
The Journey of Rock Lee

"What should a martial arts master be like? Kind-hearted and energetic? Yes, but they also need to be patient, strong, and fair to ensure that they don't get lost on their path in pursuit of huge ambitions. He used to be a normal guy with a big dream and diligence, but after he died, he woke up in the body of Rock Lee, a boy with an awful fate from the anime "Naruto." There is no Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, and only the Taijutsu of the highest level of difficulty! Moreover, the system turned out to be anything but simple, literally... The Hellish Exercises System ------------------------------------- This is kind of an AU and the story might not match up perfectly with the canon. I'm also showing the side characters and their backstories. ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: DoppioPassione

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 26: Tenten vs Rock

"This sparring isn't just a test of our strengths. I believe it's also important to learn something from fighting with comrades, which is why I don't intend to defeat you immediately without letting you enjoy the battle. So, remember my movements, okay?"

Lee said to Tenten who had already grabbed a kunai and held it tight before the fight even started.

The healing ointment quickly helped with her wounds and paralyzed Tenketsu, and she was ready to fight.

It's not prohibited for a Genin to have a kunai or other weapon in friendly sparring.

The main thing was not to aim for vital points that usually carried consequences like death...

Tenten didn't say anything else in response.

She just nodded carefully to show that she wouldn't be distracted and hadn't forgotten any of Lee's earlier advice.

She definitely didn't want to disappoint Lee.

Might Guy signaled the start of their fight, and she dashed forward with the kunai pointed at the standing Lee in place.

Meanwhile, Lee began to observe Tenten's fighting style more closely.

In truth, she didn't really have one.

She was just taught at the academy and designed exclusively for not particularly talented Shinobi. 

This was because clan geniuses got everything from their ancestors while talented people who didn't come from a rich family had to fight their way to their style.

Therefore, Tenten moved forward but didn't do anything special with loud or accelerating steps.

There was a great chance to predict all of her movements because everything happened in a straight line.

Rock knew that this was not going to work. Tenten needed to learn to move more than just splendidly!

''At least I hope Guy-sensei will take care of that. If not him, then me. I have the basics of karate from my past life and my own system. Even though I can't influence the latter, but... Maybe someday I'll get some martial art from any random chest and teach Tenten how to fight.'

Lee thoughtfully expressed concern for his teammate.

She was his teammate!

It wasn't just about strengthening their team but also simply about ensuring that Tenten grew into a strong Kunoichi!

However, Rock quickly stopped thinking about the future and became serious.

This accelerated the chakra flow in his body and made the world around him seem to move more slowly in his black pupils.

This was essentially enhancing his innate perception.

Shinobis' flesh and skin weren't as strong as anyone might think when they were calm, and they were only slightly stronger than normal people because they had been trained.

However, the breakthrough of human capabilities occurred when a shinobi infused their body with energy!

Therefore, Lee and Tenten went beyond those limits here and now.

Tenten bent her kunai and aimed it diagonally to make Rock retreat and at least step out of the circle that Guy-sensei had drawn.

That would have been a pretty good win for her.

Nevertheless, Lee didn't back down in response.

He didn't see the point in doing it.

Lee was a fighter who focused on speed and Tenten didn't have an afterimage like they do when someone is very agile.

Instead, they looked like Tenten was moving step-by-step through a film or a thick web.

In fact, he could take several steps for every one Tenten took.

However, this didn't hinder anything, especially since Lee wasn't planning to defeat her directly as he had mentioned earlier.

After dodging the kunai, Rock approached slightly and pushed Tenten on the shoulder with his palm to shake her.

She let out a slightly muffled cry but regained her balance and swung the kunai again.

Lee didn't even make a fist, and he just used the edge of his palm to knock the cold weapon out of her hand.

He then pushed her shoulder again to leave a much bigger bruise this time.

He could have done without the bruises, but he had ointment with healing properties. 

Why not get Tenten used to possible pain? 

In a real battle, everything would be a hundred times worse and there would be no mercy from the enemy!

Nevertheless, this was only a sparring match, and Lee was only holding back.

"You... How can you be so fast? I just don't understand, ugh..."

Tenten sighed while grabbing her shoulder and turning her head to at least wipe the sweat dripping annoyingly from her forehead.

It seemed way too fast to her when Rock pushed her and hit her with his palm.

However, Tenten still found it difficult to say or admit who was faster, Lee or Neji.

Lee acted much more restrained, but she still couldn't keep up with him, while Neji immediately restrained her of the right to a decent sparring...

"I'm so fast simply because I've been training intensively all this time. If you train, you'll become just as fast. But for now... I'm attacking!"

Rock ruthlessly switched to the offensive to aim for Tenten to learn to adapt to others' attacks and practice dodging more.

Nevertheless, he didn't cross the line and resorted only to pushing into different parts of her body.

Thus, Tenten was faced with the fact that nothing else mattered.

Lee's quick figure stood before her while striking her and making her dodge all the time in a way that made her sweat and made it hard for her to breathe.

However, she didn't give up.

The air whistled, and a rush of wind broke through, caused by Rock aiming and striking with his palm descended on her from his chest as if under pressure.

It wasn't shameful to admit that it hurt.

It seemed like Neji had been quite merciful to her when he ended everything as quickly as she now thought...

"Imagine that sparring is like a dance, and dodge it as if you're fluttering and have wings. Come on!"

Lee encouraged Tenten and sometimes intentionally slowed down so that she could anticipate what he would do next.

'He... He does so much for me... and supports me... and motivates me... I'm not sure if we were destined to be a team, but we are certainly friends! And I can't help but feel joyful after such a gift from fate!'

She caught that wave when her determination soared to the heavens.

However, Tenten felt lighter and sharper even from such movements with more agility, and her reflexes improved.

It began to feel as if her body had suddenly turned into a feather, and she felt exhilarated in the following moments of their sparring.

"They look great together. You can't argue with that..."

Might Guy murmured while watching from the sidelines and seeing the potential for Lee.

He hadn't even had a chance to give any lessons due to their first full day as a team, and yet Lee was already guiding his teammate onto the right path!

They learned and tried to understand each other for a long time, but it couldn't last forever.

In the end, Rock simply finished her and gently led her out of the circle for a clear victory.

Of course, this kind of fight looked more like a training sparring match than what Neji had shown earlier.

In short, Neji wanted to win in the circle, but Lee did it to teach his teammate and someone who wasn't just a stranger to him but a true friend.

"Alright! Let's take a five-minute break and then the final sparring between the two winners. Agreed?"

Guy proposed as Tenten retreated to a cool shade, but Lee had his own response to that.

"How about we skip the breaks and start right away? I'm not tired, and Neji had time to rest, right?"

"Hm-m... What do you think, Neji?"

Guy asked him who had been sitting on the ground with his eyes closed and steady breathing all this time.

"I have no objections to fighting now."

He calmed down and abruptly opened his eyelids, with veins instantly bulging horribly.

"Then step into the circle!"

Guy declared with a wide grin while anticipating the exciting and important duel.

Guy was very eager to see who would win, Rock or Neji?

An individual who wasn't skilled in Ninjutsu or Genjutsu but worked hard and wanted to improve himself, or a genius from the most prominent clan in Konoha who had many problems inside?

It turned out to be a real battle between spirit and body!


Neji spat out this venomous word while stepping into the circle and releasing chakra from the Tenketsu on his palms.

"I'll do without insults. I'll just show you how to fight, nothing more."

However, Lee wasn't joking as usual, nor was he provoking his opponent at this moment.

He simply wanted to fight to show Neji that talking about fate was nonsense and most importantly to win.



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