
the justice and conquest of the strongest general

journey of a general from modern world who is reincarnated in a world filled with criminals chaos and so called sods who can be also called as soldiers of darkness. our general believes that with absolute power we can bring peace.what our general would chose to do in this world. lets see where this journey would lead to

Adarsha_Thapa · Fantasy
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14 Chs


All the team leaders were happy that the mission was about to successfully completed. they were just waiting for the team hope's successful completion of mission.

world federation headquarters

amar was infiltrating the base with his team. even though there were only 2000 mens who were completely loyal followers of the world federation inside buildings but they were all elites even from the whole army under world.amar mens who were already mixed in that group were ready to make sure that amar and baldhadra teams would be successful even in the cost of their life. with the orders of amar the attack was initiated. team hope which only had 500 men launched surprise attack at the the soldiers who can be considered as the loyal dogs of world federation who won't hesitate to even take innocent lives if ordered. team hope had no hesitation to take their live because they had seen this team other members who had killed almost a city full of people to maintain some of the dark secrets of world federation. with out hesitation team hope killed almost 1000 members of the security corps but casualties of team hope was no joke because because to kill the members of security corps some of the soldiers even done suicide attacks. remaining soldier were also almost killed when amar and his team were killing the patrolling teams and entering the underground base of the headquarters after seeing what was inside the base all the members of team hope were shocked and angered so much that they nearly had died by anger because it was the scientific base where many types of inhuman experiments were being done and more outrageous think was they were even experimenting on children. after realizing what type of people he was working for year amar and balbhadra wanted nothing more that killing every higher ups of the world federation because they were doing these type of inhuman activities to the people who they had swore to protect.

After controlling his anger amar ordered balbhadra to kill all the scientists who were responsible for the experiments and free all the children and people who were suffering due to experiments almost 1000 children were freed. even after turning the base upside down they didn't found bio weapon when finally phantom team send information where the bio weapon was it was hidden by checking the data of headquarters. weapon was inside the vault where there were additional 1000guards were giving security to the weapons. dragon team was already assembling the mini rocket 🚀 at the terraces of world federation headquarters. striker team was engaging the reinforcements army of the world federation which was sent to the headquarters. amar and his team were engaging to the guard's of the vault.they were successful after 3 hours of nonstop combat. amar was only left with 10 mens who were also very seriously wounded. amar was also shot with two bullets luckily they were not in the vital places after finishing their battle amar and his remaining team took the weapon which was a green container with utmost care where team dragon has already assembled the launch pad for the mini rocket. just when they reached the location of team dragon the information came that team team stiker was annihilated by the reinforcement army and were coming towards their location amar ordered team dragon to complete procedures fast and gave his final orders to all the other team leaders that they have to make sure that after his death they have to look after this world from darkness so that today all the sacrifices would not go in vain. another information came team garuda were unsuccessful at stopping all the air support of the world federation before any of the enemies could reach their location the had team hope had already launched the rocket and completed their mission. amar was relieved and start laughing.he picked his gun started to go towards the reinforcements of wf. amar ordered balbhadra who was already injured trigger all the explosive which they planted after massacring all the guards at the wf headquarters.

balbhadra said: my friend so this is the end of our journey. you once said when i die i would make sure to shake this world and at least take thousands of enemy with me but they are just soldiers who are following orders why are we killing them then amar said: my brother you and i had a glorious journey yes this is the end as for why i am killing them it is because they had helped world federation to kidnap and do experiments on those innocent people whom they swore to protect. so it is my justice and warning to all those people that following orders are ok but crossing the bottom line of humanity is not only punishment is death. then with a bright simle in his pale face amar said; now let's end our journey my friend. boom💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥. all the structures around the radius of 1 km was blasted. after that what happened to that world who knows. amar who should have been dead slowly opened his eyes and was astonished because he should have been dead how was he even alive. then in his view a man with handsome features came and said you have done great deeds in your life time although you have blood of many people but you only killed who had committed many sins even in you last moments in your life you set an example to the world so i would give an option to reincarnate into another world. then amar said okay but can i choose the world. god said while shaking his head no you can't world it self would choose you. so can i get any advantages. god said while smiling and a face being amused who would have thought a general of army like you want advantage😂😂. so i do get advantage or not amar asked with plain face. god replied okay you would get advantage and what that would be a surprise for you and there would be additional surprises for you by me and don't ask what you would find out later by yourself.

please comment and give reviews what you feel about this chapter and i am sorry about language mistake because english is not my first language so 😅😂