
The King's Avatar: A sword that changes thunderously (TL)

Ye Xiu: I have an old friend, who, like you, is also a genius. Huang Shaotian: Did you grow up eating octopus? All of them are tentacle monsters! Wei Chen: I always thought that Lao Ye was the person with the dirtiest heart, but today I found out that Ye Xiu is still too pure. Tang Rou: Let me win you, I will promise you. Duan Yu: I'm sorry, steel straight man Bengang, look at the fist! This book is also called "The King's Avatar Fist Breaks the Sky", "The King's Avatar: Opening Awakening Hand Speed Five Hand Speed" PS: The heroine Tang Rou, Ye Xiu Su Mu Orange CP born monkey. The King's Avatar fan fiction, don't spray if you don't like it! -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link https://book.qidian.com/info/1031309373/

Funa_ · Anime & Comics
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Doubting Ye Xiu's identity.

Ye Xiu's words were too shocking, but what he said was also the truth.

What level he had, Duan Yu knew in his heart.

Before going to Jiashi for trial training, Duan Yu was in contact with ordinary players in online games, and Duan Yu felt that he was already a relatively top-notch type.

But after arriving at the Jiashi Youth Academy, he found that there were people outside the world, and people who were stronger than him simply went to the sea.

At a level that he was proud of, he went to the Jiashi Youth Academy and was eliminated in just the first round of tests.

That's just the academy.

If the Glory League is compared to a university, then the Academy is just a preschool.

After entering the youth academy, you still need to go through layers of selection, layer by layer elimination, and finally a very small number of people with excellent grades have the opportunity to enter the glory university.

But he can't even enter the threshold of preschool, you can imagine how far he has to go to become a professional player.

The two chatted with the spider monster while chatting.

Ye Xiu's side fought relatively easily, and he was also the first to solve eight spiders.

Duan Yu's side was more difficult at first, but after Duan Yu first concentrated his firepower to solve the two spiders, the pressure suddenly decreased a lot.

However, Ye Xiu finished killing eight spiders, and Duan Yu still had three bloody spiders on his side that he hadn't killed.

In this monster killing competition, it was obvious that Ye Xiu was slightly superior.

But Duan Yu was not much slower, and in about ten seconds, Duan Yu also solved all his spiders.

18 spiders have just been destroyed, and the first level boss of the spider cave, the poisonous spider boss, appears in a piercing scream.

The size of the leader of the poisonous spider is several times larger than that of ordinary poisonous spiders, like a spider tank, appearing in front of everyone out of thin air.

The attack method of the poisonous spider leader is the same as that of ordinary poisonous spiders, and it is also spraying poisonous fog, but the poisonous fog of the poisonous spider leader is much more powerful than ordinary poisonous spiders.

Once shrouded in its poisonous fog, the health point is a mad drop, which can be described as extremely ferocious.

Unfortunately, the poisonous spider leader met Ye Xiu and Duan Yu, and under the front and back attacks of the two madmen, the poisonous spider leader appeared in less than two minutes, and quickly received the boxed lunch walking spider.

After killing the boss, Duan Yu and Ye Xiu didn't look at the equipment scattered on the ground, and directly opened the third wave of monster killing competition.

Tian Qi's three people walked to the corpse of the leader of the poisonous spider and picked up the equipment and materials all over the ground into their backpacks.

"These two gods are really too fierce, we have a lot of fish."

"Hehe, I didn't fight a monster under the copy, alas~!" Who would have thought we would have such a day?

"Yes, just do it like this and watch others kill monsters, I really feel uncomfortable, or we will go to find monsters to kill."

"It's quite uncomfortable, and it makes us seem to be superfluous."

"In this way, we do not mix their attacks, we go to find the spider that has fallen behind."

"Yes, yes."

"Then go, hurry up."

After entering the copy, Tian Qi and the three did not kill a single monster, and were completely reduced to "copy cleaners", specifically responsible for picking up the equipment and materials that the monster exploded, which made them uneasy.

