
Season 2, Episode 1: Wishes of Arabia

Arabians were exploring a bazaar in Arabia. Then, a bunch of Arabian Guards from the palace surrounded a person they knew was trouble and tried to kill him with their weapons. Then, The Justice Brigade flew down, and Sungirl grabbed the person in the situation. Once she did, he knocked over a genie's bottle on one of the stands, and it broke, releasing the genie inside. The genie looked up and saw Sungirl flying away with a man and setting him down on the other side of the bazaar. Sungirl said, "It's ok, I got you. Ok, Justice Brigade. I'll get this guy somewhere safe. You guys handle the guards." The rest of The Justice Brigade then fought the palace guards. Heatgirl punched one, knocking his sword out of his hand, and he got into a building's wall. Iceboy kicked one in the face, and he landed on the ground. Then another guard wrapped his arms around Iceboy, and Iceboy struggled, lifted his leg, and kicked the guard away. Aquaboy picked up the guard's sword and sword fought the last guard. Then Aquaboy hit the guard's sword out of his hand, dropped his sword, and punched the guard away. After beating the guards and saving the man, The Justice Brigade disguised themselves as Arabians and looked around the bazaar.

While The Justice Brigade was looking around, the genie heard somebody crying and looked to where it was coming from. He saw a child crying because her mother wouldn't let her buy the bracelet she wanted. The little girl said, "Mom, I want that bracelet." The genie then showed up and stated, "And your wish is my command." The genie made his hand glow, stole the bracelet the kid wanted, and made it appear on her wrist. The jewel seller said, "Hey, what happened to the bracelet I was selling?" When the bracelet appeared on the girl's wrist, she was as happy as possible. Daisy looked behind her and saw the genie flying around the bazaar. Daisy changed into her superhero uniform and soared to the genie to see if he was evil.

The genie saw Sungirl and said, "I am Wishaldo. What is your wish?" Sungirl said, "None of your business, Lamp Dweler." Wishaldo felt hurt by Sungirl's insult and said, "Surely there must be something." Wishaldo tried touching Sungirl's heart to figure out her heart's desire, but Sungirl avoided him. Sungirl said, "Hey, get away." Sungirl shot Wishaldo with one of her Sun Beams and blasted him halfway across Arabia while he screamed. Sungirl said, "Something tells me this is just getting started." Sungirl took off her superhero uniform and joined her friends in the bazaar. When they finished looking around, The Justice Brigade got in the Justice Brigade jet that they had built and flew home. Once they got home, they saw it was the middle of the day because they fought and stayed in Arabia until 7:00 PM, making it 10:00 AM in The U.S.

Once they got home, Daisy thought about her fight with Wishaldo and did some research on him. Daisy found him on the internet and read about him. Daisy said, "Wishaldo is the genie of Arabia. He was last seen 100 years ago when he tricked his last master into ruining part of her life with her three wishes. His last master's name was Kayla, and her first wish was to be an only child since she was mad at her siblings then. Wishaldo granted her wish, made her siblings disappear, and erased everyone's memories of her siblings from everyone's minds except Kayla's. Kayla liked it initially but became miserable when she started to miss them, so she rubbed Wishaldo's bottle again and tried to un-wish her wish. Her second wish was that she wished she wasn't an only child anymore. Wishaldo granted her wish, and Kayla's mother became pregnant, but she didn't get her siblings back, and everyone still forgot them. Kayla became mad at Wishaldo and used her last wish immediately. Kayla's last wish was never to have met Wishaldo, hoping that would reverse her wishes. Wishaldo granted Kayla her last wish, and he left everything as it was, erased Kayla's memories of Wishaldo, and then Wishaldo went back into his bottle. Once her mind was erased, she looked for her siblings because she didn't remember wishing them away. She looked all over the house for them, but couldn't find them, so she asked her parents about them, but they told her she was an only child. Kayla got confused and tried to tell her parents she had siblings, but her parents told her they were positive she was an only child. Kayla then ran upstairs and cried. He vowed one day, someone would set him free again, and he would grant people's desires. Just like he did in Arabia, he got revenge on the people who put him back in his bottle. But they're dead now, so how will he get revenge?" Daisy thought about it and figured they should look for Wishaldo in case he tried anything evil.

The Justice Brigade flew back to Arabia in their Justice Brigade jet, and when they got there, they saw it was nighttime since they left in the afternoon in America. They looked around the desert for Wishaldo since it was cool at night. Meanwhile, Princess Zara, the Princess of Arabia, went to her window and made a wish when she saw a shooting star. Princess Zara said, "I wish I could live the life of a peasant." When Wishaldo heard Princess Zara make her wish, he appeared in her bedroom. Wishaldo said, "So it is desired, so shall it be." Wishaldo then blasted Princess Zara and took all her royalty and riches away. Zara and her father, Jamal, then appeared in the desert asleep.

