
The Journey of Rock Lee

"What should a martial arts master be like? Kind-hearted and energetic? Yes, but they also need to be patient, strong, and fair to ensure that they don't get lost on their path in pursuit of huge ambitions. He used to be a normal guy with a big dream and diligence, but after he died, he woke up in the body of Rock Lee, a boy with an awful fate from the anime "Naruto." There is no Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, and only the Taijutsu of the highest level of difficulty! Moreover, the system turned out to be anything but simple, literally... The Hellish Exercises System ------------------------------------- This is kind of an AU and the story might not match up perfectly with the canon. I'm also showing the side characters and their backstories. ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: DoppioPassione

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 28: Darkness of Konoha

The Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi who still looked kind but very tired, lit up his pipe and looked over the papers. 

One of Konoha's but not very important clans said that their leader would soon have a son or daughter to take over the family business. 

Therefore, the family asked the Hokage for permission to hold an event for the whole district to enjoy this happy event. 

They also asked for a few trusted Shinobi to help them plan everything perfectly because it would be a wonderful feast.

Of course, Hiruzen didn't see any reason to refuse. He loved events, especially those held in different parts of the village.

Additionally, he highlighted the part of the contract that talked about percentages and fees for everything as he signed the papers.

After all, nothing comes for free.

"Hey, Hokage-sama! We greet you again!" 

Might Guy said, and his students boldly opened the door and entered with a cheerful exclamation.

Hiruzen looked at Guy with his kind old eyes and couldn't help but notice that they had grown stronger. 

How much time had passed since Hiruzen watched Rock Lee's Rankyaku? It's almost a month? Something like that...

"Did you catch the runaway dog from the Inuzuka clan?" 

Hiruzen asked while taking another breath and puffing. He had set aside his Hokage hat for now, and everyone could see his faded spiky haircut.

"Of course, Hokage-sama! Our tenth mission is already in progress! Moreover, Rock, Neji, and Tenten have become quite skilled. After all, I'm teaching them in the Power of Youth style, and it never fails!"

Guy proudly reported to him and repeatedly demonstrated their competence as Konoha's Genin.

"Ho-ho. That's splendid, Guy. Perhaps next week you should finally assign a more difficult task... Maybe of rank C. However, I'm not sure if there's one suitable for you yet."

Hiruzen smiled and hinted.

Team Three was delighted, and Might Guy with a grin.

Might Guy was so overjoyed that his beloved students and he were so proud that they had received the recognition they deserved.

Nevertheless, C-rank missions are much more interesting than D-rank missions. 

They may be assigned a task to guard some carriages from Konoha to another city and deal with something serious for the first time maybe even fight bandits.

"Alright, Hokage-sama! We're off! Thank you for everything!"

Might Guy said it politely and always stood out for his loyalty. 

Hiruzen had no idea that Guy who came before him and was also a taijutsu master would ever stab him in the back to kill him. 

He saw in his subordinate not just a fellow soldier but a true friend.

"Good luck, Guy. Good luck to Rock, Tenten, and Neji. I look forward to your great success in the future. The Hidden Leaf will surely repay you if you keep working for good. This is the will of fire, kids!"

Hiruzen said it in a warm and pleasant tone that penetrated the soul while smiling as if they were his grandchildren.

Overall, Hiruzen Sarutobi left only a favorable impression behind.

However, what did Lee think of him?

'The Third Hokage... A man who is too kind and values friendship—how else could he be called such a stupid person? He endured Danzo and Orochimaru's games.'

'Seriously... Your friend literally decided to kill you, and you just take him and forgive him... Not to mention, a whole clan in Konoha fell because of your old friend. There are many innocent people killed because Hiruzen doesn't have the tough personality that the Second Hokage Tobirama Senju had.'

'However... Hiruzen's kindness is not fake. He is so kind-hearted, and I don't understand whether it is bad or good. If I were Hokage, what kind of leader would I be?'