So they discussed it, and did not hang behind to watch the battle, but worked in a group of three to eliminate the spiders alone.

This also saved Ye Xiu and Duan Yu a lot of time.

Soon, everyone welcomed the second boss of the spider cave, the leader of the spitting web spider.

The leader of the spitting spider also attacks the enemy by spitting spider webs, and those covered by spider webs will lose their mobility in a short period of time, and then let the spider slaughter.

"Great God, the net that this boss spits is very tricky, how are we going to do it?" Seeing the leader of the Spitting Web Spider, Tian Qi immediately asked.

Ye Xiu smiled faintly: "It's okay, just wait for you to listen to my command."

Although Ye Xiu and Duan Yu could handle this spider, since Tian Qi and the three had already joined the battle, Ye Xiu did not let them watch, but directed them to participate in the queue of hunting the boss.

After all, one more person, one more effort.

"Tian Qi, front kick, Xiao Yue Yue, Lian Spurt, Twilight Cloud Deep, repelled... A sword, uh, you watch the play yourself..." Ye Xiu attacked the spider boss while reminding everyone to release the skill.

Under Ye Xiu's command, the skills of five people took over, and this spider boss, which was very tricky in Tian Qi's mouth, was controlled by everyone until death, and it was not allowed to spit out a spider web until death.

This result surprised everyone.

Looking at the spider boss on the ground, Tian Qisan's worship of Ye Xiu has reached an incomparably high level.

It turns out that the boss can still be killed like this!

Controlling the boss to death and killing the boss almost without injury is something that only appears in the bridge in the novel.

But they did.

Ye Xiu opened up a new world for them.

That's awesome!

It was not only Tian Qi and them who were shocked, Duan Yu was also shocked by the game literacy displayed by Ye Xiu.

Don't look at Ye Xiu commanding Tian Qi's people to release skills, it seems to be nothing more than moving his mouth and looking very relaxed, but in fact, in addition to knowing the skill effect of each skill of each person, Ye Xiu also needs to calculate the control time of each skill, the cooldown time of the skill, and all other factors.

In this way, the commander needs extremely terrifying mental arithmetic ability and superior memory, otherwise any error in any link is likely to lead to a complete collapse.

"What kind of person is Brother Ye, such good technology, such rich experience, and such high game literacy, this is definitely not a level that ordinary players can achieve."

Looking at the adoring looks of Tian Qi, Duan Yu fell into deep thought.

Duan Yu has also played glory for nearly two years, even those masters in the realm of gods, Duan Yu has seen a lot, but like Ye Xiu, who is proficient in multiple professional skills, there are masters who are so good at calculation, let alone knowledge, he has never heard of it.

"Game technology one *** through multiple professions, the beginning also has silver martial arts, Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu, who are you holy?"

Duan Yu's gaze crossed over the weapon in Ye Xiu's hand, his umbrella was not like an umbrella, and his spear was not like a spear weapon, and when he killed the boss just now, he had already changed four forms.

The wind and thunder that Duan Yu got from the system was only a change fistand two forms of revolver.

And Ye Xiu's weapon can actually change four forms...

It's hard to imagine what kind of genius could design such a weird weapon.

Under the pursuit of Tian Qi's "master brother and master brother", Ye Xiu led the team to continue to move forward.

Soon, there was only one last lord boss left in the spider cave, the Spider King.

As the final finale boss of the spider cave, the spider king is several circles larger than the previous two spider leaders, and his huge body is like a tank, with eight claws like a sickle, exuding a chill.

Compared with the previous two bosses, the spider king is much more difficult to deal with, because this guy can not only spray poison, but also spray nets, which is simply a combination of the previous two bosses.

But with Ye Xiu directing everyone to release control skills, the spider king failed to play any tricks, and the ending was the same as the previous boss.

At the moment when the huge body of the spider king fell to the ground, the announcement of the first copy also slowly floated over everyone's heads!

Congratulations to Sleep in the Moon, Tian Qi, Twilight Cloud Deep, Jun Moxiao, One Sword, and won the first record of the Spider Cave copy in District 10!

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