
The King's Avatar: A sword that changes thunderously (TL)

Ye Xiu: I have an old friend, who, like you, is also a genius. Huang Shaotian: Did you grow up eating octopus? All of them are tentacle monsters! Wei Chen: I always thought that Lao Ye was the person with the dirtiest heart, but today I found out that Ye Xiu is still too pure. Tang Rou: Let me win you, I will promise you. Duan Yu: I'm sorry, steel straight man Bengang, look at the fist! This book is also called "The King's Avatar Fist Breaks the Sky", "The King's Avatar: Opening Awakening Hand Speed Five Hand Speed" PS: The heroine Tang Rou, Ye Xiu Su Mu Orange CP born monkey. The King's Avatar fan fiction, don't spray if you don't like it! -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link https://book.qidian.com/info/1031309373/

Funa_ · Anime & Comics
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Your mouth is also open.

"Haha! On TV, on TV!

"NND, Lao Tzu is now a master of TV!"

"When we return to the guild, those guys still don't know how to envy and envy, haha, tonight this cowhide, I can blow for a year!"

Seeing his name floating past the full service announcement, Tian Qi's faces were ecstatic and cheered.

Copy First Pass Record!

It's on TV!!

Happiness came so suddenly!

Originally, they grouped Duan Yu and Ye Xiu to help Yue Zhongmian take revenge, but they didn't think about it, the revenge was not successful, but they successfully went on TV!

At this time, watching his name slowly float over his head, Tian Qi's heart rose with a sense of pride and gratitude.

This is all thanks to the two great gods of Jun Moxiao and Yijian, otherwise they would have such a highlight moment.

I never dared to do this.

However, energy is conserved, and if someone is happy, someone will be unhappy. The happier the happy person, the less happy the unhappy person.

G City, Tianhe Comprehensive Sports Center, Blue Rain Club, Blue Creek Pavilion District 10 Operation Branch, Game Room, brightly lit.

Looking closer, I could see five computers side by side in the game room, each sitting in front of the computer.

These five people looked at the top of their computer screens at this time, slowly floating by the system announcement, some smashed the mouse, some slapped the keyboard, some angrily took off the headphones, broke the mouth and cursed.

"Me! That's ten seconds away! "

"MD! One sword, Jun Moxiao, these two hairs again!

"Wherever the turtle sun appears, it has already been announced twice tonight!"

In the midst of the angry scolding, his gaze moved closer again.

On their computer screens, the lord boss of the spider cave, the spider king, has fallen to the ground in blood.

They successfully cleared the spider cave copy, but their clearance time was only ten seconds slower than the clearance time on the announcement!

Just ten seconds!

With only ten seconds to go, this first announcement will become theirs!

Yijian and Jun Moxiao's team of these two actually stole their first pass record with such a slight advantage, how could they not be angry, not annoyed, and not regretful!

These five people are members of the Blue Stream Pavilion, one of the three major online game guilds of glory.

"MD, it's this sword again, Jun Moxiao, there are them everywhere!"

"What the hell are these two people from? Already on two announcements!

"Captain, do you know who these two are?"

Captain Lan He shook his head: "I don't know." Lan

He, the president of the tenth branch of the Blue Stream Pavilion, and the big Blue Bridge Chunxue, is one of the five masters of the Blue Stream Pavilion.

And Blue Creek Pavilion is an online game guild under the umbrella of the Glory Top Club, Blue Rain Club.

The Blue Rain Team has the same name as "Fighting God One Leaf Autumn", "Sword Saint Night Rain Annoyance", and Huang Shaotian, the operator of Night Rain Annoyance, is also the top god player in glory at present.

Tonight the Glory District 10 opens, Blue River will lead the guild elite group to come to the new area to open up land, develop power for the Blue Creek Pavilion in the new area, and absorb fresh blood.

With the background of Blue Creek Pavilion, Blue River is naturally proud and is about to win all the first kill records in the Novice Village, laying a solid foundation for Blue Creek Pavilion to become the first guild of glory.

However, this is only the second copy of the novice village, and the first record was taken by others.

It hit his confidence hard.

