
The King of Creation is Born

One day Henry finds himself in a new world With Goddesses? What will Henry do in this new world and what will this world have in store for him.

PENGUINI · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The End of My Normal Life

Today was just like any other ordinary spring day, the sun was high in the sky and the temperature was a light 60 degrees and I had a day of school ahead of me. My parents were busy with their work so I decided to walk to school. As I left my house I saw the leaves budding in trees and I saw the shade that a tall oak tree provided. I continued to walk down the street and I started to hear the conversation of a man on his phone. He was very loud and he was talking about his work. I ignored him for a while and kept listening to my music. While walking I saw the man start to text on his phone while walking and he walked into the middle of the street. From the corner of my eyes I could see a truck speeding down the lane towards the man and I yelled to try to warn him. The man kept walking and ignored me so I threw my bag down and ran to push the man out of the way. After that everything went blank and I suddenly opened my eyes to the sight of two beautiful women, one with dark skin and black hair with the other with silky white skin with blonde hair. The Blonde one to the right said,

"welcome to the afterlife, you died on Earth saving a man from being hit by a truck". The dark skinned one came closer and interrupted saying,

"you saved a man who didn't deserve your saving and now you are dead and up here with us". The blonde one and the dark skinned one then started whispering to each other but I could tell that they were arguing, so I decided to interrupt them.

"I understand what you are trying to tell me but how about we introduce ourselves again to each other, my name is Henry how about you two".

The blonde one cleared her throat and started to speak,

"I am sorry about that we shall introduce ourselves, I am the goddess of light and my name is Hibana and you can call me by name if you want".

The dark skinned one cleared her throat and then said,

"I am the goddess of darkness and my name is Mia and it's nice to meet you. Though the circumstances are not the best"

"Alright now that we have introductions out of the way I would like to know since you two are the goddesses of light and darkness does that mean you can do magic and if so why is there no magic on Earth" I asked trying to learn more about what was going on.

Mia answered, "we have magic but the reason that there is no magic on Earth is because we are not the original Gods for your world we are from our world called Isandria and we came here to look for someone to save our world"

I was astonished but replied,

"If you aren't the original Gods of this world what happened to the original Gods did they leave"

Hibana responded

"The Gods of your world decided to leave it after the constant warfare ended, and these gods were known to you as the Roman Gods, Egyptian Gods and the Nordic Gods"

With this information I was shocked to learn what happened on Earth because the Gods of the old religions were the real Gods. But I thought it was pretty cool so I didn't mind it that much so I went along with it and asked them,

"If you were looking for someone to save your world is that the reason that you are talking to me now and telling me about my worlds truth and about your world"

Mia responded,

"Yes we have decided to have you be the person to save our world because of how you act to help others and how you stand up for those being bullied, like in 5th grade when you stopped those boys from attacking the kid who was disabled and you also stood up for the people being discriminated based off of their race, we chose you because we thought that you were the most capable in being able to save our world because of how kind you are and how you fight for those who don't have as much rights or respect from others"

"Wow I didn't know that you had been watching me for all this time i'm shocked… Wait does that mean you have seen everything?" I asked, thinking about my search history.

Both Mia and Hibana blushed and said "yes we have seen everything"

I felt very embarrassed because with this knowledge they probably saw my browser history and my "homework folder".

I said,

"Well this is pretty awkward. So let's forget about what you two saw"

"Yes that would be for the best" the two goddesses agreed while blushing.

"Moving on, is there anything you can tell me about your world and why it needs saving" I asked.

"Yes, we will now tell you the story of our world"

This is my first time writing a story that isn't for school and I am excited to see how this story will be recieved. I was inspired by reading hundreds of mangas and novels so I wanted to write a manga but I suck at drawing so this will be a novel for now.

I will be working on improving these chapters over time with the help of the viewers so if there is anything that you believe I should change or fix I will gladly listen to your thoughts.

See you at Chapter 2


P.S. I am still in highschool so I will be trying my best to upload atleast 2-3 chapter a week.

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