
The Journey Without End

Once Eina was adopted from the orphanage where she was abandoned, her life had taken a ruinous path. Forced into training from childhood by an organisation of specialised killers for hire, she had little chance to ever enjoy a regular life. When a dangerous mission went awry and death greeted her, she naively believed that her suffering was over. However, fate had other plans for the hapless assassin. Now Eina has found herself in a cruel world ruled by the powerful. A place where human life is worthless, and evil runs rampant. Eina will need to adapt to this world without justice. Will she be able to forge out her own path? Where so many before her have failed? Eina will need to use her expertise learned in her previous life, as well as her cunning intellect, to stand atop this barbaric world.

lajistics01 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 14: Sincerity

Eina couldn't answer the question. She chose to bury the question for a later time. They'd have many years together, more than enough time for her to figure it out.

Rose had been enjoying the process of absorbing the energy into her body. It gave her a profound feeling, as if she was becoming a different person. One that didn't need to be shackled by her status, nor her responsibilities.

In her last life she was said to be too old to practice. But after hearing Eina's words, she grew doubtful. To be able to block off the dantian, she knew that there was only one poison capable.

Dark thoughts swirled through her mind, as she knew that this poison required close access to her. Thinking about the only people that could be trusted enough by her, she didn't want to believe it.

Her mother and eldest brother had spoiled her for many years. As a princess she longed for nothing, pampered and unruly. Until she was kidnapped from the streets of the capital when she was seven and sent south to this city as a prospective prostitute.

At first she tried to escape, but after constant beatings she was smart enough to stop. She didn't dare to let others know her identity, in case it brought trouble to her eldest brother, the current crown prince. She just hoped that he'd find out where she was and come to save her.

However years went by, she had begun to grow up. Growing more beautiful over time, whilst learning the skills of the brothel, she knew in her heart that time was running out and she wouldn't be able to escape if she didn't rely on herself.

She used her knowledge to gain the favour of many noble guests. Luckily they were aware of the rules of the brothel and dared not go beyond the rules, before she turned fifteen. But the covetous, lustful gazes sickened her.

Thankfully she managed to get in touch with her mother's people, which allowed her to be quietly rescued. But when she came back to the capital, she understood that her mother and brother hadn't even dared to tell anyone she was missing. Setting up a fraud, that instead she had been sent to her brothers fief, because the capital was unsuitable for her health.

Not mentioning how unacceptable she felt at that moment, she at least had become wiser in her time in the brothel. She saw her mother's unhappiness when seeing her. Feeling that it was her fault for falling into such a situation, she didn't bother to defend herself.

She spent the next few years earning her father's favour under her brothers orders. Helping him accumulate more power. She had been surrounded by people sent by her mother and her brother.

Now that she thinks back to that time, along with the words that Eina had just relayed to her, a new explanation appeared in her mind.

'I was always meant to be expendable'

Realising the truth, tears fell silently from her eyes, running down her temples and finally disappearing into her hairline.

Eina who had been preoccupied felt the suppressed trembling of her new partner, not knowing why she was crying, she still chose to comfort Rose. Putting her hand on the girls forehead, and gently running it across her messy hair, she comforted "I don't know why you're sad, but as your partner I don't mind giving you my shoulder to cry on".

Although Eina had only meant it jokingly, Rose quickly turned over and buried her head against Eina's chest, wrapping her arms tightly around her body, which made Eina speechless. Feeling the wetness spreading around her chest, Eina could only sigh helplessly.

After a while, Rose finally calmed her emotions. Feeling a little embarrassed, she always seemed to be the one who was making a scene. She didn't get up straight away, but angrily rubbed her snot and tears on Eina's clothing.

Looking up at Eina, Rose saw her eyes were still as unfathomable as ever. She asked curiously, her voice stuffy and soft "Aren't you angry?"

Eina smiled, but her eyes showed no change. "I can't remember what that's supposed to feel like".

Rose was stunned by the answer, she had been wondering what kind of life the woman in front of her had lived, but every time she looked into Eina's eyes, she was scared.

Scared of a person, who didn't act as a human should. With eyes so lifeless that a corpse would be envious. What kind of life does someone have to be burdened with, to become like this?

Rose raised her hand and caressed Eina's cheek, rubbing her thumb over Eina's eyebrow.

Eina didn't show any surprise, nor aversion. Perhaps she felt no threat from the person in front of her. Perhaps she wanted to find more information to help answer the question that had begun to irk her. So she didn't push away Rose's hand, letting her play with her face wantonly.

Rose looked into Eina's eyes and spoke seriously "We haven't known each other for long. Based on your actions, you won't trust me so easily. But from this point on; I, Elena, am willing to sincerely cooperate with you".

"Elena? A much nicer name than Rose" Eina said.

"And yours? Would it be nicer than Lily?" Rose asked, a smidgen of hope in her expression.

Eina stared deeply at the woman in front of her. Even in a child's body, she couldn't hide the wisdom that stems from maturity. She knew nothing of this person. Not her identity, nor her purpose. Not her ambitions or dreams. She told herself that it would be reckless to give her sincerity to anyone. She knew that if she answered, she was following a path that could lead to demise.

Expectations, hope. Intangible emotions that could destroy a person. If this was Earth, she wouldn't dare to even think of these. But looking at the woman named Elena in front of her, she just couldn't find it in herself to dash the hope in her eyes.

Sighing internally, Eina decided to try just once. She had already grown tired of living, especially the way she had been. So what would it matter if she gave her sincerity, just this once?

"Eina. My name is Eina" She said.