
The King's Avatar: Return of Death (TL)

Su Yan, who debuted in the fourth season of the Jiashi team and retired in the same season, but he is the brightest star of the golden generation of glory! A whole season of individual starters, without a single defeat! Title: Grim Reaper! "Veterans don't die, they only fade away, but... If you think "Full-time Master: Return of Death" is not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and Weibo! -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link https://www.beqege.com/70215/

Funa_ · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Analysis of Emperor Yu Wenzhou

With the addition of Jun Moxiao and the female knight, the output of the wild team gradually leveled off.

"It's a knight of punishment." Huang Shaotian said, "This genre is almost no one to play, right? "

"Is it him?" Yu Wenzhou narrowed his eyes.

"Huh? Captain, who did you guess? Speak quickly, speak quickly! "

"Not sure yet." Yu Wenzhou shook his head, "But Shaotian, most likely, is an old friend of ours." "

Huang Shaotian looked puzzled.

Lan He's face was as usual, but his heart was secretly shocked.

It is worthy of the Yu team, and this information alone has been faintly guessed.

The video continued to play, and the three major guilds took turns to raise conditions to woo them, but the monster squad ignored them.

Soon, the two major guilds couldn't help but rush up, and at the same time, the rest of the team retreated and turned their heads and ran, leaving only Jun Moxiao still output, and the female knight stood motionless not far away.

"Ming Xiu plank road, darkness Chen Cang, so it is, it's really a good plan." Yu Wenzhou chuckled.

"Huh?" Huang Shaotian and Blue Rain were confused.

"Team Yu Mingjian." Blue River exclaimed.

"What do you mean, Captain?" Huang Shaotian asked.

"It's not a brilliant plan, but it's hard to see." Yu Wenzhou paused the video and explained, "Jun Moxiao jumped out to unite with that wild team, and Thanatos also took the opportunity to appear, giving Zhongcaotang and Domineering Xiongtu a false impression of Lanxi Pavilion and Jun Mo laughing and collapsing, Jun Moxiao took the opportunity to cut the boss in front of the three major guilds, and when Zhongcaotang and Domineering Xiongtu couldn't help but make a move, Lanxi Pavilion deliberately stayed in the rear one step slower, did you notice?" Since Thanatos stopped and the others fled, Jun Moxiao's attack speed became faster. "

"He's stacking combos!" Huang Shaotian said.

"That's right, he is stacking combos, after 200 combos, the boss will run away, and in this process, the three major guilds contain each other, Zhongcaotang and Domineering Xiongtu do not dare to step forward, and then notice that the Blue Creek Pavilion does not go up, and even more dare not act rashly, at this time Jun Moxiao quickly stacks 200 combos, I guess he will finally throw the blood gunman in front of the leaders of the two guilds, so that the undead legion summoned by the blood spearman will appear according to the total number of the two guild teams, with the help of the undead legion, the Blue Creek Pavilion can easily contain the two." , Jun Moxiao and Thanatos can calmly lure away the bloody gunman whose hatred is still on them. Yu Wenzhou kept turning a ballpoint pen in his hand, and his speech was not hurried, "And if I'm not mistaken, in order to prevent the two guilds from being angry and corrupting the Hard Blue Creek Pavilion or cleaning up the undead legion before they finish fighting the boss, you should have other preparations, right?" What will it be? "


Lan He secretly swallowed his spit.

It's terrible!

Is this the head of the team? It was like seeing Su Yan and his conversation with his own eyes, and the analysis was not bad at all!

"It seems that there is more than one play in this play, in addition to Ming Xiu plank road and dark Chen Cang, there are also concealed across the sea and surrounded by points to help." Yu Wenzhou said with a smile, "There is a small forest not far from this map, and a valley further away, the target of Thanatos should be that valley, and there should be a team of Blue River people and horses that you temporarily recruited in the grove, and it is basically the violent profession of elemental mage gunsmith and the highly mobile profession of swordsman magic road, there are three goals, one, if the two guilds are hard and rigid Blue Creek Pavilion, the highly mobile profession among them will quickly support, and before that, Your side should give priority to cleaning up the Zhongcao Hall with the deepest hatred for the Blue Stream Pavilion and a small number of people to deter the domineering side, the second purpose is to prevent them from interfering with the Thanatos side after cleaning up the undead legion, so ambush on this necessary path, and third, if there is an accident on the Thanatos side, you can also support as quickly as possible and surround the tactics of reinforcement. "

"What about hiding the sky?" Huang Shaotian asked.

