
The Jin Family's Daughter is a Fortune Teller

The real rich daughter of the Jin family has been brought home! However, rumor has it that she was a little crazy. She constantly messed around at graves and was a nutcase waiting to be sent to the mental asylum. Surprisingly, no one expected her to defeat chess grandmasters with a simple move, and she was so good at hacking that she caused a world-renown hacker to have autistic after besting him! Moreover, a tune she played offhandedly became a chart-topping song, while international jewelers worshiped her. Yet, she claims those weren't her strengths! Jealous of Jin Xi, the fake rich daughter laughed: My sister is even better at deceiving people and messing around at graves! Jin Xi: She's right. Feel free to ask more! Everyone:...Later, a superstition brewed online as the top movie star posted: [@Jin Xi, my right eyelid has been twitching for days. Is this a sign of something bad?]Magnate: [@Jin Xi, I had bad luck for three months. Can that be changed?]Top scientist: [@Jin Xi, my house keeps having trouble later. How much for an exorcism?]Mysterious big shot: [@Everyone, allow me to announce that Jin Xi is my wife.]Jin Xi: [@Mysterious big shot, please don't bother me while I'm at work, darling!]Everyone is mourning: Why did a power couple like you display your affection publicly? Are you trying to kill us?!

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40 Chs

The interrogator didn't believe Zhang Lan's words and said impatiently, "we've checked all the people in the used car workshop, and there's no man as you described. You should at least try harder."

"..." If he had known that there was a problem with this car, he wouldn't have been so greedy!

"From now on, please speak the truth, perhaps…" Before the interrogator could finish his sentence, the door was suddenly opened.

"A VIP is coming. End the interrogation now. All of us have to go to the door to welcome him." An old police officer who came in said.

"Who?" The interrogator asked, confused. He didn't know who was so important that he needed to stop the interrogation for them.

The old police officer called him to the door and whispered something in his ear.

"Ah? Him? I heard that he's someone even the chief is afraid of!" The interrogator said in shock.

"Isn't that so! I don't know why, but he's suddenly here. Let's not talk anymore and wait by the gate!"

After that, the two of them walked to the entrance of the police station and realized that the other colleagues had already arrived. They consciously stood on both sides of the door, lining up and waiting.

"Beep, beep, beep." At this time, a horn sounded, and everyone immediately perked up.

A black bulletproof car slowly drove into the gate.

"Master Han." The chief walked over enthusiastically and opened the car door.

They saw a tall and slender figure get out of the car. He was wearing a suit and had an exquisite air around him, instantly becoming the focus of everyone's attention.

"Oh my God, how can he be so handsome? I feel like I'm going to faint!" A female police officer said in a low voice.

"Of course! That's Master Han, the fourth young master of the richest family in Hucheng City. His looks and power are among the best!"

"He's too handsome, my ideal type! If I marry him, I'll die without regrets!"

"What kind of dream are you having? Master Han is such a perfect man, and the girls who want to court him are queueing up all the way to France!"

The female police officers discussed in low voices while staring at Zhong Yihan.

"Come." After Zhong Yihan got out of the car, he didn't leave. Instead, he went around to the back door, opened it, and reached out his hand gentlemanly toward the car with a smile.

Jin Xi didn't refuse. She put her hand on his arm and slowly got out of the car.

Everyone was shocked. They thought that the person would be another VIP, but it turned out to be a little girl in a school uniform!

"Master Han, I wonder what's the reason for coming here today?" Chen Feng nodded and bowed as he asked.

"I heard that you guys caught someone today?" Zhong Yihan asked.

"We arrest many criminals every day. Which one are you talking about?" Chen Feng asked.

"Zhang Lan," Jin Xi said slowly.

"Zhang Lan?" Chen Feng hurriedly turned around and asked his subordinate, "is there anyone with this name who's recently arrested?"

Upon hearing this, the interrogator named Xiao Zheng immediately walked over. "Chief Chen, we have this man. He is suspected of a hit-and-run case. We are interrogating him now."

"I see!" Chen Feng's expression froze. 

"Master Han, why don't you wait for a while? We'll let you know after we're done with the interrogation?" Chen Feng asked cautiously.

Zhong Yihan tilted his head and lit a cigarette. He blew out a smoke ring and looked at him coldly, clearly not wanting to wait.

Chen Feng's forehead was covered in cold sweat. He used the back of his hand to wipe it off. His eyes rolled as he steeled his heart and turned around, saying, "go and bring him to Master Han now."

"Chief Chen, we haven't finished the interrogation yet. Isn't it against the rules to let him go now?" Xiao Zheng asked, puzzled.

Chief Chen glared at him. "If I tell you to release him, then release him quickly. Don't talk so much nonsense!"

What kind of person was Master Han? If they offended him, could they still live? Although Xiao Zheng was a good police officer, he had no choice since the chief had already said so and headed to the interrogation room immediately.

"Wait a moment!" Jin Xi suddenly called out to him.

"Yes?" Xiao Zheng asked with a face full of doubt.