
The Journey Without End

Once Eina was adopted from the orphanage where she was abandoned, her life had taken a ruinous path. Forced into training from childhood by an organisation of specialised killers for hire, she had little chance to ever enjoy a regular life. When a dangerous mission went awry and death greeted her, she naively believed that her suffering was over. However, fate had other plans for the hapless assassin. Now Eina has found herself in a cruel world ruled by the powerful. A place where human life is worthless, and evil runs rampant. Eina will need to adapt to this world without justice. Will she be able to forge out her own path? Where so many before her have failed? Eina will need to use her expertise learned in her previous life, as well as her cunning intellect, to stand atop this barbaric world.

lajistics01 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 12: Is It Impossible?

Following Lin to an area walled off from its surroundings, Eina and Rose could finally see their 'new' classroom. A large wooden building stood in the centre of the yard, showing elegance in its simplicity. Carved beams divided the buildings many rooms. Archways lined the paths, providing shelter from the sun and the rain and shallow streams flowed gently through the garden, surrounded by lush flowers growing haphazardly, adding a 'wild' taste to this environment.

There were a few girls walking around the paved pathways, some sat in pavilions in the distance. The only thing they seemed to have in common was that when Lin entered the courtyard with the two in tow, all of the girls turned their head to look.

Eina once again wanted to kick herself for choosing to act timidly. It left far too many restraints, but if she hadn't then how would she have been noticed by that teacher? 'Just be patient' she said to herself, lowering her head and pulling the sleeve of Rose next to her. Obviously showing discomfort with the peeping situation.

Rose felt a headache coming along. Others might think at first sight that this little girl is cowardly, but she just feels that a monster is holding onto her right now. But she knew the seriousness of the situation, so she kept her expression plain, showing no emotion.

Luckily the classrooms were divided, so they didn't have to stay with the other girls. Otherwise Eina might be very unhappy. The stares that those girls shot over were full of competitiveness, malicious and probing.

Lin led them to the classroom closest to the gate. Thankfully the two wouldn't have to pass the others if they wanted to leave, but it was obviously only a temporary comfort.

A pleasant ringing sound came from the other classrooms which spurred the girls in the garden to begin moving towards their own respective class.

Lin introduced them to their new teacher, an unsmiling woman. She showed no joy or sorrow. Much like Rose's expressionless face. Eina was seriously wondering if this was a common trait for people in this world.

The class itself did not take long. Because the two were literate, the teacher instead began to teach them to understand the fundamentals of prose and poetry.

Time passed quickly before the end of the class came, the teacher assigned them a task to practice their calligraphy and they'd bring it to show her the next time they had class.

Because the head prostitutes had to learn so many different skills, they would usually take six different classes per week, with one day rest. Today for Eina and Rose was obviously poetry. Tomorrow could be many things, dance and music among them. Like martial arts, laying a foundation when young is very important. Without it, a person, unless extraordinarily talented, will only reach the level of 'good', rarely great, but never exceptional.

After class ended Rose and Eina didn't bother to wait for the girls in further classrooms to make their way over to them, instead just heading off first.

Walking back to their courtyard, Eina saw other yards close by. She had thought this was the only yard near the madam's courtyard, but it seems the other head candidates also lived around. This eased the worries of Eina, who had thought up to this point, that they would be closely monitored by the shadow guards.

But after hearing what Rose had said to her the night before, she realised that those guards probably wouldn't move out of the yard. As the madam's protection and monitoring. They would definitely be beside her at most times. And now seeing the other yards in the distance, she didn't believe the madam would send the warrior beside her here to look at a couple of children.

Sensing the relaxation from the person next to her, Rose looked around, but couldn't understand what her new partner was thinking. She voiced her confusion to Eina.

Eina didn't think it was something to hide, so she relayed her thoughts to Rose.

The two chatted until they reached the yard, where Rose gave orders to the Maid she put in charge. Watching Rose also order the servant girls belonging to her, Eina didn't care. She had no intention of trying to control these people, not yet anyway.

She'd wait until it was logically acceptable for her to become more decisive. Even if that took years, as long as Rose showed no signs of maliciousness towards her, she wouldn't worry about giving up this bit of power.

Eina didn't care about the contemptuous and sneaky gazes she felt from those servant girls, instead following Rose into her room.

Eina sat down in the same chair as yesterday, watching Rose walk about the room, finding out paper and pen to practice calligraphy. Eina didn't speak, taking the pen and paper handed over, she dipped the pen in the newly ground ink, and wrote the homework she was assigned.

The two remained silent during the process. In the end it concluded very quickly. After all, the two weren't really children. If they couldn't even complete homework set for a seven year old, they'd be too ashamed to admit it.

When everything was done, Rose called for her maid to bring in water, and bring lunch.

The two washed their hands and ate. Seeing the last of the dishes removed, Eina asked Rose in a low voice to clear everyone out.

Rose complied, and Eina said "Now's a perfect time to learn how to train your internal strength".

Rose didn't say anything, but she showed a trace of expectation. In her last life, she had never learnt this skill. By the time she escaped the brothel and had some spare time to focus on it, she was already too old for it to have any real chance of being useful. Soon after she was busy with the court problems, which made her forget. In the end, it became a regret that she couldn't learn it. Perhaps if she had, she wouldn't have...

Rose was brought out of her daze by Eina's words. "Sit in a meditative posture. You want to clear your mind as much as possible, and focus on feeling the energy around you. Although there is a lot of guesswork in the word 'feeling' but comprehension is obviously an important part in anything".

Rose agreed with Eina's statement, sitting down in the position that she had practiced, she did as Eina asked, feeling for any 'energy' around her.

Time passed slowly, Eina couldn't feel any energy being drawn in by Rose, but she didn't interrupt, thinking that it might just take her longer.

It wasn't until she saw the more dejected expression on Rose's face and heard her words "I-I can't feel it" that she thought of another possibility. 'Is everyone able to train martial arts?'. Thinking of those books she had read, they did mention that some people were more talented then others, so are there some that aren't talented whatsoever?