
The King's Avatar: A sword that changes thunderously (TL)

Ye Xiu: I have an old friend, who, like you, is also a genius. Huang Shaotian: Did you grow up eating octopus? All of them are tentacle monsters! Wei Chen: I always thought that Lao Ye was the person with the dirtiest heart, but today I found out that Ye Xiu is still too pure. Tang Rou: Let me win you, I will promise you. Duan Yu: I'm sorry, steel straight man Bengang, look at the fist! This book is also called "The King's Avatar Fist Breaks the Sky", "The King's Avatar: Opening Awakening Hand Speed Five Hand Speed" PS: The heroine Tang Rou, Ye Xiu Su Mu Orange CP born monkey. The King's Avatar fan fiction, don't spray if you don't like it! -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link https://book.qidian.com/info/1031309373/

Funa_ · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

As long as I don't die, you won't die.

A few steamed buns accompanied by clear soup under the belly, the stomach suddenly stopped making trouble.

After eating and drinking, Duan Yu returned to the Internet café, and just sat for a while, the time had already come to twelve o'clock in the morning.

Ye Weiyang was very punctual, and the clock just jumped to 0:00 and sent a message: "Great God, where are you?"

"I'm over here in the Frost Forest, where are you?" Duan Yu said.

"We're over here, 9861366 coordinates." The night did not send the coordinates.

Duan Yu came to the coordinates given by Ye Weiyang, and sure enough, he saw four people with domineering majestic pictures on their heads sitting there waiting for someone.

"Great God, this is our president, a cold pool at night, a professional swordsman." Seeing Duan Yu, Ye Weiyang hurriedly introduced.

"Oh." Duan Yu glanced at the night cold pool and looked away.

These leaders of the three major guilds had dark hearts, and Duan Yu directly ignored them.

Yedu Hantan wanted to say something polite, but he didn't think that people just glanced at him and left him aside.

Ye Weiyang smiled awkwardly, and privately sent a message to comfort Ye Du Hantan: The great god is this temper, and then continued to introduce others: "This is a funny person, the profession is a gunsmith, this is not to make trouble, professional knight."

"These are all the best of our guild elites, what do you think?" Ye Weiyang looked proud, these people were their domineering façade.

Duan Yu nodded, these people are indeed domineering elites, they are wearing several purple suits, and there are even people who have orange suits, and people who are not valued by the guild can not get such good equipment.

"Well, how do you want to brush the records?"

Duan Yu took a look, the current record holder is Zhongcaotang's 26 minutes 12 seconds 48, this record is now considered the limit.

If you want to break this record, I am afraid it is a little difficult.

"How to brush what you say, as long as you can break the record." Ye Weiyang said.

"It's not easy to break this record before level 25." Duan Yu said.

Ye Weiyang smiled bitterly: "It's not easy, otherwise I can't invite you out of the mountain."

"If you want to break this record, you can only get a little excitement." Duan Yu said.

"How did it get stimulated?" Ye Weiyang asked.

Duan Yu looked at Ye Weiyang, his gaze stayed for a few seconds, and then said: "If you want to break the record, the pastor won't want it."

Ye Weiyang suddenly choked, a little confused.

He is a pastor, brush a copy and not a pastor?

Just kidding, right?

The knight who told him not to make trouble stood up and said, "Great God, I can't bear it without a priest."

He was telling the truth, the Frost Forest was not the Forest of Gran, and without the priest and blood, it was difficult for him to resist the boss's attack.

Moreover, as a knight, he felt that he was the indispensable core of the team, and his words would carry a lot of weight, and he wanted Duan Yu to stay in the night.

However, Duan Yu's next words made him almost collapse.

"That's true, too." Duan Yu nodded thoughtfully, "Since we can't bear it, then let's not want the knight, change to a more fierce firepower." Don't

make trouble and get angry when you hear it: "I lean! Don't want a knight yet, do you come to fight the boss?

"Why should I resist?" Duan Yu asked rhetorically.


Don't make trouble and choke to death, others are also dumbfounded.

The knight does not want, and you do not resist, then who resists? Make the elemental mage resist? Or is it a swordsman resistance? No kidding, okay?

"Don't worry, I won't let you die, hurry up and call someone, the more violent the better."

Duan Yu smiled slightly, the boss of the Frost Forest was not very difficult to kill, even if Duan Yu was singled out, he was confident.

