
The Journey Of The Weaving Chaos Through Eternity

Maximus Adolf, a seemingly ‘normal’ person who was be felled by a horrible tragedy, gains a second chance to be able to become something better in order to live a life he desires through an eccentric ROB who has the mental stability of a goldfish…………….. will our main character finally develop to be better or will he let the rot consume and sow chaos………… yeah Adolf’s going to be a menace. First World SCP Also warning, some chapters will be edgy. And ps the book cover is not mine.

Saptarasura · Others
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25 Chs

A Short Q/A Between God And A Spider... Peace Talks That can Only End Badly

(POV: Indra Brahma Ado##)

On the other side of the portal was a comfy room that didn't look anything like a containment area at all.

It was such a lavish place that it was somewhat foreign to me. If I ignore my past life, then sure, this should be the first time in a long time for me to feel at peace for once, honestly.

That was when I decided I wanted to sit on one of the couches and wait for God, or 343, to come back so that I could talk about whatever. I don't think I've ever had a chance to really talk to anyone or anything with any sense of comfort.

So I waited, leaning my head to my hand and my elbow to the armrest of the couch, crossing my leg to wait while the being in question was making tea. 

It feels weird to actually materialize on Earth, with how long I've spent in my supernal realms...

Well, technically, I am still there, but at the same time, my consciousness is here right now while my subconscious state is busy creating the expanding realms in my stead. I don't think I should consider it "consciousness" anymore with what I've become.

I heard a cheerful voice walking to the left side of where I was sitting. It was the middle-aged man I was waiting for, who had tea with him.

"Here's your tea!!" He said, and I, upon reflex, took it and stared at it for a bit before speaking to him.

"Huh? White tea, a symbol of purity and innocence... Isn't that some sort of jab to me? But I heard it tastes pretty good, though. And what name should I call you? I shouldn't be calling you old man forever." 343 sat on the other side and had already begun tasting his tea as I stared at him, waiting for his response, and he said.

"And I shouldn't be calling you a brat either... My nickname is God, but that makes me sound like a narcissist." My smile widened, hearing that response of his as I tried my best to hold back a chuckle and said.

"Does that really matter? A name is a name, and I have yet to shed away another name of mine that I grew to dislike until an actually decent mother gave me a new name, and that name of mine is Indra." I said with a light smile that was entirely unlike the one from causing chaos in that site in Mexico.

"Hoh, I'm going to guess that you were human before; you became the you of now? And before you ask why, that is my guess: quite a few humans have become entirely inhuman with powers to affect reality, and one example I could give would be Sam Howell.

But you're different from him, so very different as you seem to have a certain control over yourself, and your origin appears to be from a different cloth." His reasoning through a simple guess is honestly quite impressive, and I couldn't care less about something like that being known...

But I do like keeping a semblance of my 'humanity' or, more specifically, what made me, you know, "me," but everything else can take a hike... And I so eloquently said back... I tried to, at least.

"Well, God… All I can ever say about myself is that I am what I am, and all I'll ever be is myself and only myself, no matter how much I change. 

How horrible of a monster I'll become won't change the fact that I will always try my best to stay true to myself until I become as incomprehensible as my other siblings. Mind you, I doubt this will happen to me, as the only coping mechanism I have is just creating plans and having them stack upon one another, even if some of my plans seem pretty immature, which I do not deny at all.

Still, if it could make me just a bit different from my 'new' siblings as they act more like metaphors than anything else, I'll take what I am and see where it leads."

The God in front of me gave a sage nod and then said something as he smiled a bit: "That kind of attitude can help a lot when it comes to what you've become; you're kind of pitiful, but just a little bit...

But why did you cause tension with three random countries that had no prior relevance to each other? I mean, if you're looking for a bunch of humans on this Earth to fight each other, then you have almost succeeded at that..."

This was actually a first for me when it came to actually talking to another person about what I was doing...

I'm, of course, not going to tell him everything, as he'll figure that out himself. "Hmm... Well, I'm just using that war, if it even comes to fruition, as a way to hide an even bigger problem that the foundation will be blindsided by other than me, as two more problems will appear upon this planet

one is the [Deer From Saturn] that will break away from its containment and appear somewhere on this continent and raze it to the ground upon its release from a broken veil, with the only thing containing it was a ritual which will no longer be engaged...


The second problem: A wound shall tear into the world and break a seal for the Scarlet King, releasing itself upon this world, and that King is on the same continent as the deer. Do you see where I'm going with this?" God was quiet through Indra's plan; what he was doing was so much more twisted than he initially thought, but he went to ask another question.

"So, you're just using yourself as a decoy for actual threats to the foundation that will make them unprepared. That's pretty devious. Of course, that isn't your final waypoint, as you seem to desire to collect things. Why did you help those nine kids from Mexico?" Indra chuckled, looking distant while speaking.

"Well, at first, it was on a whim... I don't think I would have had such an early conversation with you if it weren't for them, and when I got closer to them, a certain instinct sparked up a hunch for me...

The kids and their power didn't hold any meaning to me, but the one behind the project of The Twins Of God has something that I am curious about.

If I took that person's favorite project away, one person from the O5 council would be emotionally upset and would do something that I desired from him.

If that doesn't work, which is highly likely, the others from the council will probably send a special squad to take him down before he does what I want. I'll just look for it out in space. Spoilers: It's a Theo weapon connected to the [Final Gate], And I want to use that as a decoration for a new door!!!" Indra said with excitement, leaving God trying to suck in some air and trying his best to hold back from bursting into laughter but at the same time rethinking things about when talking to this anomaly, Indra.