"Who would have thought that a female knight who was killed halfway was someone from the Blue Stream Pavilion?" Yu Wenzhou chuckled.

Blue River is about to kneel.

Damn it, no wonder the Yu team can guess his identity, these three or two almost guessed the color of his bottoms...

"Blue River, am I right?" Yu Wenzhou asked.

Lan He nodded stunnedly.

Yu Wenzhou continued to play the video.

Until the domineering man dropped the cruel words and ran away, Blue River stopped the person who wanted to pursue, and this is the end of the video.

"So in the second case, Jun Moxiao should be in charge of the overall situation in the ambush circle of the woods, right?" Yu Wenzhou said.

"Hmm." Lan He nodded, his back already wet with cold sweat.

"He asked you to keep his identity secret, didn't he say don't let me know about it?" Yu Wenzhou asked.

"He said you can guess and will keep it secret..." After saying that, Blue River realized that he had never said that he knew the identity of Thanatos from beginning to end!

"Yu... Team Yu..."

"Don't be nervous." Yu Wenzhou smiled gently, "It seems that I guessed correctly, it was really him, and Jun Moxiao should be that person, right?" "

"Team Yu, you guessed it? Even Jun Moxiao guessed who it was? Blue River was surprised.

Yu Wenzhou nodded.

"Who is who? Who is the captain quickly say? Huang Shaotian was so anxious that he wanted to grab Yu Wenzhou and shake it, but unfortunately he didn't dare.

"Take a closer look at his operation." Yu Wenzhou transferred back to the video when the female knight first appeared, "Look at the style of positioning, as well as the style of using skills, skills, Shaotian, Zheng Xuan, think carefully, like someone who debuted at the same time as us?" "

Huang Shaotian, Zheng Xuan, Yu Wenzhou, like Su Yan, are all members of the golden generation who debuted in the fourth season, and after carefully observing the style of the female knight, Huang Shaotian and Zheng Xuan couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"Su Yan ?!!!" Huang Shaotian slapped Yu Wenzhou excitedly, "It's Su Yan!" The style of the punishing knight is similar to that of the exorcist, especially Su Yan's playing style! Especially the positional style, although it is not used completely, it is obviously a shadow step that only that guy can use! It must be that guy! Is the guy back!!! "

"Hey..." Zheng Xuan's soft eyebrows were distressed, "Sure enough, this guy is back, the pressure is great..."

"Su Yan... Who is it? "Chunyi hasn't woken up yet.

"Grim Reaper." Blue River reminded.

Chunyi's old eyes widened.

Yu Wenzhou steadied his figure and glanced back at the excited Huang Shaotian, who reacted and laughed twice.

"That's right, it's him, the most eye-catching star of the original glory golden generation, the rookie king of the fourth season who was named the god of death, the operator of the exorcist Karthus, Su Yan." Yu Wenzhou didn't care about Huang Shaotian's slap, and said with a serious face, "And if I'm not mistaken, he practiced the trumpet to make up for the gap of four years, and he will come back and will return to the competition soon." "

Everyone in Blue Rain looked at Yu Wenzhou, who had a serious face, and then looked at Lan He, who nodded.

"But what's with that terrifying tactical literacy? Back then, Su Yan didn't have this kind of mind. Zheng Xuan said.

"He retired four years ago to join the army, how mature is the tactics in glory, how can it be compared with the real battlefield?" Yu Wenzhou said, "Besides, he is accompanied by a Ye Qiu. "

"What?!!!?" The entire training room was instantly fried, and everyone, including Chunyi Lao and Lan He, was stunned.

Yu Wenzhou turned the ballpoint pen in his hand, raised his hand, and the tip of the ballpoint pen pointed at the flowery and green character on the screen, "If I'm not mistaken, Jun Moxiao, that is-Ye Qiu." "

"Jun... Jun Moxiao is... Ye Qiu ?!!!! "

"The scattered people who can use the twenty-four professional skills are so pure, they must be people who can skillfully use the glory twenty-four professions, there are three such people in the history of the alliance, first exclude me, the hand speed can't keep up, and then exclude Captain Fang Shijing, his hand speed can't keep up, the rest is only Ye Qiu, plus standing with Su Yan, then there is no doubt that Ye Qiu, it can only be him." Yu Wenzhou said, "Jun Moxiao's silver martial arts that can change form should be Su Yan's work, after all, in addition to glory techniques, Su Yan is also proficient in the research and production of silver martial arts. "

This was the only mistake in Yu Wenzhou's reasoning, because he didn't know that ten years ago, this Thousand Machine Umbrella was made by a glorious genius who was also good at silver martial arts.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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