
The Journey Of The Progenitor Of Fear

have you ever thought that you hate being human? bound by a prison made of flesh and bones, humans are limited, petty creatures, i dont hate humans in general, but being one feel horrible. have you ever thought about this? i did alot, until I was reincarnated in a fantasy world as a progenitor vampire A journey of destruction, cute girls, monsters, domination and magic fights ah, forgot to say, come closer, there is lesbian action

San_Martins · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Eleonore is brushing my hair today like always, but an unexpected visit knock on the door is not Vani because she is in her room changing clothes 

I gesture with my hands to Eleonore to go see what it is

she opens and starts to talk, she looks at me asking if they could enter, looks like the director is in here to see me

"you may enter director," I say

Eleonore then rushed to prepare the table

the directness of the academy is said to be the most powerful vampire at this time and age, she looks quite old rare for a vampire to look that age, so she must be really old, she has gray hair with a ponytail and blue mantle with the academy crest on it, she is tall, taller than me almost the same height as Karyon patriarch

she enters and I bow my head slightly, she does the same, and I offer her a sit that she gladly takes

"Sorry for the intrusion student Seraphine" she says

"No intrusion at all directness" I say to her

"Then, I would like to go straight to the point, a week from here will occur the tournament, I think you must have heard of it yes?" the directness ask

"Yes, I heard of it but I wasn't interested" I say to her while taking a sip of blood

"Normally we just do a tournament in favor of sports, but this year I thought about doing something different to elevate vampires morals, think of it as a showcase of academy talented students, so the people can rest easy regarding the future generations, and of course, the winner will get rewarded greatly this year" she takes

out a paper and give it to me

The paper has information about the reward...

What? The winner can choose 5 items from this list... a cloak that reduces sun effects greatly? don't seem that useful for normal vampires but if it works for me? An enchanted greatsword... this seems highly unlikely to be chosen at random, obviously, she wants me to participate at any cost, im the top of students right now after all

I give a grim smile and say

"You are letting me without a choice here directress... I will participate" I say smiling

"I see... then I trust you to make a big show" the directress says finding my expression strange

"I may take my leave, 5 days from now at the Colosseum the tournament will take place," the directress says while opening the door and giving a bow she leaves

Hehehehahaha, this will be good....

I talked with Vani she seems to be participating too, there will be some preliminary matches for most of them outside the top 3, Myself, Vani, and Galileo Komari it is a nice chance to punish that vermin for what he did in the start of classes, im quite revengeful

the most likely outcome is me and Vani at finals but with those rewards, im pretty sure some clans will try to get their members to win in some way, but I do not think they will go too far as to kill someone for example

let's see how it goes...

5 days pass

making my way toward the Colosseum with Vani and Eleonore, is a Colosseum with a dome made of magic so the sun doesn't take effect inside, but it is still bright there

I heard that my brother passed the preliminary and is fighting too, he must have trained a lot since that time, I didn't get to see him much in these past 5 months

im getting excited just from imagining breaking my brother's pride after so much training

"You seem to be in good spirit today My Lady" Eleonore say

"True, are you fired up to fight My Queen?" Vani says

"Yes, has been quite some time after all," I say smiling

some clans even tried to make me choose the items that they wanted for money, but I refused there was no point 

in the Colosseum

The directress was waiting for me 

"a pleasure to see you again directress" I say bowing slightly

"it is my pleasure, then would you like to accompany me to the luxury chambers, you can take your servant too if you may" the directress say

Vani will be taking her leave because she will have the first fight of the day, lets see how she goes

"then Vani I wish you good luck dear, I will be watching you" I whisper in her ear while giving her a hug passing my hand on her rear

she blushes and bids me goodbye, I see her running from behind... her ears are red, cute

"shall we?" I say to the directress

getting inside the luxury chamber seems like there are a lot of nobles' vampires getting their attention on me, dammit this old bitch tricked me

I guess there is nothing I can do right now I will just talk with them...