Once morning came, Zara and her father woke up in the desert dressed as peasants, and Wishaldo erased their memories of being the king and princess. The Justice Brigade looked around, dressed as Arabians themselves. The Justice Brigade thought Zara and Jamal looked familiar once they saw them, but they couldn't pinpoint where they had seen them before. They then noticed a ten-year-old girl and her six-year-old brother asking for apples, but the girl pulled out her pockets and saw she had no money to buy them. The girl said, "I wish I had enough money to get apples for me and my brother." Then Wishaldo's smoke surrounded the girl and her brother. Wishaldo said, "So you have wished it, so it shall be." Daisy recognized that voice, turned around, and saw Wishaldo's smoke surrounding the kids.

Daisy made her eyes glow yellow, removed her Arabian disguise, and got into her superhero uniform underneath. Daisy then put on her mask, and Sungirl grabbed both the kids before Wishaldo granted their wish. Sungirl said, "Oh, no, you don't." Wishaldo then appeared and stated, "Young intruder. You dare to interfere with MY SPELLBINDING!" Wishaldo then scared the kids away, and the rest of The Justice Brigade got into their superhero uniforms and joined Sungirl in confronting Wishaldo. Sungirl pointed at Wishaldo and said, "Listen, Wishaldo, we want you back in your bottle now." Wishaldo said, "Sorry, but not possible. Ha ha ha. Your fighting broke my bottle, and now I can grant any wish I hear. And in less than a day, Arabia will go down in flames because the princess wished away her and her father's royalty powers. Once the clock strikes midnight, they will become peasants forever, and with no laws in Arabia, it will go down in flames, and I'll get my revenge." Wishaldo tried flying away, but Sungirl grabbed his tail. Sungirl said, "You change them back." Wishaldo said, "You dare lay a hand on me and order me around. No man or woman dare lay a hand on me or tell me what to do unless I wish it." Sungirl said, "I'm telling you. And I don't dare lay a hand; I dare lay a fist."

Sungirl tried punching Wishaldo, but she missed. Then Wishaldo flew back and used his tail to grab Sungirl and toss her. Then he whipped her away with his tail end, and she landed on her face. Heatgirl said, "Sungirl." Wishaldo then flew toward The Justice Brigade and got ready to destroy them. Iceboy made an energy ball between his hands and shot it at Wishaldo. Iceboy said, "Stay back." Iceboy froze Wishaldo in solid ice, and he fell to the ground. Then the ice broke and set Wishaldo free. Iceboy flew up to Wishaldo to see if he was okay, but Wishaldo got up and saw Heatgirl throw Aquaboy at him, and Aquaboy got ready to punch Wishaldo. Wishaldo stood up straight with his arms lifted, and Aquaboy passed right through Wishaldo when he turned part of his body to smoke. Then Aquaboy crash-landed and said, "I wish someone would show you how this feels." Heatgirl and Iceboy waved their hands no, but Wishaldo heard him. Wishaldo glowed his hands and said, "So you have wished it, so it shall be." Wishaldo granted Aquaboy's wish and made a monster appear. The beast then hit Wishaldo away, and he crash-landed as Aquaboy did. When he did, Wishaldo landed on Aquaboy and knocked him out. Heatgirl said, "Aquaboy."

Iceboy spotted a bottle in the sand and got an idea. Iceboy said, "Stall the monster. I'll stop Wishaldo, and that'll get rid of it." Heatgirl nodded yes and flew towards the monster while Iceboy flew towards Wishaldo. Iceboy hid his bottle behind his back and flew toward Wishaldo with it. Wishaldo then smacked Iceboy away, and Iceboy dropped the bottle he had. Heaatgirl looked back and saw Wishaldo taking out Iceoy, too. Heatgirl said, "Iceboy." Wishaldo said, "Looks like that's the last one." Heatgirl showed up and said, "Except for me. And I think Iceboy knew how to beat you. I'm going to be more specific than your last master was." Heatgirl showed Wishaldo the bottle Iceboy found and said," I wish everything were back to normal and you were inside this bottle." Wishaldo said, "What? No. But I must grant her wish." Wishaldo then made his hands glow, and the bottle glowed the same color. Then a beam shot out of the bottle, grabbed Wishaldo, turning him into smoke, and he shrunk down to fit inside. Heatgirl put a cork in the bottle when he vanished and sealed it. Once Wishaldo was gone, all his wishes got undone. The girl's bracelet returned to the stand it came from, the king and princess got put back in power, and Aquaboy got up like Wishaldo never landed on him. The sun then shined on Arabia again, and everyone in Arabia clapped for The Justice Brigade since they saved them all from an evil genie.

The Justice Brigade then arrived at the palace and met with the king and princess of Arabia. King Jamal said, "Thank you, you saved us from a great evil." Sungirl said, "You're welcome, but something tells me we haven't seen the last of Wishaldo." Princess Zara said, "Well, even if he does return, I'm sure you'll be ready to fight him again." Iceboy said, "We will be. Now, may we leave? I think we're needed elsewhere, your majesties." Princess Zara said, "Of course. You are heroes." Heatgirl said, "But you're royalty. That's as hard of a job." King Jamal said, "Got that right. But I think someone else in the world needs you now." Sungirl said, "And your citizens need you." The Justice Brigade then flew home in their Justice Brigade jet, and King Jamal and Princess Zara started straightening things in Arabia by reinforcing the laws.

The End