And these people who robbed him of the record, he could not guess the identity.

"Tiezhou, you ask the brothers to investigate, I want a sword, Jun Mo laughs all the information of the two."

Lan He said to his left and right arm, the vice president of the Blue Creek Pavilion, and the tie boat.

The boat nodded. "Okay, I'll arrange it now."

As one of the three major online game guilds of glory, Blue Creek Pavilion has tens of thousands of members. There are also many members who come to the new area to open up land, and it is natural to inquire about the news of a few people.

It didn't take long for the boat to bring news.

Seeing the news that the tie boat heard, Lanhe was stunned.

Jun Moxiao, a sword, because of robbing the hidden boss, deliberately pit his teammates, and was scolded by his teammates in the middle of the month.

That is to say, Jun Moxiao, a sword, and this month sleep are enemies.

But the next news is, sleep in the middle of the moon, Jun Moxiao, a sword, they became teammates again, and won the first record of the spider cave.

What the hell is this?

"Are you sure you're not mistaken?" Lan He frowned and looked at the tie boat, how could he rob someone else's boss, be scolded by someone else, and then enter someone else's team, and win the copy record together?

Ji Zhou shook his head: "It won't be wrong, we have two brothers assigned to that novice village, and they saw it with their own eyes."


Lan He also shook his head, and then said: "Forget it, leave them alone first, let's hurry up and level up, and when we reach level 20, we will meet each other." Xingxin

Internet Cafe, Unit 48, Area C.

After winning the first record of the spider cave, Duan Yu was also in a good mood.

The fun of playing games is nothing more than three things, killing bosses and explosive equipment, brushing records on TV, and fighting PK.

However, what made Duan Yu even happier at this time was that he had completed the task of the system and created the second material of the wind and thunder change, and he had arrived.

"System, I want to submit the task."

After coming out of the copy, Duan Yu hurriedly called the system.

[Mission completed, congratulations on obtaining a Wind Attribute Level 5 revolver.

Duan Yu opened his backpack, and in his backpack, there was a revolver that emitted an orange glow.

[Excellent revolver]: Orange


Level: 5

Weight: 1.3kg Attack

speed: 7

Physics.Attack: 58 Magic Attack: 48

Wind Damage:

A 4% chance to trigger a cold wind when attacking, reducing the target's movement speed by 20% in a short period of time.

Attack speed permanently increases by 2%.

Orange Talent: Treading skill LV1 and permanently increases Tread Skill damage by 5%.


Glancing at the attributes of the revolver, Duan Yu turned off his backpack.

This is the material that creates wind and thunder, and the properties are good or bad, he doesn't care very much.

"System, I'm going to get the quest of Spider Cave again."

[If you are successful, please go to the spider cave, clear the spider cave copy, and kill 20 poison-spraying spiders and 20 web-spitting spiders in total.] Completing the mission rewards a level 5 wind attribute orange revolver. Tips: This mission can be claimed repeatedly, but you must team up to clear the quest to complete the mission.


receiving the system task, Duan Yu found that they had not yet entered the copy in the middle of the month, and the three of them were excited there in a circle.

"Hey, that's it, hurry up and get a copy." Duan Yu reminded loudly.

"Okay, good, go ahead and make the next copy, and strive for another hidden boss first kill, that will be perfect." Tian Qi smiled and urged the mid-moon sleep to hurry up and get off the copy.

Mid-month sleep did not dare to delay, and quickly opened the copy.

This trip of the copy brushed more smoothly than the last time, if it weren't for the fact that the Novice Village copy did not have a record-breaking reward, Duan Yu and they would have broken the first record they had just won this time.

After the copy came out, Duan Yu took the task again and opened the third round of spider caves, but this time he entered the copy, and immediately saw a system prompt pop up on the system bar in the lower left corner: You have strayed into the spider lord's cave, be careful, be careful!

"Hide BOSS!!"

Tian Qi let out an exclamation, he just said earlier that it would be good if he could meet hiding, but this time he really met them!

That's a lot of luck!

Hearing Tian Qi's scream, Duan Yu smiled: "Yes, your mouth is also open."

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