And everyone else has control skills, can help control the boss, previously brushed the spider cave with Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu's set of control flow play, that is directly control the boss to death, where do you need what knight to resist monsters, priest add blood.

I didn't have time to try Ye Xiu's set of control flow play earlier, and this time I had the opportunity to learn and use it now.

Even if it can't be as perfect as Ye Xiu, if you can control it a little more, it will be easier to fight.

"I... Scold! Don't make a fuss and Duan Yu laughed, "If you listen to him, I'll sit here and watch how you destroy the group!"

"Then you just have to take a good look." Duan Yu smiled and stopped paying attention to him.

"Great God, do you want to form a full-output team?" The domineering guild leader Yedu Hantan finally couldn't help but speak.

"Yes, the output is not powerful, it is difficult to break this record."

"There are especially many monsters in the Frost Forest, and the full output team, if there are no knights and priests, it is easy to hang ah."

Yedu Hantan's brows frowned slightly, these people are the elite of the elite in the guild, if the copy is destroyed by the group, they must not lose the person if it is passed out.

"You don't have to worry about this, I promise that as long as I'm alive, the boss won't fight you."


This point is not questioned by the night chill.

But the point is, you hang on the wall at the beginning?

Then don't we have to hang the wall too?

"Why, don't believe me? If you don't believe me, you don't have to look for me, anyway, I just agreed to come over for the sake of Ye Weiyang's good, and I'm not happy to help you brush up the records. Duan Yu spread out his hands, turned around and left.

"Great God, wait a minute." Yedu Hantan quickly stopped Duan Yu, gritted his teeth, turned his head and said to Ye Weiyang: "Weiyang, go to the guild to shake people, you want to attack high, firepower is great." "Good

." Ye Weiyang quickly opened the guild channel and sent several identical messages in succession: "Come two violent thugs to brush the copy record!" Frost Forest coordinates 9861366.

Soon, dozens of responses sounded in the union: "I'll come."

"Count me in."

"You guys are too dish, the vice council will definitely choose me."

"Me me me! This time it must be my turn!

"you Muggle, Lao Tzu has been in the club for three years, and he hasn't mixed up a record!"

It's just after twelve o'clock in the morning, most of the players in the union have not yet started to brush copies, I heard that they want to brush records, and they all sign up bravely, who doesn't want to be on TV, players who don't want to be on TV, are not good players.

But, dressed in white, don't bubble up...

"Okay, night falls, dark sky and white night, you two come here." Watching the guild channel was noisy, and the night was cold.

Not long after, night fell, and the two joined the team.

Duan Yu looked at the information of these two, the night is an ammunition expert, the black sky and white night are magic swordsmen, they are all export-oriented professions, and the weapons are also purple martial, which is very good.

"Well, these two are okay, right?" Night Chill asked.

Duan Yu nodded: "Well, yes, then let's start."

"Huh? Don't arrange tactics, how to fight later? Night Chill asked.

"There is no tactic, after entering the quest, you can just follow me and rush." Duan Yu said.

"...," Ye Du Han looked confused.

Just follow the rush?

Why do I sound like I'm dying with a rush?

Seeing that Ye Weiyang was still stunned and did not enter the copy, Duan Yu said: "Little night night, don't grind and chirp, the captain will give it to me." "

Little night?

Who is Little Night?

Ye Weiyang didn't react for a moment, but soon he realized that he was the captain, wasn't Xiao Ye Ye him?

For Duan Yu's title, Ye Weiyang couldn't accept it for a while, Laozi is a pure master, Xiao Ye Ye sounds like a lady...

But he was still stunned and transferred the captain to Duan Yu, and Duan Yu had just received the prompt to become the captain and directly entered the copy.

"Why are you still stunned, hurry up and tremble, mortals!" Seeing that Duan Yu had already entered the copy, Don't make trouble sitting on the ground suddenly laughed.

Several people in the cold pool of the night glanced at each other, and also followed hard.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Ye Weiyang also sat on the ground, looked at the side not to cause trouble, and said with a bitter smile: "I hope they don't hang out too early." "



PS1: Since the beginning of sending the contract, it has been changed twice a day, and some people say that it is only one change a day, so unjustly, the chapter I sent was eaten by you, return it to me soon T_T

PS2: The new book list fell two places, and I was in an unhappy mood...


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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