Soon I can see Vani at the arena, she is wearing a normal warrior set, white shirt, protection on her forearms, same kind on her ankles, black boots, and black gloves, with a normal sword provided by the academy

her opponent seems to be from a big noble clan, high-quality protection, and a better sword, but don't seem like a threat for Vani

Vani POV

seeing my opponent im starting to get intimidated... no Vani don't shame your Queen she is watching you, im not allowed to lose to anyone but her

"With all of you! Starts the first match of today! On the left side is Vani Eloin she ranked second place in this year's entrance exam!!" the announcer yells and comes a wave of applause

"On the right side there is Brionis Umaneki, the First child of the Umaneki clan, said to have extraordinary talents!!" the announcer yells, more applause

I cant let my guard down just because I got second place, everyone trained and learned new things, but so do I 

I trained non-stop these past 5 months because I needed to be strong to be by my Queen's side

"Start!!" the announcer says

Brionis takes the lead, using air magic to dash himself forward and clashing sword with Vani

after a sequence of blocks from Vani, her opponent is hesitant for a moment, and she kicks him in the guts, and he backs down

Vani not letting time for the boy to pull himself together, sends a volley of water arrows that the boy evades successfully

"Ha! You will have to do better than that commoner!" says Brionis with a smug on his face

Vani creates a last arrow of water, that the boy averts easily, but Vani uses a stone coming from underneath the boy's feet and sends him toward the sky

the boy didn't see that coming and was surprised, without time to think, Vani sent herself up with the same magic and kicked him in the guts while falling

the boy falls to the ground already unconscious

everyone starts applauding, but all Vani could see was her Queen in the luxury chamber sending her a warm smile

"Incredible match we see today!! What was that??!!" the announcer yelled

"Vani Eloin Takes the win, beautiful!!" says the announcer

Back to Seraphine

"it seems that she did well" I say smiling

"then directress, everyone I must take my leave to attend the next match" I say while bowing my head

I make my way to the equipment room to take my things

On the way I pass by Vani and give my congratulations 

I get my greatsword and put on my battle dress, which is a mix of black and red covering my legs neck, and arms letting just my hands, head, and hair see

as I enter the arena

"Ooooh here she comes!! The rumored beauty among beauties, ranked first at the exams, commonly known at the academy as Queen!!... Seraphine Noire!" the announcer yelled as I entered

when I entered everyone started yelling

"Queen... Queen... Queen" im quite famous outside academy grounds too

"And I must say the rumors aren't exaggerated at all!! She truly is a beauty!!" the announcer says

I start to wave my hand at the crowd, in a private chamber I see the patriarch and a few members of my clan mother dad sister and brother included

"And on the left side, Patricius Elarion!!, the third child of the Elarion clan, ranked fourth place at the entrance exam!!" the announcer yells

Patricius is glaring at me, he is the same height as me, has black hair, and is using a spear, let's see what he can do

I look at him and give him a grim smile, he flinches

"Then let's begin!! Take out your weapons and go" the announcer said

I don't intend to use mine anyway, the boy seems to be waiting for me to get my sword

"You can come at once, I don't intend to get my weapon out" I say to the boy

he then gets pissed

"You underestimate me! It will be your doom, arrogant bitch" Patricius says glaring at me

this vermin... dare to insult me

finally, he comes, sending a volley of flame balls in my direction, I avert all of them

he comes closer and I start to evade every one of his attacks, he back down I let him

he starts to charge up and attack a weapon art it seems

his spear glows in red and a slash of flames comes out at me, making an explosion

"Haa!! that's what you get for being an arrogant bitch!" he yells happy

I appear behind him in a blink

"the first time I didn't mind, but you dare to call me a bitch again, you will now fear today boy" I whisper in his ear 

trying to hit me at his back, he swings his spear around himself, but im already out of his range

"you shall learn to behave from now on boy" I say with a cold voice

red lighting started to form around me 

"Huh??" Patricius tries to say but...

