
the justice and conquest of the strongest general

journey of a general from modern world who is reincarnated in a world filled with criminals chaos and so called sods who can be also called as soldiers of darkness. our general believes that with absolute power we can bring peace.what our general would chose to do in this world. lets see where this journey would lead to

Adarsha_Thapa · Fantasy
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14 Chs

pride of soldiers(prologue)

After finalizing the plan amar give orders that there would be total 12 teams and there name were asura, garuda, arrow, sword, doom, striker, shadow, light, phantom, dragon, tiger and last but not the least team hope which would be personally lead by amar and balbhadra. amar give his order and told them the responsibility of every team. asura would be responsible for the assassinations of the corrupt officials and politicians. garuda would provide support to other teams if necessary through the air. arrow would penetrate through the enemy lines separately to plant explosive. sword team would massacre all the resistance of the survivors that would escape from explosions. doom team would be responsible for explosions. striker would be responsible to stop the reinforcements of enemy. shadow team would be responsible to infiltrate the enemy ranks and provide information. light team would be responsible to stop the broadcast of any news related to mission until whole operation is finished. phantom team is responsible to block all the radar than can catch their movement . tiger team has one of the main responsibilities to catch the traitors or remaining scums in the government that can be problems in future if our mission is successful. dragon team would consist of specialists that can assemble a mini rocket that can send the weapon in the space. although there were only 48 people inside room. they were all soldiers who had gone through a lot of bloodshed and have around 2000 of loyal subordinates each.

(time skip:10 days)

all the necessary preparations were done just the starting of mission was left to do. all of the 48 were talking through a special holographic communication device. team leaders were already decided. frank was one of the most ruthless person who had many merits in the army.he was called demon by his enemy so he was going to lead asura. garuda team was lead by cheel one of amar's man who had made his enemy fighter jet cowering by just his name. zidan was a man who was expert in field operations in his career he have many time killed enemy by going inside their defense line. he was leading arrow team. all the other team leaders were also chosen according to their expertise.every team leader told their team their respective mission but these soldiers have nothing such as fear in their eye what they have is only firm will to complete the mission.

amar who was deeply thinking about something finally open his mouth and said: may be thousand words would not explain your courage and your indifference to the death. some time may be even death would think what these fools think while disregarding their life in such manner. i don't know what would be the outcome of today's mission but i am sure of one think what we are doing is for the secure future of this world. Although we may not be

remembered by world but we would fight for their security and peace of this world this is our pride, the pride of a soldier to protect and fight for their beliefs. so lets show the world what we fight for and let them judge on their own. are you with me. each and every one of the soldiers nodded and said: yes sir. even team leaders were shocked enthusiasm of their soldiers.

teams were deployed according to their missions. zidan's arrow team had already planted all the explosives in the headquarters and all the hideouts of the terrorist organization. if all the explosives which were planted blasted the may be this would almost clear 99%of the cancer called terrorism.shadow team was able to successfully infiltrate in enemy ranks due to support of the phantom team and all the information gathered and connections that was made by amar years before this operation to eradicate the terrorism but now due to circumstances world federation was also one of his target.after 2 weeks of beginning of the mission. they were ready to strike almost all of the organization in the whole earth which can be possible threat to the world. in these amar and balbhadra had already moved almost all of their team hope soldiers to the headquarters by exerting their influence in the army which was very high. amar one of the supreme general who single handedly maintained peace by destroying every terrorist organization that even major countries feared gave his orders to begin true assault. team doom was first to execute the orders due to the interference of team light which consist only thousands member all the news related to blast didn't even transmitted to the general public even intelligence agency didn't got the news.

sword team also executed orders perfectly although there were many casualties but with the support of garuda it was successful. asura team was also efficient in their work as many political leaders and army officials and corrupt people's were killed that mad scientist was personally killed by frank. almost all the mission were done world was already turned upside down but due to phantom and light team only few people knew what had happened.

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