
The jinchuuriki of the otaku and the kyuubi [A Naruto/ Dbz Self insert fanfic]

Transported to Naruto with the power and knowledge of the original super saiyan god " He must help His decendant become the best he could possibly be." Oc x female NAruto Rencarnation si oc oc is yamoshi

Jake_Saunders · Others
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2 Chs


ugh where am I"


"Our decendent what do you mean,? who are you? where are you? more importantly where am I?"

I started to panic a figure faded into the spot revealing... me ? No-no-no-no-no that can't be right I'm me so this must be an imposter. besides I wouldn't wear an outfit as ridiculous as that.

"ALL WILL BE EXPLAINED" the figures voice echoed through the area as he put his finger on my forehead memories suddenly poured through my head- no not poured This didn't feel new

It was like wakening after a long slumber power awakened red tail sprouted from my body a a bright light illuminated everything. with green light

once the light died down My body glowed a godly green My aura was like green flames surrounding my body as electricity sparkled through

"The legend... the anime, its all real?" I asked stunned

The being-no Yamoshi nodded he snapped his fingers and a portal appeared by this time he began to fade

"Time is short!" you Must... help... our decedent" before he faded from existence

I looked at the spot where he disappeared a flew seconds Before I looked on with a determined expression. and flew inside the portal then disappeared Like its not even there.

'I'm Coming...Naruto'