"Ok... It seemed to me that I'd been only asking about a daily list you've been writing down... But what is YOUR plan, Indra? I'm not talking about just a bunch of lists but an absolute agenda for this world..." God's aura, as soon as he finished his sentence, grew into an oppressing tidal wave that had swept the entire containment area, creating crack after crack, only leaving Indra and his couch intact as God kept the same kind smile as he sat on his couch.

Indra shrugged his shoulders and mirrored a similar smile as he released a similar aura. Both auras were tearing apart the containment, as Indra told God. "Well, what can I say? That's a secret, and who knows, it might not be that Grandeur of an agenda as you're making it to be!!" 

God nodded his head in understanding, and that original crushing aura vanished alongside Indra's. Indra sighed and said, "I guess I've overstayed my welcome. Is there anything you want to tell me?"

God shook his head and told Indra, "I do. It's about another entity that is a constant and a pretty powerful constant at that, but different from its original state of origin.

She's every bit spiteful and even more violent as she tears and erases narratives with complete insanity. She might be a bit similar to you, and whatever your agenda is, she could have information that could help..." 

Indra, who heard him, looked back at him and smiled, "Thanks... But she sounds more like a problem to my already degrading mental health... I like stable women... For the most part... And if what you said was right, then she is more of an outlier to my bucket list..."

Indra's words were entirely correct. She would be a pain that he would want to get away from, and he would boot her off quickly from this continuity as she gushes about some crush of hers, like a teen "that had probably run away and gotten some milk; good for him." Future, Indra thought... But that's a story for another time.

Indra finally left, leaving 343 by himself while drinking his tea. When he looked at the cup that was placed on the table, God chuckled.

(A/n: .... My boys flaming on another character from my other fanfic of mine...)

"Well then, I guess you did enjoy the tea I gave you, huh? And you were also whining about the tea, too... And Jack, you have found quite the wild card, if I have to say." 343 said while already knew that Indra had probably heard him from afar.






(U.N Meeting Of Congress: Peace Conference)

[Location- Headquarters of the United Nations- USA!!]

Both representatives from El Salvador and The Central African Republic had finally made their way to their seats side by side as the Representative from France awaited their arrival.

The rest of the country's representatives were closely watching, waiting to see how the peace talks would unfold.

As both of the opposing representatives made their seats from France, they spoke up first.

"Hemos llegado y tanto yo como la República Centroafricana queremos que nos paguen ya que no estamos precisamente de buen humor para bromas." And the translator alongside the two spoke also.

"He said, 'We have arrived, and The Central African Republic and I want our reparations now as the both of us aren't exactly in a good mood for pleasantries.' How will you respond, Ambassador Maurizio?" The unknown Translator said.

Maurizo, who was confused about the fact that there was only one Translator, asked, "Are you the only translator for them?"

"Yes, I am, but I think answering their question should be of more importance." Maurizo coughed and said with regret.

"*Cough* Oh, yes, you're right about that. My apologies. Of course, we should get started with the reparations immediately. I have already prepared the currency that we had from both countries from an unknown cause." The Translator turned around and spoke to them, first to the one from the African Republic.

"I yé, "Bó ko na yángâ la wâti na yê, to tî kôtôrô wê tî yô." The Translator said and turned to the other Representative and spoke.

"Si quieres recuperar tu dinero, tendrás que pagar algo en especie." Both representatives looked at each other and collectively shook their heads as the Representative Of the Central Republic spoke up.

"Ké yé a na yé?" The Translator looked at him, then turned around and said to the Italian Representative.

"Well, he said that he was very grateful and had something you to sign; what will you say?" Maurizo's eyes lightened up as if all the stress from this event had lifted quite a bit and said.

"I'll sign it whatever! The money is theirs anyway!" Maurizo said with a smile. But sadly, the worst had yet to come for the poor Ambassador.

The Translator turned toward both of the representatives and gave them a smile that was fit for a madman as a symbol of a Scarlet crown appeared on the possessed Translator, as this poor Translator was a corpse long before the actual meeting, and told them in a language that they both could understand.

"אני מקווה שתהיה לשניכם נסיעה בטוחה לארמון השכבה שלי!!! The Translator said in a language that etched into their very souls as he reached into his pocket, popped both of them with a Beretta M9, and immediately shot himself before security could arrive on the scene.




Now, three lifeless bodies were lying on the floor, leaving Maurizo traumatized and operatives who were heavily unprepared for possession like this as the anomaly they were looking for had more cybernetic property. Still, videos showed that the Translator named ##### had a symbol of a crown upon his forehead, which concludes that The King who Rose from the Bleeding Skies has begun his action from containment.

However, these operatives have yet to realize that this incident was only the beginning, as the King shall break its first seal.





(Indra Brahman A%%%%)

Indra was watching the stage where he wasn't involved for once and whistled in surprise.

"Oh Wow!! The Children Of The Scarlet King really know how to cause such a scene!! And also quite impressive for them to somehow conceal a damn pistol too... But I guess that was my fault partly, as you guys were such an enjoyable surprise... At least I kept the entire video live-cast to the entire world!!! And let the theater begin!!!" Indra raised his hands in the air like a Maestro and materialized his stick to play with the unknown bells ringing about in cacophony that can only be heard if you stood utterly still and silent.






(A/n: I'm having fun writing this shit if I have to be honest... And I'm already thinking about releasing him to another world as his vacation, too... And a review would be excellent... But I love reading the comments, too.)