I grab his neck and put him in the air

he doesn't know what happened, he didn't see, im too fast for his eyes

"oi... vermin you better protect that body of yours with all the mana you have left, I don't want to kill you by accident you see?" I say, he is panicking

he is trying to get out of my hand on his neck but no success

then I kick him and send him flying across the arena, I run past him and kick his back into the air, I appear in the air and start to play ping pong with his body again and again and again

all people could see was him getting tossed across the air and a track of dark red lighting

in the air I grab his neck and throw him to the ground and appear there before he hits the ground, I grab his neck again, and we are at the same place that we started, but you can see the difference... the boy was destroyed he is not conscious anymore, but still alive 

I guess I broke some of his bones, and after some seconds I dropped him on the ground... 

The arena is silent, no one dares to breathe until the announcer says

"What just happened???!! The Queen misled us with her beauty, but she is BRUTAL!!! And what was that dark red lighting I've never seen something like that in my life?!"

say the announcer 

"Queen... Queen... Queen..." After the announcer woke the arena everyone started to scream and applause

I wave my hands to the crowd, my hands red with blood, and I give a malicious smile

getting out of the arena I see a man taller than me with black hair and a rage expression

I got close and he looked at me

"That was really needed?" he says trembling with rage

"that?" I ask pretending ignorance

"don't play dumb with me little girl! not after what you did to my child" he yells

"oh about that, you see im quite inexperienced in trying to hold back, poor me look at my hands all bloody" I say sarcastically giving a grim smile 

he puts his hands on his sword but before he pulls it

"I wouldn't do that if I was you Leo Elarion" a cold voice came from behind the men

the directress

"I did nothing directress, only giving my praises to a youngster that's all" he says while looking at me 

"I think you already gave, you should go" the directress said to him

"Yes indeed I should get going" say the men named Leo

then I made my way to the directress side and bowed slightly

"thank you for supporting me directress" I say to her

"hum, for nothing, but I ask you to refrain from using that level of violence here" she says while we walk

well I didn't intend to go that hard but THE VERMIN CALLED ME A BITCH is only natural that I give him some punishment

"not gonna happen again I assure you" I say to her

"Then I'm gonna take my leave to shower farewell" I say going to the private bath

"Yes, your servant is waiting for you there it seems" she says and gives me her goodbyes

at the bath

"My lady, your match was magnificent" says Eleonore looking excited

"You flatter me, Eleonore, let's go in, this appearance is unworthy of me" I say and Eleonore opens the door

when she closes the door, she gives me a hug from behind

"My lady I can barely stand mmm, look how im right here" She takes my hand stained with blood and puts it in her underwear

"I got so excited seeing you beat that boy at the arena mmm" she says giving a moan

a pervert to the core

Eleonore fell to the ground on her 4, and she started to lick the blood off my hands, finger by finger 

Eleonore losing herself to lust is so cute... I will screw her up...

Sometime later, Vani match 2

"Now! For the second time on the left side!!... Vani Eloin!" the announcer says

the crowd applause

"Now one of the more awaited matches... Galileo Komari ranked 3 places in the exams!! Now a match between third and second place will begin!" says the announcer

Galileo was wearing fancy armor that looked expensive and strong and his sword... I have a bad feeling about his sword, my magic vision is detecting something but I don't know what it is...

His sword has an ominous purple aura around it but no one sees it

Vani POV

"then begins!!" the announcer says

I channel a tornado of water with small rocks on it, but Galileo is faster, he comes dashing in my way with legs enhanced by mana, but I know that trick too...

I go in his direction, and we clash swords, the battle seems even both defending each other, but for some reason, Galileo is getting faster than me, or not? Looks like im getting slower for some reason...

I gotta back down I thought but, I deflected one of his attacks then while backing down, I took a hit and a cut in my stomach

"AA!" I yell in pain, but how? Is it just a little cut why this is hurting so much?

Galileo gives me a malicious smile and starts to talk

"Ow, cant take even a little cut commoner? You should work on your resistance" says Galileo laughing

he put his hand forward and a fire eagle appeared

I have to evade that, I thought to myself

I evade by an inch because of this cut my body seems to be slowing down for some reason I feel sleepy...

