it and after some seconds, he let a small smile "yes.... I like it..... " he made a smile radiating such warmth that it could even melt the north and south pole at the same time.

It definitively did to OG Aster 'holy fuck, what was that?!... wait... he already looks different?!' he saw the changes that happened in front of him, SPAster changed a lot.

He was now shorter, as short as a 10 year old.... hell, he looked exactly like him as a 10 year old!

"....mmmh?.....this feels very...different.....you are now tall....." he tried to move himself, but couldn't because he was in a large soft and fluffy oversized robe "....this feels.....warm...." *zzzzzzzzz....* he fell asleep.

"...." OG Aster didn't know what to do, he saw first hand how one of his wills changed instantly.

"wha- eh what happened?" MAster felt something change in the mind and rapidly woke up, seeing the kid on the floor "....what happened?"


-some explaining later-

"ok, I think why he changed to that form so fast" MAster said, while makind a table and some chairs "I alredy explained about the jobs and the changes, so basically what happened was that he already fulfilled his job and changed after getting accustomed with it..."

"and he changed after getting his own name, right?" OG Aster said, already expecting the answer.

"yes, by obtaining a name he was able to become someone else, he obtained his new identity"

"but why a child? I still don't get that..."

"that's because of the sleeping, you know that sleeping regenerates our healt and all that, right? So, because he slept too much, he directly rejuvenated to his child form, or at least that's what I think it is" he said, while looking at the kid sleeping on top of the table.

His robe was wrapped around his body, making him look like a burrito.

"but that's enough, he is just another will who changed, this will be something common in the future, now let's get to the main point" he fell silent for some seconds "...the EX Asters have already strenghtened the path towards the soul and the skill is increasing greatly, we should go now before it get's more late, it should be around 04:15, before it reaches 05:00 we should be in our room" while saying that, everyone else was getting up.... except SPAster, he was just sleeping.

After they got closer to the door, they went inside 'ouch, my eyes' OG Aster could only see a blinding light as he was getting deeper, deciding to close his eyes and let his other senses guide him.

Some more walking later, they finally reached an open space, it was.... a bit empty.

"man, I expected something better" FABL felt disappointed "I tought it would at least have something, there is only some weird pillars and thats it"

As he said, there were only pillars, each shaped different and everything with a white color, but the weird thing was, they were slowly changing their forms and making small holes, expelling something.

MAster got closer, trying to investigate what it was "mmmh, this is a similar.... energy to the ones we saw, but first we should see where its going and why its production" he kept looking at the energy that was being created and followed its path, after some following, they reached a wall.

"this should be the limit of the soul, after the energy moves towards the wall, it seems that it merges with it, But... why?" he kept examining it even closer, being able to see trough the wall.

He saw their body from their inside, being connected by some strings and molding itself inside the body.

"OH! So this is it! That's how it happens!" MAster was excited.

"...could you explain us?" FABL said, bored by only walking and nothing else.

"of course, it seems I was a bit mistaken, the soul doesn't look like our body since birth, it's just inside of us as a mass of special energy, let's call it ``soul energy´´, and while being inside, it starts making strings to pull and stretch itself all over our insides to fill our physicall self and become fully one with it"

".....oooooookaaaayyyy...." he didn't understand anything.

"oh, I think I get it, then, how could we accelerate it's procces?" OG Aster asked towards MAster.

"heh, thats easy, we just need to evolve our soul skill, after strengthening our connection enough, we should try and manipulate the soul energy production, that way we could evolve it towards a soul manipulation skill"

"mmh, yes that sounds very good, the we should strenghten the conexion as much as possible before going to my room again"

"of course, with our mind abilitys it should be enough, now let's get working again!"

"...." FABL was just looking at a empty space '....thinking is tiring....'

-30 min later-

/soul connection (awakening) Lv25/

"ok, now, who should we let try to manipulate the soul?" OG Aster said, looking at everyone.

"...I want... to try..." SPAster said, raising his small hand.

"you? But haven't you changed already?"

"...yes...but seeing the future.... is mystical....and also controlling....the soul..."

"ok, ok, I see what you are getting at, but are you sure?"

"...yes...I dont see... anything bad...happening..."

"ok, do you need anyone to carry you?" OG Aster said, looking at SPAsters oversized robe.


Two EX Asters came closer and made a ``chair´´ using their arms, carrying SPAster on top of it.

"...thanks..." SPAster said while smiling and touching their heads. Everyone in that room felt their hearts melt after seeing that smile.

"ugh... MAster, why does that happen every time he does that?"

"I...I don't know, it must be a change on him, but I don't know why..." MAster, the one who always had an answer to everything, was completely empty.

"do you want to know why?" FABL said "it's because he is our little brother, that's why!" while looking midly unnafected by it, he was feeling very proud 'to be able to make us so defenseless, truly incredible!!'

'...why are you acting as a master warrior?' everyone thought at the same time.

Meanwhile, SPAster was being carried inside the soul, after entering, he felt the soul energy seeping inside him, making feel very sleepy.

"...you can....put me on....the ground..."


After the two EX Asters followed his orders, SPAster threw himself on the floor, laying down.

"...mmmh....how....comfortable..." *zzzzzzzz....*

Even after falling asleep, he still could feel the energy moving, and he started moving it himself on his sleep.

/"soul connection" has evolved into "soul manipulation"/

/it will now give +0,5% more/

/soul manipulation Lv1: soul affinity +25%/

Everyone else noticed the skill evolving and decided to enter inside too see the changes, and after entering, they saw it.

A huge ball of strings, making a bed in which SPAster sleeping.

"well, that was easy, I'll let in charge of the connection to the EX Asters, now that this is done, should we explore where are our skills?" MAster proposed, as he started walking.

