
The journey in search of the virtuous city

The story revolves around a young girl's quest to find the virtuous city. Throughout her journey, she encounters numerous challenges and adventures, each unveiling valuable lessons and insights. As she travels, the girl discovers the significance of virtues and the importance of noble qualities in the city she seeks. The narrative delves into her encounters, the characters she meets, and the growth she experiences, ultimately emphasizing the essence of morality and goodness in the quest for the ideal city.

MABAvsky · Movies
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4 Chs

The Trials of Seeking Virtue

I began wandering through the village, my mind wandering through a painful past that made me leave everything behind and dream of a promising future, driving me to do anything. As I walked through the alleys and streets, I coincidentally stumbled upon a man selling used books. A book with the title "The Virtuous City" caught my eye. I sought permission from the vendor, took the book, and began flipping through its pages. I discovered it described the virtuous city and detailed the path to reach it. I thought to myself, "This will help me a lot, and it's not just a coincidence; it's a sign that I'm on the right path." When I raised my head to ask about the price, I found that the seller was the strange creature. I sat on the ground, stunned by everything that word carried. He addressed me, saying, "I'm here to help you, as in previous times." I thanked him and quickly stood up, walking as I read the first few pages. I sat in a garden to concentrate on what I was reading, noticing it detailed the stages I needed to follow to reach the virtuous city. I decided to follow the maze-like stages it described. I left the village and headed toward a large forest. I didn't feel afraid because I had experienced something similar before. I took a few steps and found a sign that read "Amazon Forest," and I recalled what I knew about this great forest. A deep fear struck me when I realized that there were creatures that ate human flesh. I recalled the oral narratives that spoke of what was suitable for it – "the ogre." Nevertheless, I continued my journey, filled with fear and tension. As I delved deeper into the forest, enjoying the plant species there, I suddenly saw a group of predatory animals wandering in the forest. I thought, "Perhaps this is where it ends for me." I hid behind a tree, pondering my next move. I remembered I had the book in my hand and opened it to the first pages, precisely page 5, where it read, "Continue walking, and don't be afraid." I followed the instructions, walking a long distance until I found myself in a large cave with large snakes dangling from its walls and a river running through the middle. The sight reminded me of the novel "The Forgotten Valley of Wolves." My possibilities became numerous – did I take the wrong path, or am I on the right one? I recalled that the path to the summit was difficult and strenuous and that the path to happiness isn't always lined with roses; it could be paved with stones and snakes, as it was happening to me now. As I stood there, a well-mannered man approached me, asking, "What are you doing here?" I explained my situation, and he told me that passing through this path was necessary, clarifying that this cave was a village inhabited by people who came from space and settled here. At that moment, I turned my face and saw women laughing, children playing, men exchanging conversations, and green gardens and well-built houses. I thought to myself, "Is this the virtuous city?" I continued my stroll until I collided with a man who asked me why I was there. I explained and mentioned that I was on a journey to find the virtuous city. He said he would help me. I accompanied him on a deserted path, his movements strange, instilling fear in my heart, yet I kept walking until I found myself facing the entrance to a cave. I hesitated to enter, but the man held my hand and pulled me inside. I began to scream for help, but no one responded. Then, I realized there was no one in the cave but us. He stripped me of everything I carried, even the book, and threw me to the ground. Simultaneously, we heard a faint sound at the cave entrance. Someone wanted to enter. The man left me and headed toward the entrance. I quickly gathered my things and followed his steps toward the door. He was conversing with a handsome, strong young man. I started crying, screaming, and asking for help. When he understood the situation and realized I was abducted, he began struggling with the man, eventually bringing him down and grabbing my hand, and we ran away forcefully without uttering a word until we were far from that place. We sat under the shade of a tree to rest. He released my hand and patted my shoulder, saying, "Don't be afraid; I'm with you." I smiled at him, despite not knowing him, because he said something I wished to hear: "I'm with you." I asked him why he was there and how he helped me. He said he came by coincidence, heard my screams, and wanted to assist. In turn, he asked about my story and how I ended up in that place. He was surprised when I told him I was searching for the virtuous city. We exchanged conversation, disregarding the passing time, and he promised to support me. At that point, my heart began to open to this handsome young man who saved me from an abyss, making me fall from a mountain peak instead of lifting me from the depths. The fall was stronger and more painful. My bones shattered, my soul bled, and my heart ached. I lamented for a long time over what happened, gathering my wounds and pieces. I concluded that in the virtuous city, no one should break a person's heart whom they genuinely loved, echoing Dostoevsky's words from "The Poor": "It's shameful to hurt someone who hasn't hurt us." I distanced myself from the city's noise and sat down to heal my wounds.