
The jinchuuriki of the otaku and the kyuubi [A Naruto/ Dbz Self insert fanfic]

Transported to Naruto with the power and knowledge of the original super saiyan god " He must help His decendant become the best he could possibly be." Oc x female NAruto Rencarnation si oc oc is yamoshi

Jake_Saunders · Others
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Once i came through the portal, it disappeared behind me. I decided to take a look around. It was a mess Like... a sewer and transformed to my Normal state

And... I heard whimpering? I turned to the sound and found the kyuubi Crying

And was instantly surprised It was a beautful red head girl with a crimson gold kamino and beautiful red eyes Kyuubi's a female.. and she's crying wait that's not important"

"Kyuubi... Why are you Crying?" I asked

She stopped crying and was on alert she looked at me wairly "Who are you?"

I Smiled softly "I'm Yamoshi... The first and original Super Saiyan God." I transformed to show her proof.

She was shocked as she heard stories of his deeds by father his power his story was not an exaggeration she instantly bowed

"It's an honer to meet you-"

I stopped her "Please don't bow" I muttered embarrassed I'm still new to this thing

she blushed in embarrassment "S-Sorry."

"So... why are you crying."

Her face looked downtrodden "its the girl."

I frowned 'a girl? I will find out later.'

"Mind if I look?" She nodded a little hesitantly

The view in the room changed to the kyuubi attack he sow everything her birth he saw the kyuubi's birth he saw the maskmans attack he saw the beatings and the mob attacks he saw the Mob attacks the graduation exams how they tortured her so badly she had to fake being a hyperactive knuckle head. By the end of that tears were flowing down my eyes I have to do something My eyes and hair turned emerald green as a green flaming aura appeared arround me again

I put my palm on the surface.

"What are you doing?" the kyuubi asked

I looked at her "I'm making him a full blooded saiyan."

She looked shocked "a saiyan?" She asked "Whats that?"

"She's not the only decendants" I smiled sadly as I told her My full story

To sai=y she was shocked was in understatement

"woah.." She muttered as she stared at me in awe this guy -no-GO has been through so much

"I can help her."

"You have to ask her first."was all kyuubi said

I nodded "fair enough" I powered down

"Whats your name?" I asked

She smiled a bright smile 'she's so beautiful' I thought


I'm trying to make it so that Yamoshi was transported to the Naruto universe when he dissappeared got married and made a legend here that was forgotton in time this was before the sage of the six paths

Jake_Saunderscreators' thoughts