Then he dashes at me, and when I am lost in thoughts he punches me in the face, and I fall to the ground

No... no... I cant get up my body is heavy... get up then I see nothing...

Back to Seraphine

Bastard... DARE HE DARE TO DO THIS, vermin cheater dare to hurt what is mine

"directoress, you told me to not use unnecessary violence, you were talking about physical right?" I ask the directress, with a fury in my tone that I did not know I had

"Yes physical violence, why you ask?" directoress say

"Because I will break that vermin's mind so bad that we will become unable to hold a sword again in his pitiful life" I say while rising from my chair 

the directoress protest, but I pay her no mind and start going to the infirmary to see Vani

"My Queen, im sorry I put shame on your name, I wanted to win I tried my best My Queen" said Vani while crying holding my hand

"there's something wrong with his attacks My Queen" she warns me 

"I know Vani, don't worry about your Queen, worry about getting better, they will cure you with healing magic" I say

"im sorry my Queen, im too weak" she says crying

"Yes Vani, you are weak, but you have the potential to be so much stronger Vani, your time is yet to come" I say to her

"thank you My Queen, I swear never to lose again while I fight for you" says Vani crying

"as expected of the Queen's right hand, you shall never lose" I say leaving the infirmary

Now im going in the arena direction, this vermin shall see my new trick...

In the arena

"Now the final match the winner takes all!! Seraphine Noire VS Galileo Komari"

everyone at the arena could see, no... they could feel, Seraphine's anger

"Queen... Queen... Queen..." but she is not smiling anymore, nor waving her hand 

feeling the tension the announcer begins the match with a yell as usual

dark red lighting started to flow through me and I dashed toward Galileo so fast that the dust from the arena went up

I kick his stomach and send him flying, I appear behind him while he is still flying backward, I do a spinning kick, and he goes to the ground

while he tries to get up I take the sword from his hand and break it in two an ominous aura gets out from the insides of the broken sword

"No! Why did you do that!?" he screams

trying to get up I kick his leg once again, and he falls to the ground

I go close to his face on the ground

"I will ask twice, after that I will make you turn into a vegetable for the rest of your life if you lie get it?" I say with a cold voice

"Huh? What?" he says puzzled

I punch his face

"you only talk when I ask" I say

"shake your head if you understand" I say

he shakes

"Good, now tell me, what is that in your sword" I ask

"Huh? N-othing is just an enchantment" he says averting his eye

I open my eyes, and the atmosphere goes dark, everyone at the arena starts to feel a cold breeze giving shivers to them


"gAlIlEoN dOnT rUn, GALILEO WHY ARE YOU RUNNING GALILEO" a twisted voice could be heard in the woods in this dark and cold forest

"Who is talking!? Who is it?! Get off me, somebody helps!!? Father, mother!?" Galileo says while running through the trees at full speed

but don't matter how fast he is, this thing keeps coming

"gAlIlEo, dOnT lEaVe mE" it says


Galileo blinks, and now he is at the arena again, but his eyes look different, these are the eyes of someone who knows true fear

"AAAAAAAAAA!!" Galileo started to panic, everyone looked puzzled because I did nothing to hurt the boy, apparently

 I give him a slap across the face, he stops screaming

"Galileo, remember? I said that I would only ask twice, try to lie again, and you will not get out of that forest ever again" I say to him with a cold expression


"Get up and leave the arena vermin" I say, and he starts to panic while running and crying 

he leaves the arena and everyone looks puzzled

"Galileo is disqualified!! For leaving the arena and using a miasma sword" the announcer yells


after the problem is resolved and the Komari clan pays appropriate compensation to Vani, Galileo dropout too, rumors say he is afraid of leaving his room after what happened

I can control the power in my eyes a little better now, to the point of making the greater effect only spread to a selected person, but people can still feel a cold or shivers around when I open it, better continue to keep it shut

