
The Journey Of The Weaving Chaos Through Eternity

Maximus Adolf, a seemingly ‘normal’ person who was felled by a horrible tragedy, gains a second chance to become something better and live the life he desires through an eccentric ROB who has the mental stability of a goldfish. Will our main character finally develop to be better, or will he let the rot consume him and sow chaos? Yeah, Adolf’s going to be a menace. First World SCP (A/n: Make sure to give a review.....) Also warning: some chapters will be edgy. And PS, the book cover is not mine.

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First True Attachment In Reality... Dr. Bright's Briefing And Penalties For Using An anomalous Object

[Cyber Realm: Mechromia]

(3rd POV: Indra Brahma Adolf)

The new realm was completing itself by using and manipulating the narrative like a form of string theory in order to attach itself to the Internet of Earth to blend in seemingly, to make the new realm [Mechromia] look like it had always existed on Earth.

Another change occurred as the Jester began to morph into a mechanized form, leaving behind the spiritual state he was in before. His arms were floating as he moved them around, with one hand holding a clock and another with metallic clawed hands; his original face now had a mechanical mask with a blue stone in the middle that glowed occasionally.

He wore a ceremonial robe with a multitude of colors, and in the middle was a ticking clock as a symbol. This form made him look entirely unpredictable; he spoke up to one of the data spirits that was near one of the monitors where he was sitting.

[Has Mechromia finally finished its link to Earth, Alpine-005?] The voice Indra carried behind it held barely any speck of his original excitement; Alpine answered with the same apathy.

{It has sir. Would you like to finally set foot on Earth, Lord Indra?} Indra had his head resting on his hand as he was leaning on the arms of the chair, calculating what he should do and said.

[Before I proceed to stroll around Earth, I want you to check if Bitcoin exists.] ..... Indra said with a flat tone, and by his orders, Alpine-005 disappeared into the internet on Earth for a minute and came back.

{Bitcoin does indeed exist, Lord Indra...} The data spirit said, somewhat confused as to why Indra wants to know about Bitcoin, and Indra said.

[Good. I want you to steal all of the cryptocurrency from the Central African Republic and El Salvador and pin it all on Italy. I want to see what happens.] Alpine, a spiritual artificial data, felt flabbergasted yet couldn't help but understand his master.

{Right away, Lord Indra.} And the Artificial data spirit left upon its task of stealing cryptocurrency... Leaving Indra alone to monologue.

[Oh, Italy, Italy, Italy~ I hope you're prepared... My nemesis?...] Indra said, but even he didn't know why he called Italy his nemesis, but it was an excellent way to cause a bit of a smoke screen for other plans to come to fruition... And then, out of all expectations...

[DAS IST RICHTIG ITALIEN!!!! Du stehst auf meiner Bucket List, du heißes Stück Müll!!! ES IST ALLES WEGEN DEINEM VERDAMMTEN KAFFEE!!! Du weißt nicht einmal, was ein großer Kaffee für einen Kaffee ist, du bist verrückt!!!! DIESMAL GIBT ES IN ITALIEN KEINEN Seitenwechsel!!!] He spoke full on German... Jesus Christ...


After Indra calmed down, now feeling a bit antsy in his new metallic form, he decided that while Alpine was busy with his orders, he was going to go for a walk on Earth... Oh, God may have mercy for those who were to walk upon his path...






[Location: Site 001- O5 Office.] 

(POV: Dr Bright)

I was at the front of the office... I'm not sure if I was in trouble for using the SWANN engine, but because of how serious the situation was with the anomaly, I don't think I'll be in too much trouble... And then the door opened, and I saw Dr. Gears walking out of their office after he finished his report, as he said.

"You're up next, Dr. Bright; I don't know how, but they weren't too mad about you using that anomalous object. I can guess why... But you better give them a good explanation as they seemed extraordinarily keen to hear from you." Dr. Gears then walked off back to one of the offices to transport his findings to a different room...

'Welp, here goes nothing.' It was now my turn to talk about my findings... Or encounter, with the being called Indra.






(3rd POV: O5 Office)

Dr. Bright was in the same place from the first time the Council called him specifically to find whatever means to contact the anomaly that caused chaos on Earth. Bright couldn't help but sigh mentally while standing here again; he would rather have Cleff chase him around with SCP-682 again than stand here any longer.

After the dreadful silence, he heard O5-3 speak first.

O5-3: "It seems that you've been through quite a bit if you even used the SWANN engine on yourself, Dr. Bright. Could you explain that before talking about the new anomaly?"

Dr. Bright spoke without any reservations about holding any information back... Or almost any information. "Simply put, I had to use the engine to rid myself of the threat. Those spiders were preparing a ritual that would potentially be the end of the world, as the ritual they were performing was a summoning for something from a different plane of existence. At any moment, the summoning would have been complete, so I took extreme action to do so by using the engine." 

Dr. Bright spoke without skipping a beat. Now, it was someone else's turn to speak.

O5-2: "And where did you get this definite information from? I can only imagine it came from the anomaly behind those spiders. 

Dr. Bright answered O5-2, "Yes, it came from the anomaly, and he wanted me to sacrifice something in order to finish a ritual before the spiders, so I took a more direct approach in using the SWANN engine, the desired sacrifice that the anomaly named Indra wanted... So you can see where I'm coming from with using it instead of giving it up to the entity." His answer was entirely correct in that sense.

Still, Dr. Bright didn't want the members of the Council to panic if he talked about his theory about the entity's innate abilities with technology when he took the device for a 'look' before giving it back. If Dr. Bright was right, then diplomacy happened. Maybe it didn't, but Dr. Bright always gambled for a better outlook, which was to see if he could die or not. Suppose he could, then great.

If not, then, by his words, 'It is what it is.'

O5-1's turn to speak finally arrived.

O5-1: Tell me about what you know of the anomaly and its danger level towards humanity.

'It's almost over!!' Dr. Bright thought with excitement but kept a poker face as he told him the threat level. "If we were to talk about his danger, he should be a massive threat... But the anomalies personality, he seems to be a jokester who takes his jokes too far, but there are still a lot of unknowns of what it wants to do here...

So I would give Indra, or his number SCP-00000, to [keter], which should be edging to [XK-class], and I can't see any way of containing him as of yet. He's a different kind of danger compared to the Scarlet King and the Black Moon, as they both have an underlying goal of exterminating all life, while this Jester is unpredictable with what it does..." After Dr. Bright was done the briefing over SCP-00000 O5-5 said to Dr. Bright.

O5-5: "Thank you for the information and for working so hard, but before leaving, you are barred from using SCP-458 for using the SWANN engine, of all things. That is all, Dr. Bright." O5-5 smiled brightly, making Dr. Bright grumble as he walked away from the council office, hearing that he couldn't take the pizza box to his office.

O5-1 sighed as the problem was still out there and just waiting to rear its head somewhere, and that was when O5-7 said something to the rest that gave them the biggest surprise.

O5-7: "Oh, God... Why and how come both the Central African Republic and El Salvador want to go to war with Italy if they don't get any reparations?!?!" he was staring at his monitor in front of him while the rest of the Council looked at him like he was crazy.






