
The King of Creation is Born

One day Henry finds himself in a new world With Goddesses? What will Henry do in this new world and what will this world have in store for him.

PENGUINI · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Beginning of My New Life

"Our world, Isandria, was originally a world where all races could live together in harmony where all practiced and learned magic and it was a place where war was not very frequent" Mia said.

"But then dungeons started to pop up all over the country causing a mass panic that caused the peace between races and kingdoms to snap. With the peace ended the kingdoms started to go to war with each other over natural resources to survive these dungeons. The people didn't know that the war was of benefit to the people above known as the "Angels" and the people below known as "Devils". The war would help each side recruit troops and members for the upcoming war that would occur between the Devils and the Angels" Hibana said.

"With the more the kingdoms fought the closer the battle between the Angels and Devils would be. Both of the sides are what you would know as evil, they both only want war and they are told by the elders to have come from a different galaxy where they go from planet to planet to start wars to recruit members to their armies. Every time that they fight it is told that they destroy the world and they have chosen our planet to be their next battleground" Mia said.

"The dungeons are places where different kingdoms could get different resources at the price of civilian lives and where monsters dwell that were from the Devil and Angel armies. The dungeons appear as a way for countries to get what they want without the peace treaties and they appear as a "gift" but when entered they trap and kill the adventurers to recruit more mindless soldiers to their armies" Hibana said.

" The appearance of these dungeons have caused chaos to our world and will be the destruction of it, However there are old ruins that look like dungeons but these are actually the destroyed dungeons from over a thousand years ago when the Devils and Angels tried to fight on our world but were thwarted by the hero and his party. We know that there is a way to defeat them but we need a person to be the hero to go through with the plan and be able to save our world" Mia said.

"But trying to find that person has been difficult and time consuming. We have been trying to find a person to be the hero for 20 years and we haven't been able to find someone worthy to save our world until we saw you" Hibana said. I then interrupted,

"If you have been watching for twenty years how old are you?" After I said this both Hibana and Mia slapped me and said,

"It's rude to ask a woman her age" After this I decided to shut up and continue listening so that I wouldn't get slapped again.

"We watched you grow up and become a fine young man who was kind to all and also willing to stand up to those who disrespect your friends and also random people. You even were willing to risk your life for a person who didn't even listen to your warning and because of it you died at the age of 16" Mia said.

"We chose you because of your personality and your will to succeed no matter how difficult the task. We chose you because of your compassion and drive to be the very best even when you were not the greatest at something. We chose you because we believe in you and we want to continue believing in you forever" Hibana said.

"So what do you want me to do when I go to your world, how am I going to save it?" I said.

"We want you to get enough power to be able to stop both of the Angels and Devils and be able to make peace with the world and discover why the Angels and the Devils decided to fight on our planet" Mia said.

"We will give you the ability to use our powers so that you can start off strong and continue to grow in strength when fighting the dungeons and the Angels and Devils, so can we trust you and choose you to save our world" Mia said.

"Yes, you can trust me and I vow to save your world because of what you told me and also because I want to go to another world. So is there some sort of way that you will teleport me or send me there?" I said. Hinana and Mia started to whisper to each other and they glanced at me and then turned back to each other to continue whispering. It looks like they came to agreement and they stopped whispering to each other and turned back to me.

"Yes we will send you there now so close your eyes and when you wake up again you will be in our world" They both said. I thought to myself "alright this will be easy lets get to it, I want to see what this new world is like. So I closed my eyes and felt my consciousness fade away as I entered a dream-like state where I was transported to the world, Isandria. When I regained consciousness I found myself in a field in a different world. When I looked at the pale purple sky I could see two moons and all the stars in the sky. I then heard a rustle in the brush behind me and I turned around and was met with a familiar sight.

"Hey, nice to see you again" Mia said awkwardly

"How did you guys get here and why did you guys come?" I responded

"We decided to come down with you for two reasons, One of which is because we never taught you how to use your new powers" Hibana said.

"And the other?" I said

"That is a secret" they both responded in a playful manner. And so my life in a new world has begun and the two goddesses who sent me here decided to follow me.