
Chapter 2

Leo [ Open Map]

System [Ding... Opening map]

System [ Map has been opened analyzing the area. Analyzing completed.]

As Leo said that a golden screen came into his View. He sided his fingers on the screen and tapped on the Tiger like flag. Another window opened besides the map and information about the county was given on it there was also options

like direction, Status and many other things.

Leo tapped on the direction and system voice rang in his mind System [ The direction from the host current position is towards the North. For further assistance Please open Navigation.]

Leo heard what the system told and instantly said "Open Navigation".

System [Navigation had been opened. starting navigation towards the country Lions]

System [Please Select the path you want travel from these options__- The safest path towards the Country lions is 10000Km and the faster with little bit of danger is 3000km.]

Leo was hungry and bored so he pic the fastest path. As soon as he did that System started its navigation.

Leo started running towards the direction which the System told him and got into the forest. Though he didn't realize he was running at an extremely fast speed and if someone saw for them it would be like bullet train is running on its fastest speed. After sometime System voice rang in his head. System [Alert!! Hostility has been detected in 10Km area. Analyzing the area for further information. Analyzing completed Enemies type - 100 Ogre (general), 1 Ogre lord.


Level 70 (LV Cap- 80)

class - Warriors

Title - None

Ability- General

Skill - smashing, Brute Force, Taunt

A.power- 600

Defense - 100

M.power- 150

S.power - 50

Equipment - Blunt Sword (rare), Armour(rare)

Description - Just an Ogre with rare levels. Nothing too special.

(Ogre Lord)


Class - Warrior

Title - Ogre Lord

Ability- Talent in swordsman ship

Skill - Brute Force (Rare), Brute Smash(rare) , MartiArt (Tier - 2) , Physical Enhancement (Rare)

A.power - 800 +300

Defense - 500 +100

M. power - 300 +100

S. power -150

Equipment - Fang Sword (Unique), Fang Armour

(Unique), Fang Glove (Unique), Fang

Gutlet (Unique), Fang Ring (Unique).

Description - one of the Lord of orc tribes. Has some skills. Very much Dangerous for general Level 60 Humans and below.

Leo watched the System Alerts and all the information given to him but was not surprised.He stopped for a moment opened the inventory and took out ????Sword and as soon as he did a crazy thing happened.

System [Ding....Host has Equipped Sword Type Item. Title Effect Top learner in all of Erse- and Title effect Top Talented in All of Erse is Activated]

System [Ding.... Swordsman Class is Unlocked

[Ding... Beginner Swordsman Ship is learnt]

[Ding... Advanced Swordsman Ship is Learnt]

[Ding... Master Swordsman Ship is learnt]

[Ding... New Swordsman Class is Upgraded to Master Swordsman Ship Class]

[Ding... Skill Sword Energy is Unlocked]

[Ding... Skill Sword Slash is Unlocked]

[Ding... Skill Dash has been Unlocked]

[Ding... Sword Wave is Unlocked]

If Anyone Had seen these System Message Their Eyes would roll out And They will spit blood from their mouths but it was good that no-one was here as it would have brought trouble for Leo.

Leo saw these messages but had no reaction he subconsciously used his skill Dash and ran towards the Ogre slaughtering them within 30 minutes at that time only screams and system messages could be heard.

Ogre [kkkk ... kua...k.]

System [YOU HAVE KILLED AN OGRE YOU HAVE GAINED 200Exp. You have gained Blunt sword (rare). You have gained Armour (rare). You have gained 1 killing point.]








After Killing Ogres Only Ogre Lord remained and several of the system messages appeared.

System [Ogre language has been heared]

Ogre [Kaks...skk...ajud.hsushv

System [Ding... Title effect speaker of all languages in Erse is in effect.]

Ding....You have learned Ogre language

Ogre [Who the f..k are u human to kill my kin But I am not like those weaklings,So don't underestimate me.]

As the Ogre said these words, He took his sword and ran towards Leo. He moved his hand vertically using the sword and just before he could land a hit on leo solder. Leo used his skill ''Dash" and came behind the Ogre. Leo moved his sword horizontally and the sword slashed through the Ogre neck and intently killed the monster. He again used his skill "Dash" and came behind the nearby tree just before the blood of Ogre could stained his clothes.


As the Ogre finished speaking, he ran towards me using his he wanted to kill me but just before he could land a hit on me. I dashed behind him and instantly killed him. For me it was like a walk in the park.

Well whatever I should go before it gets dark. I again started running and after some time I arrived at what it seems like a gate of some sort.

Near the gate I saw soldier Guards wearing armor plates and etc. .I walked towards them and said I want to enter.

Soldier [ Hmm well you may enter but first we have to ask u some questions.]

Leo [ ok you may ask me your questions]

Soldier [ Tell me your name, age and reason to come here]

Leo [ Well my name is Leo I am 18 and I came here for travelling.]

Soldier [Ok Now you can enter]

Leo thought [As I enter through the gate, I heard system voice in my head]

System [You have entered the country Lions would you wish receive the information about the country?]

Leo [Yes]

As soon as Leo said those words information about the country came in his mind.

After some time when the memories finished entering my mind, I saw grasses and road made of flat stone brick which laid 1km straight and after that was what it seems like buildings.