
The King's Avatar: A sword that changes thunderously (TL)

Ye Xiu: I have an old friend, who, like you, is also a genius. Huang Shaotian: Did you grow up eating octopus? All of them are tentacle monsters! Wei Chen: I always thought that Lao Ye was the person with the dirtiest heart, but today I found out that Ye Xiu is still too pure. Tang Rou: Let me win you, I will promise you. Duan Yu: I'm sorry, steel straight man Bengang, look at the fist! This book is also called "The King's Avatar Fist Breaks the Sky", "The King's Avatar: Opening Awakening Hand Speed Five Hand Speed" PS: The heroine Tang Rou, Ye Xiu Su Mu Orange CP born monkey. The King's Avatar fan fiction, don't spray if you don't like it! -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link https://book.qidian.com/info/1031309373/

Funa_ · Anime & Comics
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Say good three masters, I didn't think you were fake

, Fat Sea, Love to join in the liveliness, the three of them blend into the crowd of small guilds and retail players.

They were very aware of the task assigned to them by their respective guild leaders, to surround and suppress the blood gunners, and snatch the belonging of the blood gunmen from Jun Moxiao and those people.

In order not to be suspicious, the three first shouted in the crowd: "Why are you all standing?" Kill the boss, you don't kill, I'll kill it! "That's just rushing out of the crowd.

However, as soon as they rushed out of the crowd, they heard a mournful scream, and then countless bullets shot towards them.

"Poof! Burst! Poof..."

"I know!"

"Storm away as soon as you come!"


Before Qiancheng, Fat Dahai, and Aibu could figure out what was going on, they were shot several bloody holes on their bodies, and then fell straight to the ground.


The three guild leaders of Blue River, Plantago and Night Cold Pool have been watching the battle, and they are speechless when they see that the first master they sent out was killed in seconds before they got close to the blood gunman.

Unlucky, it can only be said that these three goods are too unlucky, and as soon as they came out, they encountered a bloody gunman and ran away.


The words that are very familiar in the game generally run away as long as it is a boss.

It's just that ordinary bosses will only run away when their health drops to 10%, that is, when they are red-blooded.

But for high-end bosses like the wild map boss, the conditions for storming away are not only red blood.

Just like the Blood Spearman's rampage, in addition to red blood, there is also a 200-shot combo, it will also run away.

At present, there is still more than half of the blood bar of the blood gunman, and it is obviously not a red blood storm, but a violent walk that has been hit with 200 combos.

The blood gunman was hit with a 200-shot combo, which is a 360-degree shooting without dead angle within a radius of ten meters, that is, a 360-degree Grimm machine gun strafing, but any player who is swept is a dead end.

Previously, a group of small guilds and retail players were wiped out by this violent move of the blood gunman.

With the attack power of the Blood Gunner, no one except the plate armor player can resist the blood gunman's more than two bullets, even the plate armor class, can not bear the continuous shooting when the blood gunner runs away.

It is precisely because the Blood Gunman's violent skills are too terrifying, which makes a group of players around dare not step forward, all waiting outside the encirclement for the Blood Gunman to be beaten into blood by some who are not afraid of death, and then go to pick up ready-made bargains.

"President, are we still on board?"

"Let's take a look before we talk."


The three guild masters who were assigned the second appearance immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

They don't want to be like Qiancheng, Fat Dahai, and Love to make fun of these three, and they will be killed by the blood gunman as soon as they go up.

But at this time, the tie boat beside Lan He suddenly said: "How did Jun Moxiao avoid the violent attack of the blood gunman just now?"

That's a wonderful question.

Fang Cai's blood gunman stormed away, and everyone's eyes looked at the masters of their respective families, that is, the fat sea three who were killed in seconds, and did not pay attention to Jun Moxiao, who had been attacking the blood gunman.

At this time, the blood gunman's violent move had ended, and Mo Xiao was actually still attacking around the blood gunman.

It stands to reason that the blood gunman walked away, and the first one he took away was Jun Moxiao next to him.

But after the blood gunman stormed away, Jun Moxiao was actually safe and sound. That's kind of weird.

"This guy is a little weird, Lao Lan, you are familiar with him, how is this person's technique?" Plantago said at this time.

The two big masters of the Tenth District, Jun Moxiao and Yijian, he had never touched any of them, so he didn't know much about these two.

Lanhe wooed Jun Moxiao and brushed copies several times, if you know the most about Jun Moxiao, it must be Lanhe.

But the psyllium problem stumped Blue River.

How strong is Jun Moxiao?

He doesn't know either.

In his opinion, Jun Moxiao is like a bottomless pit, every time he touches, he finds that the other party is unfathomable and can never see the bottom.

Lan He sighed and could only say: "He is very strong, much stronger than us. The

night chill on the side smiled: "Yo, it's rare to have a day when your blue river shows weakness."

Lan He was too lazy to take care of the cold pool at night, and Che Qianzi asked with a serious face: "Can it be strong enough to single out the blood gunman?"

"How is it possible! No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to kill the blood gunman alone. Blue River's tone affirmed.

He admitted that Jun Moxiao was very strong, even to the limit, but no matter how strong a person was, it was impossible to single out a blood gunman at this stage, even if he was a professional player.

