
The journey of Rosé through the Multiverse

This is a Fanfic The story takes place in the world of Naruto/ Boruto (Vol .1 )(will add more chapters when the original story progresses) The second volume will follow the story of Rosé in one Piece (vol.2) I do not own any character other than the [Main Character][ summons ] and the [ abilities] [The cover photo is mine] I am writing this purely for my satisfaction .

Rosee_Iamm · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs



A Month had past since the incident of The Hidden stone village , Rosé was told to accompany ,Team 7 and Team 15 who were going on a joint mission .Hanabi was unable to attend because of a mission she received .

The mission they received was to investigate the cause of the injured wildlife ,The wildlife life around the village were going on a Frenzy and attacking the villages .they were also accompanied by ornithologists who was Tosaka.

They then Headed to the location of the Mission,they arrived at the location after a whole day of travelling ,when the arrived at the location they heard a scream when they approached the place where it came from they saw a man getting attacked by a group of birds , after fending them off and saving the man , the birds then stopped moving ,They were then approached by monstrous man who attacked them , Team 7 then went on to fight against it ,Team 7 was then pushed back and decided to retreat and strategies , they then reached valley where they were stuck , But were saved by Nue who had pushed the man down the water stream ,they then went on to regroup with Konahamaru who was defending the man while Rosé healed his injuries .

They then headed towards the Village ,After they arrived at the village they Noticed that the injured man though his injuries were healed had A strange mark appearing next to the place where the wound was ,The village head then took them to a room where there were many people whose whole bodies were covered by the strange mark ,The people of the village had then found Jugo next to the river laying unconscious ,Sarada then went on to tell them that she knew him and he was Orochimaru's subordinate.

While Rosé was checking the situation of the Bodies on of them got up and attacked them ,The body then got up and went after jugo who was outside , Jugo then went on to take the body in a Conner and absorbed the strange markings and then left and went towards the forest.

Team 7 and Team 15 then went on to investigate the forest for clues , when Konahamaru and Rosé came and told them that the markings were called Curse Mark , one of the properties of the mark is to stimulate the Fighting instincts of living creatures.Rosé then told them that Jugo most likely has a curse Mark and is somehow related to this ordeal .

They then split up in groups of three , Team 15 , Konahamaru and Mitsuki and Rosé , Boruto and Sarada , they then went on to search the entire forest for clues .

While Rosé and his group were looking around they found a cave in which Jugo was , he was struggling to control his curse mark ,Jugo then transformed into his crazed state ,Jugo then went on to attack them , Rosé then held him back with Taijutsu, Konahamaru and Mitsuki then joined up with them , while Rosé pushed Jugo back with his Taijutsu , Konahamaru assisted him while Team 7 alternated in attacking him .

All the injuries that he was Receiving were healing ,seeing this Rosé then smiled and decided to use just a little bit more of his strength and landed a combo strike on Jugo sending him flying through the trees and into a mountain ,Konahamaru who had then finished preparing his Rasengan then charged and smashed it into Jugo was stuck to a wall ,knocking him out ,the group had come to again while Tosaka check on Jugo who was unconscious .

Jugo then woke up ,a bird that was affected by the curse mark then appeared and was going to attack them but Jugo stepped in between and absorbed the curse mark .

Back at the village, Rosé and Team 7 were then tasked with monitoring Jūgo and looking out for more of the tranquilliser drug that suppresses the cursed seal.

Jugo was absorbing the curse mark from the birds ,but his body was not able to control the curse mark he was absorbing causing them to rampage in his body ,Jugo after absorbing the curse would go back to his cave and lock himself inside to prevent causing casualties.

They then went on to follow Jugo around ,Helping cure the birds , while they where wandering around looking around they went upon the land of River Territory ,they then met people from the land of river who were also investigating the birds , they went back to looking for more birds when Jugo lost control over the curse and started transforming,Rosé then took out a tranquilliser and went on to stick it in jugo's neck stopping the transformation , they then took him to his cave .

While Team 7 was dealing with Jugo , Team 15 had encountered two unknown shinobi who attacked them ,they then used a Collar that helped them harness the power of the curse mark without going crazy .

The next day they captured the birds that had the curse mark and Jugo was absorbing them , Boruto spotted a domesticated goose among the wilds ones, and Tosaka commented on its species having lost the ability to fly.

Despite having been convinced by Sarada to take his shots regularly to avoid transformations, Jūgo still retreated to his cave, as he was building up an immunity to the medication.

They had been catching and having Jugo absorb curses for 3 day ,on the third day they were woken up by the sound of birds ,Tosaka then told them that the birds underwent curse mark transformation and escaped, and that Jugo has gone after them .

Boruto , Sarada and Mitsuki's then went after him , while Rosé used [ mind control ] on Tosaka and then continued on to catch up to them .

When they arrived Jugo was already undergoing a transformation,Boruto and Sarada were trying to inject him with a Tranquilliser but Rosé stopped them , and told them to fall back . While Rosé was going to fight Jugo , he escaped and went on towards the village where the Researchers from the land of River used strong Tranquilliser to knock him out and Restrain him ,The village head then told them that he requested thier help .

After the transformation was undone the villagers started questioning and blaming Rosé and the others ,They then went on to reveal that they found Namida and wasabi in the forest and they were already like this , They were they asked to leave the village .

