
The Journey Of A Treasure Hunter

Devin loves adventure and treasure hunting. He almost traveled the world and also found many treasures. But, because of covid, he dies and goes to another world. He finds that this world is also the same as his previous world, but just all the countries aren't the same and are also less advanced. But it didn't stop him. Like his previous world, he wanted to be an adventurer and a treasure hunter. He wanted to travel all over the world, to search for unknown places. He wanted to find the unknown. But one thing he is unaware of is that this world is not as simple as it seems. Then what will he do in this world? Will he be able to fulfill his dream or will he become lost in finding the unknown? __________________________ Well, guys, English wasn't my first language and I am not that good at it. But this would not stop me from writing. I just hope you all will like this novel. If you find any mistakes, please ‌tell me so that I can correct them. Also, if you like the novel, don't forget to review it, add it to your library, and share it with your friends. ------------------------ Hey guys, if you want you can also join my discord. https://discord.gg/C5kUjxVwMC https://ko-fi.com/smallotaku You can donate your support here. paypal.me/SmallOtaku You can also support me here.

Small_Otaku · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 16–Intruder 

Suddenly, I hear a sound coming from behind. Instantly, I turned around and saw that the unconscious guy was now awake.

"Well, well, well, good morning, Mr. Enemy. How are you doing?" I asked him with a smile.

The person also only looked at me with a shocking expression.

"Oh, why are you so shocked? Did you see a ghost?" I asked him with a concerning tone while walking toward him.

Now, I am in front of him, and I grabbed one of his fingers. Saying nothing, I twisted his finger and broke it. Instantly, the person began to scream, "Ahh!!!!!"

I quickly grabbed his mouth and said, "Shut up!!!! Your scream is annoying."

Hearing my treat, he instantly shut up.

"Well, good. Now, if you wonder why I broke your finger without asking you anything. Then, because you tried to attack me from behind. Do you know what I hate the most?" I asked him. He only looked at me with a scared expression.

"When someone tried to attack me from behind," I said and slapped him. Well, I control my strength.

"Now, wasting no time, tell me about you and your boss's plan. Why were all of you following us? Now, before you think I will let you free, if you don't answer, then you are wrong. If you decided to stay silent or tell lies. Then you are going to lose every finger on your hand." I tell him in a scary tone. In my previous life, I already handled this type of situation many times. Many times, people try to kill me or steal from me. So, you can say I am pretty good at handling this kind of situation.

I think my warning really did the work. Because the person started to talk, "Sir, sir, it is unclear to us why we are following you. Our boss just told us to follow you guys and kidnapped Jack. Previously, I thought you were Jack, and because of this, I tried to attack you. Please, sir, let me never do it again. Please, sir, let me go." He said that and started to beg.

I quickly slapped him once again.

"Shut up!!!"

He quickly shut up. I once again asked him,

"Are you really telling the truth that you didn't understand why you were following us? I really hate people when they were laying, so answer carefully,"

"Really, sir…. Really, it is unclear to me why I'm ordering you. Our boss just asked us to follow you." He said with a frightened voice.

I said nothing, just looked at him. I wanted to know whether or not he was telling the truth. By looking at his expression, I can tell he isn't lying. So, I asked the second question.

"Who is your boss?" I asked him.

"He told us that his name is Han Kion. I really don't know anything about it except his name. One month, he suddenly came to us and booked us. He said he was going on an adventure, so need people." He explained.

I just listen to his explanation quietly. If what they just said was true, then he didn't know anything about the man. I turned around and looked at Jack. He also noticed me. He just nodded.

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"Previously, we lost track of you guys from Bakham city. Then also in Mount city we tried to find you guys but didn't find your tracks. We also lost contact with a teammate. Suddenly, our boss said you all should be in the forest and going toward the Sathadal mountain." He explained it to me. With that, we could say that he is a pretty intelligent person.

"How many people do you have on your team?" I asked him.

"20 people," he replied.

"Do all of you have guns?" I asked him.

"Yes, sir. Because this forest is dangerous, we brought guns." He said to me,

Suddenly, I punched him and made him unconscious. The question I wanted to ask, I already know all the question answers I have in my mind. Moreover, looking at him, I can tell knew nothing.

"Jack, we should probably be ready for the enemy. I think they already know our location, and at night they will attack us," I told Jack. He just nodded. This Han person, I really wanted to know his identity. Why did he tell these people to follow them? Think that person knew Han.

In the nighttime,

Jack and I are still awake. For tonight, we decided to stay awake. Those enemies could come at any moment. Suddenly, I noticed some movement outside in the dark. It can be wrong. I really don't know if I am right about it, just because some guessed.

But, sometime later, I saw many movements outside.

"Jack, be ready. They are here." Jack nodded, hearing my warning. We quickly lay down on the ground. We like to show them that we are now sleeping.

Sometime later, we finally hear footsteps. Many people are getting closer and closer.

They are outside the cave. Because of the fire barrier, they didn't approach us instantly. Seeing us sleeping like this, I think they were relaxed and wanted to enter the cave.

Both I and Jack were ready with our guns. The moment they try to enter, we will shoot them.

"Tick… Tock… Tick… Tock," I can hear my hand watch sound. My complete focus is on those people. I didn't fully close my eyes, my eyes were slightly open. But those people from a distance didn't understand.

Finally, when two people are about to enter the cave, Jack and I quickly get up and instantly fire at them. One guy instantly dropped them, and the other ones got shot in the legs. Jack and I didn't stop shooting bullets. We just continuously shot bullets.

Just seeing us shooting bullets, those guys instantly escape in various directions. We don't know if their boss was with them, but I can tell Jack and I injured many people.

To be continued….

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