Although Jun Moxiao can deal with the blood gunman alone, and even dodge the blood gunman's violent moves, if you want to kill the blood gunman, it is not just a good technique that can be done.

To kill the Blood Gunner, the hard conditions of the game character must be met. To put it bluntly, the attack must be high enough and the damage must be explosive enough, otherwise there is no possibility at all.

After all, the blood bar of the wild map boss is clearly placed there, nearly ten minutes have passed since the appearance of the blood gunman, in these ten minutes, there have been several people attacking it, at most hundreds of people rushed up to attack, there is still a large part of the blood amount, which shows how thick and long the blood bar of the blood gunner.

With such a thick blood bar, even if the blood gunner stood still and let a ten-person squad attack non-stop, it would take nearly half an hour or so to kill the blood gunman.

What's more, the wild map boss will basically return blood on its own, and if the player's attack is too low, or if it does not attack, the blood gunman's health bar will soon be full.

At present, the player's level is only more than twenty levels, and the output is very limited, and it is simply impossible to eliminate the blood gunman alone, and the mana alone cannot keep up.

If you only use ordinary attacks, I'm afraid you won't even be able to keep up with the blood recovery speed of the blood gunner.

Singled out the Blood Gunner? Maybe it's possible after level forty, now, dream.

Seeing that Lan He's tone was so affirmative, the worry in Plantago Zi's heart was also relaxed.

He didn't believe that a person singled out the blood gunman, and the reason why he asked that was because he really didn't understand how powerful Jun Moxiao was.

Since Jun Moxiao couldn't single out the Blood Gunman, it was not within his consideration of competing for the Blood Gunman's belonging.

The most likely to compete with him for the boss belonging, then only the two guilds of Lanxi Pavilion and Domineering Xiongtu remain, so the main thing he pays attention to next is to beware of these twoThe action of the guild.

Within the encirclement of the Blood Gunner, Bun Invaded five who had fled far away before the Blood Gunman stormed away, and was not attacked by the Blood Gunner.

At this moment, the Blood Spearman's move had been released, so they turned back again.

With them joining, Ye Xiu could deal with it more easily, but these people's attacks were rhythmless, and they all picked up skills and fought randomly.

Ye Xiu really couldn't stand it, and it was simply a waste of resources to fight like this.

"Don't fight indiscriminately, listen to my command." Ye Xiu said.

"Okay, Great God, you command, I will listen to you no matter how I fight."

"Yes, we all listen to the Great God."

These people admired Jun Moxiao, and it was also Jun Moxiao who reminded them that they could get out in advance before the blood gunman stormed away, and they were naturally very convinced by Jun Moxiao.

Since they were all willing to listen to him, Ye Xiu was naturally not polite.

Ye Xiu glanced at the occupations of these people slightly, and then he had a count in his heart, and then began to command.

"Berserk slashes with a cross."

Ye Xiu stabbed the blood spearman with a dragon tooth, the mad swordsman was not slow to react, and immediately swung out the heavy sword in his hand, and then Ye Xiu's dragon tooth skill was a cross slash.

The brush and the two swords crossed and swung out, the blood gunman in a short stiffness could not be avoided, and was engraved with a large cross by the big knife, but unfortunately the blood spearman is a necromancer, there is no visual impact of blood splashes, otherwise this move cross slash will be more gorgeous.

Ye Xiu then shouted, "Rogue throws sand.


Ye Xiu shouted these words, the spear in his hand was raised upwards, and a heavenly strike pushed the blood spearman out of a small levitation.

When Bun Invasion heard his turn to appear, he immediately shouted: "Boss look at the move!" The

bun invasion jumped high, raised a handful of sand in his hand, and threw it on the back and neck of the blood gunman.


Seeing the bun invasion of this hand sand throwing skill, several black lines appeared in Ye Xiu's brain.

Who previously boasted that he was a master, this is the so-called master? With this sand throwing skill alone, it is completely a rookie who is new to the game for the first time.

The Sand Throwing Skill is the signature skill of the rogue class, and it is also a divine skill, but this skill is not used indiscriminately.

When throwing sand, you must throw it at the eyes of the opponent, this is the real meaning of throwing sand!

The hidden effect of throwing sand is that when thrown at the human eye, it can make the other party go blind.

In the blind state, the player's screen is pitch black and nothing can be seen.

How terrifying this effect is, you can imagine how terrifying it is, generally after being hit, you can only be slaughtered by others, and the hooligans will take this opportunity to rush up and rush up to the sea, which is very despicable and indecent.

In the early days of glory, those masters who played hooligans walked the world with a slippery sand throwing divine skill, and when they encountered people who were not pleasing to the eye, they directly threw the sand on their faces, which was refreshing.

So if Bun Invasion is a veteran of the game, it is absolutely impossible not to know the meaning of the skill of throwing sand.

Obviously, this person is not a master at all, on the contrary, this person is a complete rookie, quite a rookie.

The three masters who said yes, I didn't think you were fake...

Meow, another chapter of nearly 3,000 words, don't hide the brother with the recommendation ticket, I have already found you guys, quickly take it out! There are no recommended places in the past two days, the grades have been decreasing, and the author is crying in the toilet! But soon there will be new recommendations, everyone come on, I can hold on!



(End of chapter)

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