

A journey of hard work, sacrifices to achieve an ultimate goal. *THE JOURNEY*

the_last07mirza · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 Infinite Love

"Whatever I had told you was all lie except my feelings for you, I started it in a wrong way but my intention was pure"

I wore my best pair of dresses. White full sleeve shirt, denim jeans, a side bag, and a heavy chain attached to my left pocket. I liked myself in that dress. Nimms house was too far from the place I stay. I decided to go by city bus. It took two and half hours to reach her house. I was quite nervous, as it was the first time in my life when I was going to meet a girl.

My phone rings.

Nimms: Where have you reached?

Me: I have got down the bus and standing near the bus stop.

Nimms: Dambo! I told you to take right from the market. Anyways stay there I am coming. You are a real Dambo.

Me: Thanks for coming Dambo.

I reached her house before she started. She was at her gate only, when I saw her in a white full sleeve t-shirt and black skin-tight Jeans. Wet, short, and silky black hair were adding charm to her beauty. It's the first time I saw her so closely. She was a real beauty.

Nimms: Get in you Dambo!

I said nothing just entered a gate. The house was beautifully built with a shop inside.

"Welcome son. How are you? I hope you didn't found any difficulty in finding the house." Her mother asked me.

Me: No ma'am. I just landed here only. It was too easy to find your house because Nimms had explained to me the route so well, and I gave a smile to Nimms.

Then we sat in the guesthouse. Nimms showed me their shop, her room, kitchen, and then we went to the terrace. She stood with one leg placed on the railing, hands crossed and face towards me. She was asking about my experience, in the US and I don't know much what she asked me as I was just gazing at her. I wanted to come close to her and wanted to hug her but I controlled myself. Nimms and her mother were hostile by nature. They offered me a cup of coffee and some sandwiches after that we had lunch also. Her mother was a caring and adorable lady. Nimms was calling me Dambo again and again. Her mother told her not to talk like that to me, as I was a guest of the US. I smiled and hugged her mother at the same time. Both of them had believed that I was not from the US and just came here to attend the marriage of my friend. It was a beautiful experience to go to Noax Nimms's house.

On the way back to my home, I was thinking about Nimms and her mother. Both of them were so real and down to earth. It was hurting me that I was cheating on them. My whole story was just fiction. I was feeling 'something- something' for Nimms at the same time I wanted to tell her the truth but I was afraid of losing her. I don't want to lose her. Nimms was the first girl in my life with whom I have talked that much. I was getting attracted to her external and internal beauty. My feelings for her were in their purest form. Finally, I decided to speak out the truth. I called her.

Me: Helo Nimms, how are you.

Nimms: I am good Dambo. How are you doing?

Me: I am also fine. I just wanted to ask you if someday you come to know that I was fake. How will you react?

Nimms: why you say that?

Me: Noxa Nimms, I wanted to apologize to you about my native place. I am not from Mozambique, I am from Raleigh, US only. I work with Red Hats here and there was no marriage of any of my friends, I just followed you on the bus, as I found you beautiful. But whatever I feel for you is true, it's the purest form of feeling.

A long pause was there on the phone and then she hanged the phone. I was expecting that only. But I read somewhere, 'if you love someone set it free if it comes back, it is yours, else it never was.' I wanted a true and lifelong relationship with her. So I decided to tell her the truth. And I did so.

I checked for emails but no reply. I didn't call her on that day neither sent any mail. The next morning I woke up and I dialed her number while sitting on my stairs.

Nimms: hello!!

Me: how are you. I am sorry, I hurt you.

Nimms: It's Ok! I was not hurt, I can understand that one can do all that to talk to a girl. Moreover, it doesn't make any difference what you do? Who you are? Where do you live? The only matter is that you are a good human being and good at heart. I only feel hurt about my mother. She trusted you and you broke her trust.

Me: I am sorry for that, but I wanted to tell you whatever it was. I don't want any relation to being with lies. I feel light now. Now you keep or leave our relation, I will be happy with both.

She accepted me as I was. With time, we came to know more and more about each other. We never said 'I love You' but very much feel that. We understand each other. The love was infinite. We were sharing countless emotions and love.