
the jojoobh

Asher_Thomas_6387 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

chapter 3 evolution

I looked at the hologram in a dazz I and the suddenly the system said beginning evolution suddenly a red void appeared and a large demon hand came out it grabbed me and lifted me of the ground and it was followed by 100 smaller creatures with knives suddenly the small demons jumped on me and began to Rip my flesh apart and pull my eyes out of my head and I began to scream haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa god no stop it hurts it hurts please noooo this process went on for 1 hour and when they were done I became a true demon I didn't care for human life anymore I used My teleport skill to teleport my self into a hotel in front of a mirror I looked at my self and i hand became a handsome man I had large muscles and I had to black horns with red at the top on my head suddenly a screen appeared saying congratulations on evolving and becoming a demon you have got new abilities check your skill menu I opened my skill menu it showed several abilities and they were all abilities to turn into several different types of demons a demon of pride a demon of lust 3a demon of sloth a demon of wrath 5 a demon of gluttony a demon of envy I was confused so I asked the system why can I turn in to different demons (because you are the lagndery demon god race ) demon god race ok so iam like some demon god (yes) so demons follow my every command (no because you are not yet the demon king it is said that the demon god will create hell and create the demon race and rule over it forever) what I thought demons and hell already exists ( no it doesn't yet) ok so how will I create the demon race (you will know when the time is right) ... chapter 4 first servant