Regarding my brother's fight seems that he got scared after seeing my other two matches... I don't blame him

treasury room, academy underground

"I wish I could have seen you fighting My Queen" says Vani with a joking tone

she is better after being treated 

"hahaha that boy Galileo ran crying at the end, rumors say that he is still having nightmares with My Lady" says Eleonore laughing with Vani

then we find ourselves in a door full of magic symbols for protection, directress starts to channel some magic, and the door open

inside the treasury room, there are a lot of things but I already know what I want

"Seraphine Noire, as the winner of the tournament you have the right to choose 5 items out of all in this room" the directress says

I turn and face Vani and Eleonore

"girls, I will take 3 items, leave one for each of you take it as a token of my appreciation" I say to them

they seem to be embarrassed, but take it anyway

I see a greatsword, beautiful greatsword, worthy of me I should say, a black blade with spicks at the edge of the blade, at the middle two lines of dark red connecting each other at the tip of the sword there is a word in red, I don't recognize the letters but for some reason, I can read it

"those who fear shall not defeat me" I whisper 

and the sword that glows in a red dark aura 

the directress asked what happened but, I didn't say

I got the spatial ring too, a rare artifact that can open a portal to the storage of items

and the night cloak, a cloak that can reduce sun effects greatly, I have to make my tests to see if it works, is a black cloak with some holes at the lower base

"hmm... a night cloak, spatial ring too, if I would have to guess, you are leaving the citadel right?" the directress say

I stop and turn myself to her, feeling the change in atmosphere Eleonore and Vani get on guard

"No need for you to be wary of me, I don't know all the situation going on with you but, I can say, you are not a normal vampire" says the directress

"im old youngster, I know what the noble's clan will try to do, more so after the matches, here is not a safe place for you, you should grow outside and then come back to lead us to greatness again, Queen Seraphine Progenitor of Fear" she says while bowing her head

Im a little surprised but, my father had heard rumors about progenitors before, and she is a lot older so makes sense

"Yes I shall lead our race to greatness, thank you for your support, I will not forget about this" I say while bowing

after that I left with Vani and Eleonore, Vani picked a sword with ice enchantment, which is not perfect yet, but soon she will learn how to make ice magic

Eleonore picked a staff made of wood and had a blue gem floating at the top

we all went back to my room, and while we were going, some people asked for autographs, I became quite famous it seems

after we got inside my room we all went to bed, cuddled, and slept, after all, that happened today I was quite tired

I wake up in the morning with Eleonore smelling me, I guess she thinks im sleeping, hard to say because I don't open my eyes, but I pay her no mind

I use times like this to think about my future, I planned to leave Citadel after one year, but after the fuss I caused, I will have to do it sooner but was worth it, gained a horror bringer, my new greatsword, works perfectly alongside my powers, I do not fully know but I think that I get stronger if people fear me

but could be something more too, hard to know right now

the spatial ring too is a great addiction, and the night cloak works for me just not as well, I can walk in the sun now but I feel like im car sick if I stand around too much

let's put my knowledge about the rest of the world in place before I go, first, there are 3 types of races, and the rest are sub races

human, sub-human, and demon, these three are the races of this world

human are, well humans, not much about them

sub-humans are sub races like nekomata a mix of human and feline, they have better powers too, nekomatas hear from great distances and things like that there are the so called Elf, and they are protectors of the forests and stuff they have pointy ears or so I read, there's a lot more of subraces to it but I will not think about them all

Demons, basically any other race that humans and sub humans find bad enough, vampires, ogres, undead, things like that

sub humans tend to get enslaved by humans, they may be stronger than humans but like vampires, they lack the numbers to stand up against them, demons don't get enslaved because they are too scared of letting us inside their cities, so we just get killed instead

Im getting excited, not as much as my dear servant here masturbating while smelling my hair thought

"PERVERT" I yell

Eleonore jumps

"You scared me, My Lady, I was just checking the insides of your blanket" says Eleonore averting her eyes 


"don't lie pervert maid, I was awake the whole time" I say laughing

"Who is the pervert then?" she jokes

"stop telling the truth, and come here, so we finish what you were doing" I say smiling

"My Lady is such a teaser" Eleonore says while getting inside the blanket