
Season 2, Episode 2: Plant Infestation

The Justice Brigade were all sitting on their roof enjoying the view. Once they were done enjoying the view, Hannah returned to her room and checked on her pet plant. Frank knocked on her door, put his ear on it, and listened to what she was doing there. Hannah said, "Shush. Quiet." Hannah opened her door and saw it was Frank. Hannah said, "Hi, Frank." Frank said, "Daisy and Jake are downstairs. Who were you talking to?" Hannah said, "Nobody." Frank said, "I would like to go inside and see." Hannah made her hand glow red and pointed at Frank. Hannah said, "You dare step foot in my room, and you'll probably never live to see tomorrow." Hannah then left her room and locked the door so nobody would enter. Frank said, "But." Hannah said, "End of discussion." Hannah and Frank walked downstairs together, but Frank was planning on coming back.

Once it got dark out, all four of them went on patrol. Hannah said, "I'll catch up with you. I have something to do in my room first, and it'll be quick." Frank said, "Let me help. Then it'll go faster." Hannah said, "No. You go on patrol; I'll catch up." Frank said, "I'll catch up with you guys like her. I have something to take care of, too." Daisy said, "OK. Just don't go breaking into Hannah's room. That's an order." Frank said, "OK." Frank followed Hannah to her room and used some of their equipment to eavesdrop on what Hannah was saying. Hannah said, "I'll return to give you more water. Right now, I have to go on patrol." Hannah then put on her mask, locked her door just in case, and flew out her window. Frank said, "What is she up to?" Frank then went to his room, put on his mask, and joined the others on patrol. They staked out the whole city and spotted some of their villains, but none were doing anything evil. They spotted Candy giving autographs, The Villainous Four sitting on their roof, and Lisa shopping at the mall but not robbing it. Since none of the villains were doing anything evil, The Justice Brigade flew home.

The next day, Hannah sat on their sofa and read a book. Since she was busy, Frank peered around the corner and saw her reading. Then Frank ran to Hannah's room and tried to enter, but the door was locked. Frank then blew the door down and walked inside, hoping he could learn something about what she's been doing lately. He looked around and saw a potted plant resembling a monster on her dresser. Frank said, "You're a precious plant." Hannah then went to her room to investigate the banging sound she heard. She saw her door was broken down, looked inside, but didn't see anyone. Hannah then made her hand, and the door turned red, stood it back up, and fixed it. Frank peered out from under her bed and saw Hannah watering her plant. Hannah said, "Oh, Felicia, you're so nice when your roots don't spread." Frank whispered, "How can roots spread?" While Hannah was talking to her pet plant, Plant Man overheard her talking and looked in her window. Then he saw her pet plant and waited for her to leave. Once she did, Plant Man snuck into her room through the window, stole Felicia, and snuck back out through the window.

Once Plant Man left with Hannah's plant, he jumped out the window and saw Aquaboy floating in front of him. Aquaboy said, "Going somewhere?" Plant Man said, "Yeah, away from you." Plant Man launched a vine at Aquaboy, and Aquaboy reached into his pocket and activated his communicator. Hannah then answered his call on her communicator and listened in. Aquaboy said, "Spill. Why did you steal that plant from this girl's room if you already have plant powers?" Plant Man stated, "Because now that I have the girl's pet plant, I will spread its roots. Once I do, I'll see what happens." Hannah said, "No, you won't." Hannah then got into her superhero uniform and tried to regain her plant. Heatgirl said, "Guys, trouble." Daisy and Jake then got into their superhero uniforms and followed Heatgirl. Plant Man said, "And since you're all alone. No one is here to stop me or save you." Sungirl then blasted Plant Man with her Sun Beam and said, "Don't be so sure." Heatgirl then flew by Plant Man and stole her plant back. Plant Man made a vine emerge from his sleeve and whipped Heatgirl's hands. Then Heatgirl dropped her plant, and it fell to the ground and broke. Heatgirl said, "Oops." Plant Man said, "Yes."

Once the plant hit the ground, it sank its roots into the ground while it squealed. Heatgirl said, "Iceboy, take Plant Man to jail and join us later. Sungirl and Aquaboy, we have bigger problems." Iceboy flew Plant Man to jail, and Heatgirl took Sungirl and Aquaboy downtown. Once they arrived, a mini Felicia grew up out of the ground in someone's yard. The owner pointed at it and said, "What is that?" Then, mini-plants that looked just like Felicia grew out of the ground in her yard and spread to her neighbors' yards.

Meanwhile, a person was watering her giant pumpkin when a big Felicia popped out of it and destroyed it. Then the owner of the giant pumpkin screamed, and the big Felicia started to laugh evilly. The Justice Brigade then rode their motorcycles downtown, but Felicia's vines grabbed and lifted their bikes. Heatgirl said, "Jump, guys." The Justice Brigade jumped off their motorcycles and landed on their feet on the ground. Then, five tall plants that looked just like Felicia grew out of the Earth and surrounded The Justice Brigade. Aquaboy started to feel slightly guilty like it was his fault this had happened. Aquaboy said, "I'm starting to understand why you didn't want me in your room."