Some walking later, they didn't find anything, so before making the EX Asters manipulate the strings, they made them also search the place.

After 2 minutes, they found nothing.

After 5 minutes, still nothing.

And after 10 minutes of searching every single place on the soul, there was no skills at all.

"....." MAster was silent "this... how... they should be here!" MAster let out a small scream "if they are not here, WHERE ARE THEY?!"

"MAster calm down, calm down, they must be somewhere else, maybe its merged inside our soul-mind-body, and after connecting them all, maybe we could find it" OG Aster said to MAster, who was losing a bit of his mind over it.

MAster took a deep breath and calmed himself down "...you are right, I shouldn't become like this over such a small inconvenience, if we can't do something right now, we only need to get stronger and then search for it untill we find it. Now its getting a bit late, you should go to your room now" as he said that, he turned around and started walking "and thank you for calming me down, I should learn for our future, we will never always be correct, we can do some mistakes and learn from them"

As OG Aster heard that, he decided to go outside and go back to his bed.

-10:16, Sunday, at Sophie's house-

Sophie was waking up by the alarm besides her bed.

She felt very refreshed after training all day yesterday her swordsmanship and magic with her specialized tutor, someone who was able to rival a peak - false king on power.

After stretching her body, she decided to get up from her bed and grab some clothes to shower herself. While entering the bathroom, she saw the bathtub as large as half a pool had a greenish color "it seems that the maids put inside some bath bombs"

After taking off her clothes and getting inside, she felt a presence outside the door "go away, I don't want to talk"

"!!!" the person was surprised "sorry lady Sophie, it seems you are getting better at detecting people" a female voice could be heard behind the door.

"of course I'm gonna get better at it, you bastards always keep spying on me. Now, go away"

"....sorry for disturbing you, lady Sophie"

Sophie could sense the women's presence go away *sigh* "that bastard doesn't know about privacy or what?" Sophie hugged her legs and submerged a bit of her face under water.

'mmmh, relaxing....'

After some time in the water, she decided to get out, and while drying herself she saw her body, she had a scar on her stomach, made by the sword of her father.

"....." she ignored it completely, what she was paying attention was a small purple mark around the side of her hip.

'...he's been learning so fast, although I went easy on him, I didn't expect him to hurt me' she was thinking of a boy, someone who she didn't expect much when they met but was actually quite an interesting person.

'to be able to learn so fast.... what will Aster be doing for that power? Talent? Resources? A master?.... I should get to know him better, it's been some time since I trained with him' she started getting dressed....... untill she reached her chest, at that moment she stopped completely.

"...." she was completely flat ".... there are some things that even magic can't do....ha....haha.....hahaha..." she was letting a dry laugh out of her mouth with a emotionless smile "...at least I can pad it out...."

....even strong people have simple weaknesses.....

-10:33, Sunday, Aster's bedroom-

Aster was sitting on his desk, looking at his computer in wich could be seen multiple videos about programming, AI's and robotics.

For any normal human, it would have been immposible to even know what was happening on the videos, but for Aster, he only needed to look and hear it to transfer it to his brain and let his other wills study it, he was like a knowledge interceptor sending the information to the research center.

After a some videos, he decided to download a simple app and put that information to use.

After messing with it for some minutes, he was able to do something very simple, he was able to automatize one of his games! The game was a bit simple, making it enough for it to work.

It would click on a specific point for a while and after some time, it would move the cursor to another place.

Yep, it was a clicker game, it would gain points and then buy one of every uprade all the time.

/skill "simple programming" has been obtained/

/simmple programming Lv1: programming efficiency +0%/

"good, maybe I should try to make a simple AI.... at least I could get its skill while trying it"

He was planning to make a simple AI for another game, this time a puzzle game. While making it, it seemed to be working well, but when he activated it.... there was an error "...well, I'll try again" he changed some things that he found as the problem and activated it again....another error, but now there were more "...this will take some time"

-20 minutes later-

/skill "simple AI production" has been obtained/

/simple AI production Lv1: AI making efficiency +0%/

"ugh, finally, why was it so hard?...at least I have the skill now..." he felt mentally tired, but a good shower could help him, so he grabbed his things and went to the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom to take a shower, something came to his mind "mmmh? Sophie? Why did she appear on my mind?....did you predict something? Well, ok, I'll go train today, I'll try to make obtain a mechanical skill later, and I should also evolve the other skills to at least Tier 2"


/skills Lv-/

/obtainment/skill silencing/skill library/skill sealing/

/passive skills/

/T3 pore breathing Lv1/T3 unique blood Lv1/T3 knowledge keeper Lv1/T3 absolute senses Lv1/T3 multi-will Lv3/T3 mind archival Lv3/T3 blood swordsmanship Lv1/T3 blood footwork Lv1/T3 calmness Lv1/T3 lucid dream Lv1/T1 mana storage (sealed) Lv1/

/active skills/

/T3 scripture making Lv1/T3 energy rush Lv1/T3 hyper thinking Lv1/T3 examination Lv1/T3 super jump Lv1/T3 hyper speed Lv1/T3 blood control Lv1/T3 body control Lv1/T3 monster roar Lv1/T3 energy punch Lv1/T3 energy kick Lv1/T3 energy slash Lv1/T3 blink Lv1/T3 future sight Lv1/T3 ground control Lv1/T3 earth destroyer Lv1/T3 wood changer Lv1/T2 cultivation Lv1/T2 disguise Lv1/T2 soul manipulation Lv6/T1 simple programming Lv14/T1 simple AI production Lv1/T1 sneak Lv1/T1 theft Lv1/