
the jojoobh

Asher_Thomas_6387 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

chapter 4 first servant

It has been 2 weeks since I became a demon and I have realised that someone has been following me rain falls to the ground as a handsome man walks through the city a figure can be seen following this man which is me I used my inhuman speed to get behind the figure and the person stops as they have realised they lost sight of me I pat there shoulder and say hello why are you following me this made the stalker jump back in fear making the black cloke they were waring fly of them reveling a butiful girl I cach her and say hello why are you following me trying my hardest not to cry because of how cringe iam acting I helped her back on her feet and I get to have a good look at her she was wearing glasses but I looked at her body she had a massive ass and the buttons on her shirt were nearly about to pop of I looked at her and smiled and said system is there any way to turn a human into a demon (yes but you have to do a ritual to make the human become a demon ok I think I know who is going to become the first demon I create I said these while looking at he girl with a demonic smile. .. Next time a new friend