Rosé then went on to tell them to follow him ,after they went further away form the village Rosé then turned and looked at them and said " They sure know how to plan , all this was orchestrated by the Researchers and the curse that was spread was also thier doing " hearing this Boruto asked " why didn't you say anything there " , Rosé said " and what would have been the outcome a fight against them who had planned so thoroughly ,which would then result in the village being destroyed and also how were you going to protect the members of Team 15, do not be so short sighted and be wary of Tosaka ." Boruto then nodded with his head down ,Rosé then told them we will first look for sumire .

While they were looking for her Sumire had come across suigetsu who then knocked her out , Feeling the fluctuation of chakra ,Rosé then rushed toward the direction while team 7 followed , when they arrived they then found that Suigetsu and Karin were both present there .

They then went on to discussed the matter with them ,Boruto and suigetsu went on to search for Jugo , Sarada and Karin will lure the twins away, so the others can go in and rescue everyone else, Mitsuki will look for Konohamaru, sumire will look for her teammates,Rosé would then observe the situation and join the side that was in a dangerous situation.

Boruto and suigetsu then met Tokasa , while the Researchers tried to assassinate Konahamaru but was already saved by Mitsuki . While Sarada was luring then on of them noticing went towards the other direction where sumire was . Momo then appeared infront of team 15 seeing this Rosé made a move and used instantaneous movement and appeared before him and then went on to smash him into the ground with a punch knocking him out , then he destroyed the collar and then went on bind him .

Tosaka then takes Boruto and suigetsu towards Jugo where he try's to use tranquillisers on them, Tosaka reveals the tranquilliser he used on them is what he stole from Jūgo.

Tosaka tells Boruto and Suigetsu their friends won't be coming to save them. He explains the mission was a lie from the start, as he had no choice but to join them, the men he had sent before being captured at the border. Tosaka is glad to have been able to observe Jūgo up close, his goal being acquiring Jūgo's cursed seal. Boruto admonishes Tosaka for treating Jūgo like a research subject, who in turn retorts Boruto himself stressed to importance of dreams, his being creating the ultimate cursed seal weapon. Suigetsu covertly turns his arm into water while Tosaka is distracted. Tosaka explains he had to bait Jūgo out, so he infected the birds. Suigetsu attempts to free Jūgo, but is tasered by other Land of Rivers researchers before succeeding. The head researcher announces preparations to leave with Jūgo. As a demonstration for Boruto, Tosaka injects Jūgo with a special drug.

Meanwhile,Karin informs Sarada where Sasami will attack from, allowing Sarada to land a full hit on her, defeating her and destroying her cursed seal collar

Then Jūgo slowly transforms, and Tosaka explains the drug he used is meant to trigger his transformation, as he wants to witness his full power, despite Boruto's warning that not even he will be safe. Mitsuki reports to Konohamaru, who decides against regrouping, and instead wants to go to the alleged researchers' boat downriver, where he believes they can find something to stop the infection.

The other researchers check in on Tosaka, and attempt to kill Jūgo to prevent his transformation. Tosaka kills them instead with his cursed seal. On their way to the village, Sarada notices dawn is approaching, and changes course, concerned the wild geese will start to migrate, spreading the infection. Boruto can move again and begins to free Jūgo. Tosaka attempts to stop him, but is stopped by Suigetsu's enlarged arm. Commenting on his jutsu, Tosaka tasers Suigetsu again. Jūgo tells Boruto to flee, while his transformation proceeds and he breaks free of his bonds.

Karin and Sarada observe the wild geese preparing to migrate as dawn approaches, still infected birds among them. Jūgo begs Boruto to flee while breaking free, while Tosaka yearns to witness Jūgo's full power. His transformation proceeding, Jūgo flees and Boruto follows. Sarada informs Karin the infected birds have red eyes, and the two begin trying to isolate them. Team 15 arrives by the lake, and Sarada requests their help. Boruto tries following Jūgo, but is still feeling the effects of the tranquilliser, so Tosaka overtakes him in the pursuit. Jūgo arrives at the lake shore, followed by Tosaka, who is ecstatic at the prospect of the birds spreading the cursed seal, which would give him more samples to study. Rosé then seeing this made his move he then appeared by the lake where Jūgo fully transforms, makes short work of Tosaka, and absorbs his cursed seal before tossing him aside, after jūgo had dealt with Tosaka ,Rosé came and froze the lower body of Tosaka and then went on to engage Jugo with Taijutsu not wanting to injure him , Rosé seeing that the Transformation was not receding made the decision of using more power and then went on to smash Jūgo around wanting to knock him out this not working either , Rosé then went on to catch his head and used [Mind control ] to control him and revert him back to normal , after the transformation was reverted he collapsed and was unconscious .

Meanwhile, The sun has come up, and Sarada prepared to kill the birds. Mitsuki stops her, and Konohamaru arrives with Suigetsu, showing her the serum to neutralise the cursed seal they stole from the enemy's base. Suigetsu consumes the serum, merges with the lake's water, and rains it down on the birds, curing them. The domesticated goose struggles and manages to fly with the wild ones they then watched the sun Rise ,Then Konahamaru and Rosé ordered both the Teams to clean up the Lake .