These were Lee's thoughts and views when he took a quick look at Hiruzen. 

He saw the wisdom of a politician and a level of stupidity that he had never seen before at the same time.

'I don't want the Third Hokage to stay in charge of the village even if I try to stop Orochimaru from killing him. It's possible that Tsunade herself wouldn't be such a bad choice if someone had to replace him. Moreover, perhaps she will decide to take not only Sakura but also Tenten as her students. There are only benefits, hmm... It's a pity that so little depends on me, alas...'

Lee sighed mentally.

He wants things to change for the better in the canon, but at the same time not to bring trouble upon him due to catastrophic changes within himself. 

However, it turns out that if the latter is to happen, then...

He just need to become stronger!


Team Three left Hiruzen's office to do their daily training on their own training ground. 

It looked like darkness fell into the room, but maybe it was just a dream. 

Regardless, the door squeaked open, and an old, weak man walking with a cane came in.

He had a scar on his chin that looked like the letter X. 

It was probably from a fight a long time ago, and the whole right side of his face was tightly bandaged with his robe also covering his right arm, which was tightly tied and hiding some secrets. 

This man appears to pose no threat due to his visibly elderly appearance and his horrible condition. 



Hiruzen pronounced his name cautiously with kindness while setting aside his smoking pipe and donning the Hokage hat again. 

He wasn't expecting Danzo to come up to him in the middle of the day. 

After all the time they had spent fighting together as students of Tobirama Senju and sitting in a chair in the corner without showing emotion.

Danzo Shimura is the very person whom Hiruzen always allows to do too much, even excessively. 

Hiruzen knew this very well but could do nothing about it.

Danzo is always unwilling to accept the truth in front of him because he is afraid of being disappointed by someone.

"Hiruzen. I don't understand you. How could you allow such a fool like Might Guy to take on students? Especially ones like these..." 

Danzo's voice was quiet, but its tone was cold and all-encompassing in terms of power and character.

"What do you mean, Danzo? An excellent taijutsu master is the only one who can raise equally brilliant students. Rock and Neji have enormous potential." 

Hiruzen said it in a calm tone. 

He was not at all strained by the presence of someone like Danzo but still remained cautious. 

He wanted to believe that Danzo came only with good news today, but such things rarely happen...

"Neji Hyuga is bound by his clan's seal. Thus, he cannot fully submit to our village alone. What would happen if the Hyugas turned against Konoha? Then a shinobi like him would have to fight against his own village."

"That's a threat! Besides, what about his character? He was definitely arrogant. We know those types, and we've dealt with them. Do you really think that such a Genin should be trained by a Jonin who runs around in the morning in a green jumpsuit and shouts about the Power of Youth?" 

Danzo added lower tones to his voice while creating a sense of bass and penetrating confidence in his statements.

"Sigh... What are you planning, Danzo?.." 

Hiruzen asked with a tired sigh. However, he masked his suspicion with this weariness.

"What could I possibly be planning? The Root has been disbanded, you know that. I simply prioritize the well-being of our village. After all, I am the elder." 

Danzo replied dryly to his friend, with whom he often disagreed about Konoha's politics.

"Oh, really?" 

Hiruzen raised his eyebrows while intertwining his hands in front of his wrinkled face.

"Of course. However, I haven't finished. There's another interesting Genin in Might Guy's team. Rock Lee—that's his name, right? He came up with his own technique when he was twelve but could not use Ninjutsu and Genjutsu. These kinds of people usually come into the world right before a war to shine like stars. It's predictable. Don't you think so, Hiruzen?" 

Danzo looked at him with one eye.

He looked so piercingly that even the walls would prefer to turn away or look down.

"Whether it seems so or not is irrelevant. No war. No more war. I'm too tired of all this, and I simply won't survive another war, Danzo..."

Hiruzen replied with a weary face.

Once again, the tired Hiruzen held for the fail-safe approach of avoiding a direct answer.



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