
Chapter 5

Saying that Alena closed the door and went away.

Now Let's check out the room.

Furniture looked expensive and the room was also decorated pretty nicely though had much space but it also makes the room nice.

After checking all the things I went to bathroom area and took a warm bath and wash my myself . For clothes I opened the system's "Clothes" function and there was pretty much every kind of clothes,So I just picked up night clothes.

Letter a butler came and gave me the food I ordered and I must say the food here is very much delicious well I suppose they didn't just take 2gold coins for nothing. After eating the dinner I went to sleep though I was not exsausted but I just did it.


Right now I was wearing a White shirt,black jeans ,a black sneakers and gem locket and inventory ring. Ring which I picked up from my "Inventory". Since my inventory was filled with many kinds of things and I have to search for what I have put into it,So I just took this ring which gives me another inventory tab and right now it has nothing in it. Though I will not use it publicly untill I make sure it is common in this country to have these type of rings.

"Good morning Alena,"I greeted her

"Good morning sir Leo" replied Alena in sweet voice.

"Alena I wanted to talk about the ID,can I have a minute to with you about it" Leo

"Ok ,You can ask about it"Alena

"So where can I get it and what is its usage"Leo

"It is used for taking jobs in Guilds for entering dungeons and many other things and you can get it in by registering in the guilds " Alena

"Thanks for the info" Leo

"You are welcome" Alena

Ok then now it's to get a ID and see what this country has to offer.

[Hay System]Leo said in his mind while going through the hotel exit.

[Ding... Yes Host ] said a mechanical voice in my mind.

[Navigate towards the Guild]Leo

[Ding... Searching for Guilds ] System

[Ding... Search completed ]

[Ding... Four Guilds have been found ]

[Ding... Host these are guilds nearby . which one do you wish to go in?.] system

As the system said those word a golden screen came in my view.

[ Dragon Guild ]

Branch No- 57

Members- 125

Battle Power - 2200

Present Jobs - 34

[ Phoenix Guild ]

Branch No- 57

Members- 151

Battle Power- 2130

Present Jobs- 46

[ Pegasus Guild ]

Branch No- 57

Members- 140

Battle Power- 2100

Present Jobs- 50

[ Wavern Guild ]

Branch No- 57

Members- 155

Battle Power- 2150

Present Jobs- 36

[ System which Guild is closest to me.] Leo

[Ding... Dragon Guild is closest to you] System

[ System Navigate towards the Dragon Guild ] Leo

[Ding... Navigation started ] System

A blue arrow pointing towards the south came in my view and I started running towards the direction which the arrow is pointing while controlling my speed .

While running I saw women staring at me. "Damn


It took a while but I reached out to the guild and right now I was standing in front of entrance.

"Ok ,Let's enter"I said and entered through guild entrence.

As enter many people were staring at me ,some of them were girls and some were men."Now even men are staring at me " F*** I cursed my charisma.

After entering the guild I observed the building searching for receptionist .

The inside of the guild was wide and spacious .The floor was made of marbles ,A news channel was playing on the big TV hanging bon the wall , A women in receptionist dress was at the bottom of the room surrounded by people who were also staring at me. And many people were walking and also talking about me in a low voice but because of my extream sense sence I was able to hear it clearly.

"Hay look there kyaa!, That guy is so handsome"Woman 1

"Oh my,He truly is "Woman 2

"Ah!,His eyes are so cold yet charming"Woman 3

"He is totally my type"Women 3

"Hay see that guy,His equipment is high class"Men 1

"ha,I think it's at least of unique class one"Men 2

"Man you can't even get those equipment in shops"Men 3

"Damn all the womens are starting at him"Men 4

"He got it all , Didn't he "Men 3

"And here I can't even get a girlfriend "Men 2

"Damn it, My charm I have do something about it really fast and Now even my equipment became a problem"Leo thought in his head with a cold expression on his face.

"Ah Whatever" Leo thought in his mind while carrying a plain look on his face.

After thinking in his mind Leo went towards the receptionist area and as he went the people near the receptionist open their way to him and after a while they want away from him by seeing his cold eyes whereas Womens looked at him with lustful expression.

"Ah hello"The receptionist said while carrying a red face.

"Ya, Hello and my name is Leo "Said Leo introducing himself।

"Yes Ms Leo and my Name is Risa Bonanza you can just call me Risa"The receptionist said introducing herself.

"Ok then I will call you that but you must also call me Leo with no Ms attached"Leo

"Ok and how may I help you"Risa

"I wanted to ask how can I get an ID"Leo

"Oh you just had to fill the form and registered in our guild and take test to determine you ranking"Risa said while taking a form and pen , Handing it to him.

I took the form and pen and filled it and returned it back to her. Risa took the form checked it and put it somewhere in the drawer.

"Your writing test will be taken in a hour for the time being you can sit on the chair or go somewhere else and come back after a hour"Risa

"Ah Thank you, I will sit on the chair then since I don't want to go somewhere right now"Leo

"You are welcome"said Risa while beet red.