Monster plants started to grow up out of the ground all over town, and everyone in the city began to panic. Sungirl then jumped onto one of the monster plants and used her Laser Vision to cut and kill its stem. Then she landed on her feet, and the ground started to shake and crack. Then a giant Felicia came out of the Earth, squealed at Sungirl and used one of its roots to whip her away. Aquaboy said, "I think we unleashed alien evil on the town. What do we do?" Heatgirl said, "Felicia is a plant that should remain potted. Because if the pot breaks on the Earth as it did, it spreads its roots, and duplicates of all sizes spread everywhere. That's what I meant by 'the roots spread.'" Sungirl said, "Is there any weakness?" Heatgirl said, "Not that I know of." Aquaboy said, "But I do." Aquaboy pointed at the tools in someone's yard, and the girls looked at where he was pointing." Sungirl said, "Lawnmowers, weed whackers, hedge trimers. This stuff is like monster plant fighting gear."

After they found stuff to fight the plants with, they heard Iceboy scream. Then Iceboy flew directly by his team, and they saw him pass by. While he did so, three monster plants with long stems chased after him. Then, they all wrapped around him and squeezed him to death. Sungirl said, "Iceboy! Don't worry; we'll save you." Then, four mini monster plants emerged from the ground and tied around Sungirl's arms and legs while squealing. Sungirl tried to break free, but the stems were too strong. Since Sungirl was in trouble, Aquaboy grabbed a weed whacker and threw it to Sungirl. Aquaboy said, "Sungirl, heads up." Sungirl caught the weed whacker, turned it on, and destroyed the plants holding her. Then, two more mini yet tall monster plants emerged from the ground and wrapped around Heatgirl and Aquaboy. Heatgirl shouted, "Sungirl! Help!" Then the plants holding them lifted them in the air, and Iceboy saw them. Then, the plants grabbing him started to turn to ice, and he broke free from them. Then he landed on his feet, and a wall of tall monster plants blocked his way to his team, stared directly at him, and squealed at him. Iceboy flew above them, and Sungirl cut the plants, holding Heatgirl and Aquaboy with hedge trimmers. Then Iceboy flew to his team, and they all got ready to fight the plants. Sungirl grabbed the hedge trimmers, Heatgirl grabbed a weed whacker, Iceboy hopped onto the lawn mower and drove it across town, and Aquaboy grabbed two bottles of weed spray. Then, they all split up and started to save different parts of the city.

Sungirl used her hedge trimmers to cut down as many tall monster plants as she could, but then a giant monster plant emerged from the ground and used one of its roots to grab Sungirl and take her hedge trimmers from her. Heatgirl used her weed whacker to kill as many plants as possible. Iceboy drove his lawn mower across town and cut almost all the plants from the ground. Aquaboy then used his bottles of weed spray and sprayed the plants with it, killing them. Then, a tall plant grew out of the Earth and knocked Aquaboy's weed killer out of his hands. Once Sungirl saw Aquaboy was in trouble, she used her Laser Vision to cut the root holding her, fired it at the plant containing Aquaboy, and burnt it down. Sungirl said, "We got to get to higher ground." The Justice Brigade flew across town, and more monster plants emerged. Sungirl said, "They're everywhere." The Justice Brigade flew to the highest point in the city, and on their way up, they got chased by a couple of monster plants, but Iceboy blasted them with his Ice Beams and froze them. Then, they made it to the highest point in the city and tried to think of a way to fix this.

The Justice Brigade saw monster plants everywhere from the top of the water tower. Then they looked at the center of town and noticed a giant one. Heatgirl pointed at the big plant and said, "Look, it's Felicia." Sungirl said, "All these plants must have grown from the original." Heatgirl said, "That's how Felicia works. If her roots get underground, her roots spread, and all these plants emerge." Iceboy said, "So if we get rid of her, all these plants will croak." Heatgirl said, "How do you suppose we do that." Iceboy showed Heatgirl his blue, glowing hands and told her he could freeze her. Heatgirl said, "No, I'll head home and find a pot to put her in. You guys remove her from the ground." Heatgirl flew back home, and The Justice Brigade flew to Felicia. Sungirl fled underground and tried to push it out of the ground while Iceboy and Aquaboy grabbed the opposite sides of Felicia's stem and tried to pull her out. Once Heatgirl got back, Iceboy and Aquaboy succeeded in pulling Felicia out of the ground while Sungirl succeeded in pushing her out. Once they got her out, all the plants around town started to turn brown and croaked. Then Heatgirl shot Felicia with their shrink ray and caught her in a new pot. Then Heatgirl petted Felicia and said, "Thank goodness." Aquaboy said, "I'm sorry." Heatgirl put Felicia back in her room and felt her team now knew not to mess with Felicia.

The End