
Chapter 1

.[AN: TPV =Third point of view]


Somewhere on the land of TWINSTAR laid a 18 years Old boy having black hair,red eyes ,170 cm tall ,A little Tank skin, wearing black and white robe with red edges over the black vest with black pants looking very handsome. He was laying on green grass and behind him was mountains as far as one can see.

Somewhere in TWINSTAR.

A Dragon has woke up sensing new Being with enormous power in the world.

!!! Who is this? !! There is some new power which descended on the land. Who is to to woke me up from my slumber.

The dragon used his power to look at the one who woke him but got failure none the less.

!! What is going !Why am I not able to look at it " Said the dragon in deep tone.

I suppose the time has come for this world to see the dark time again or would it be light I wonder.

It's been 10 milliniom since the Great Distruction took place and many has forgotten it in the history of time .


What is going on.! why is there disturbance on the land. Is this demon lord causing. No it shouldn't be.They had lost many of their own in last war 500years ago. And the dragon was in slumber too. " Said the King of Gods in calm tone.

For the Time being let us give a revelation to our believers...

Little did our protagonist knew his Arrival Caused Many great being to sense change in the world.

(AN = POV _ point of view)


Leo POV[When I woke up I saw nothing and little by little light came in my view and suddenly it became clear for me to see . Feeling my body come to control . I Immediately stood up and saw green field , rivers and mountains as far as I can see.]

Leo[Suddenly a voice rang into my head and a golden Coloured transparent screen came into my view.]

A mechanical voice ...

System[ System has been connected to the world. Searching for host. Host Detected . Connecting to host consciousness .

Connection established . Searching for host mind and body for system assistance.

Search completed. One problem detected. Some of Host memories are locked. Trying to fix it . Memories cannot be unlocked Searching for other memories . Memories detected. Host Status bar has been Created. Host name has been Detected. Adding name of the host in status bar. Tutorial of the system has been added to the host mind. All tasks has been completed.]

Leo thoughts [With these sound came several messages and after that sound stopped there was a flash in my mind and the memories of tutorial of the system came into my mind at lightening speed.

After a while..

So This thing which call itself a system is a helper for .]

Leo [Come to think of it I only know my name and nothing else but I am not confuse about it. it fells like I don't have to worry about it and Time will tell me the answer to all my questions.

Now let's see what this system is .

The system it has a space to store something , A store ,Status etc. Which is also divided in other sections.

Leo [ I said open inventory and the golden screen came into my view and there was inventory writing at the top and down it was Square like box with these things written besides it .

????Sword ,


???? Ring,

????Neckle ,

????Invisible Cape,








???? Sniper,

???? A.I Robot,

???? Smartphone,



.... many other tools with???? Attached to it.]

I don't know why but everything that is in my inventory is ???? Attached to it. let's check out the sword .

[ ???? SWORD ]

Grade - ????

Type - One handed

Duribility - ∞

A power - 1000 - ∞

Defense - 1000 - ∞

M power- 1000 - ∞

Requirement - The blessing of ???? .

K.P for next - 1000


Description - It is the sword created by????

with ???? and only one exist in the

the entire Erse . It can grow as the

weilder kills anything with it and

invest the K.P earned by the

weilder and it is ]

AN = K.P - Killing point

Seeing the contents of the sword Leo was surprised but don't know why his mind was calm even though he should be surprised. After reading the info of the sword I closed the inventory and wanted to check out my status so I said open status as I said the golden screen changed .On the top of changed screen was written status.


Name - Leo

Race - Human (????)

Gender- Male

Height - 170cm

Class - All

Level - 100 (LV cap- ∞)

Title - Blessing of ????

Speker of all language in Erse (Passive)

Writer of all language in the Erse(Passive)

Seer of truth (Passive)

Top Talented in All of Erse (Passive)

Top learner in All of Erse (Passive)

Aura of the strong

Aura of the wisest

Aura of the Greatest

Affinity - Top Affinity to All Elements and Energy, ????

Ability - Supreme memory

Top Singer in Erse

Top Cook in the Erse

Top Dancer in the Erse

Top writer in the Erse

Top Teller in the Erse

No Requirement Required




(Rating- ????)


(Rating- ????)

USER OF ????

(Rating- ????)

Luck - +500 (Luckiest in the millions.)

Charm - +500 (Best in the billions)

Intelligence - +10000

Agility - +10000

M . P - + 10000

A . P - + 10000

S. P - +10000

D. P - +10000

K.P - 0 ]

After seeing my status I don't know if I am strong or not everyone is like it.

But first lets go somewhere.