
The King's Avatar: A sword that changes thunderously (TL)

Ye Xiu: I have an old friend, who, like you, is also a genius. Huang Shaotian: Did you grow up eating octopus? All of them are tentacle monsters! Wei Chen: I always thought that Lao Ye was the person with the dirtiest heart, but today I found out that Ye Xiu is still too pure. Tang Rou: Let me win you, I will promise you. Duan Yu: I'm sorry, steel straight man Bengang, look at the fist! This book is also called "The King's Avatar Fist Breaks the Sky", "The King's Avatar: Opening Awakening Hand Speed Five Hand Speed" PS: The heroine Tang Rou, Ye Xiu Su Mu Orange CP born monkey. The King's Avatar fan fiction, don't spray if you don't like it! -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link https://book.qidian.com/info/1031309373/

Funa_ · Anime & Comics
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Being a man without principles?

Coming to the entrance of the spider cave, Duan Yu found that there were few players here.

Compared with the sea of people on the periphery of the Grand Forest, this side can be described as a door.

It is no wonder that there are not many players who have risen to level 10 themselves, and they are generally good at the game if they can reach level 10 so quickly.

The team they had formed when they brushed the copy of the Grand Forest was familiar with each other, and they didn't need to change people to come to the spider cave, just take care of the copy.

So Duan Yu came to the spider cave and stood for a full three or four minutes, and the player saw a lot, but there was no one who set him.

But at this time, Duan Yu saw a group of acquaintances walking over from a distance.

Jun Mo laughed, slept in the middle of the moon...

Seeing these two walking together, Duan Yu was a little confused.

It is said that when the enemy sees each other, his eyes are red, why are these two still engaged together?

At this time, Ye Xiu and Yue Zhongmian also saw Duan Yu.

"Yo! Isn't this a sword hero, how can a person not form a team? Ahaha! Seeing Duan Yuyue Zhongmian immediately mocking, his face was very proud.

That clearly means to say: Call you a slut, now you know how powerful I am?

Duan Yu directly ignored the mid-moon sleep, but walked to Ye Xiu's side and asked in a low voice, "Why did you run to team up with him?"

"No one wanted to group me, and they just lacked people, so they entered his team." Ye Xiu's tone was flat, as if he was saying something trivial.

Duan Yu was speechless.

If no one is teaming up, you will team up with the enemy?

Isn't that ambitious? Man.

Don't you know that it is because of the mid-month sleep that turns right and wrong upside down and ruins your reputation that you can't form a team?


Duan Yu despised Ye Xiu fiercely in his heart.

If it were him, he would rather go down alone than team up with someone who sleeps in the middle of the month.

As a result, Ye Xiu said at this time: "We still lack someone here, or you can also come." Lean


Even if you throw yourself into the enemy, you still want to pull me to join the enemy!

Duan Yu despised again.

Isn't it necessary to be principled?

Duan Yu pouted: "I won't team up with that kind of person and be teammates with them, I'd rather brush alone."

Duan Yu said and slowly turned sideways, looking towards the side of the moon sleep with the corner of his eye.

Beside him in the middle of the moon, there were two people standing at this time, one called "Tian Qi" and the other called "Twilight Cloud Depth".

The three of them also exchanged ears and ears, not knowing what to mutter.

Tian Qi: "You said that the other one that pits you is this sword?" Mid-month

sleep: "Yes, this guy is a rookie, obviously a boxer, what is it called a sword, I think it's really cheap!"

Tian Qi: "It seems that he doesn't have a team, or we will group him together, and then directly trap the two of them, and give you revenge at one time."

Twilight Yunshen: "After forming the two of them, can we handle it?"

Tian Qi: "If that Yijian is a rookie, it should be no problem, we are still afraid that they will not succeed?" Twilight

Yunshen: "Then group him one?" Yue

Zhongmian snorted coldly: "You want to form a family, maybe people are not willing to come."

"Don't worry, wrap it around me." Tian Qi smiled, and he had already thought of a line in his heart that Yu would reject him.

Duan Yu didn't know what they were muttering there, but it was definitely not a good thing.

At this moment, the man named "Tian Qi" among the three people walked over.

"Brother Yijian, I have long heard of the brother's name, our team just lacks a master like you, do you want to go down a copy together?" Tian Qi looked smiling.

Duan Yu nodded and said very cheerfully, "Good." "

Huh? So agreed?

Duan Yu promised so crisply, Tian Qi was stunned.

He also thought that Duan Yu would push back, but he didn't want to agree to a clean name, as if he had been waiting for him to invite him for a long time... Thanks to him, he also prepared a line, which is now useless.

"Haha, brother open." After Tian Qi was stunned, he smiled and sent Duan Yu an invitation to form a team.

Duan Yu agreed without hesitation.

What a joke, if you want to complete the system mission, you must team up to clear the quest.

He waited in the spider cave for a long time, stunned that no one set him up, in this way, will the silver martial wind thunder change be built?

Although he is a hundred unwilling to become teammates with the middle of the moon in his heart, it is the right thing to create a wind and thunder change, and there is no need to take this little grudge in the copy to heart.

That's called a lot of adults.

Look at Ye Xiu, how many years he has grown, this heart is different, and he sleeps as a teammate in the middle of the month, and there is no slightest mustard in his heart.

This self-dedication spirit of the old-timers is worth learning.

Ye Xiu, who was standing next to Duan Yu, was a little crying and laughing.

I don't know who said it just now: I don't team up with that kind of person and be teammates with them, I'd rather be alone in copy.

As a result, people came to ask if you wanted to form a team, and you agreed without hesitation.

What about the principle of saying good? Don't want it?

Looking at Duan Yu's back, a flash of appreciation flashed in Ye Xiu's eyes.

In Duan Yu, he seemed to see his younger self.

At that time, he also often threw the principle on the ground and stepped on it casually.

Just as Ye Xiu sighed, without saying a word, he took the lead to enter the copy, and Ye Xiu and Duan Yu hurriedly followed.

The spider cave replica is a stone cave, and the inside of the stone cave is very dark, and there are scattered bones and worn cobwebs everywhere, which is quite eerie.

Estimate those"Eat a peach, so cool" player, come into the spider cave will directly pee their pants.

Duan Yu and Ye Xiu walked at the front of the group, while the three of them followed behind, sneakily discussing something.

"Brother Ye, I see that the three of them seem to be uneasy and kind."

"See? Leave them alone, in the face of absolute strength, all intrigues and tricks are bubbles.

Duan Yu was slightly stunned: "What do you mean?"

Ye Xiu smiled: "Let's not hide it this time, or how about we try it?"

"How is it compared?" Duan Yu asked.

"How about seeing who kills monsters more?" Ye Xiu said.

"Okay." As soon as Duan Yu's eyes lit up, the task he led was to enter the copy to kill spiders, and each spider had to kill 20, and Duan Yu naturally couldn't ask for it.

"I lost the game in the free distribution before, but I have to be serious this time." Ye Xiu said.

Duan Yu laughed: "It's okay, it's not a shame to lose to a senior like you."

"Then let's get started!"

Saying that, Ye Xiu's hand shook, and the Qianji umbrella immediately turned into a spear, and then took the lead in rushing towards the depths of the spider cave.

Seeing that Ye Xiu had already started, Duan Yu was not far behind, and with a gentle clench of his fists, he also rushed out with him.

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