
The Jin Family's Daughter is a Fortune Teller

The real rich daughter of the Jin family has been brought home! However, rumor has it that she was a little crazy. She constantly messed around at graves and was a nutcase waiting to be sent to the mental asylum. Surprisingly, no one expected her to defeat chess grandmasters with a simple move, and she was so good at hacking that she caused a world-renown hacker to have autistic after besting him! Moreover, a tune she played offhandedly became a chart-topping song, while international jewelers worshiped her. Yet, she claims those weren't her strengths! Jealous of Jin Xi, the fake rich daughter laughed: My sister is even better at deceiving people and messing around at graves! Jin Xi: She's right. Feel free to ask more! Everyone:...Later, a superstition brewed online as the top movie star posted: [@Jin Xi, my right eyelid has been twitching for days. Is this a sign of something bad?]Magnate: [@Jin Xi, I had bad luck for three months. Can that be changed?]Top scientist: [@Jin Xi, my house keeps having trouble later. How much for an exorcism?]Mysterious big shot: [@Everyone, allow me to announce that Jin Xi is my wife.]Jin Xi: [@Mysterious big shot, please don't bother me while I'm at work, darling!]Everyone is mourning: Why did a power couple like you display your affection publicly? Are you trying to kill us?!

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40 Chs

Fortune Sores

Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

"How do you know?" Jin Yida asked in confusion. Only Wu Yuyao knew about his sores. Even Jin Yingying didn't know about it. How could she know?

Jin Xi raised her eyebrows. "You don't have to worry about that. More importantly, your sore has a strange shape. It's round on the outside and square on the inside. Pus flows out from the middle. Every time you close a deal, it'll itch a lot."

Jin Yida was shocked. His symptoms were exactly as Jin Xi had described! He looked at his daughter. She was wearing a loose long t-shirt that revealed her fair skin. She was thin and had a red tattoo on her arm. It looked like a jimsonweed.


Jin Yida was just about to ask more, but he was interrupted by Jin Xi. "Do you still want to live?"

Jin Yida was dumbfounded. 

"Of course!"

Why wouldn't he?

"In that case, quickly tear down the roof and renovate it," Jin Xi said indifferently.

"Renovate?" Jin Yida asked in surprise. He had spent a lot of money on a Feng Shui master so that he could build a house that brought fortune. How could he just tear it down easily?

Jin Xi seemed to have read his mind, but she was not in a hurry to persuade him. Instead, she leaned lazily on the sofa and played with her bracelet. "The kind of ulcer you have is known as the 'fortune ulcer'. They grow one by one in the beginning, but after a while, they would infect an area. At that point, your entire body rots until you die."

She said that casually, but the words she said were terrifying.

He would die? Jin Yida trembled a little, "are you saying that my sores are related to the Feng Shui of the house? I'll be fine as long as I take down the roof?"

Jin Xi nodded.

Jin Yida frowned and asked, "is there no other way?"

"No," Jin Xi replied.

Jin Yida was so scared that he almost fell from the sofa. If he didn't tear down the roof, he would die! After struggling internally for a while, he said firmly, "alright. I'll get someone to tear it down tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Jin Xi got up and yawned. "I'm tired, I'm going to sleep."

"I just need to tear down the roof? Is there anything else?" Jin Yida asked anxiously, but no one answered him.


In the master bedroom.

"Where have you been? Why are you home so late?" Wu Yuyao was woken up by Jin Yida and asked.

Jin Yida got into bed and thought of Jin Xi's words. "I'm planning to tear down the roof."

"What? Tear down the roof? You're crazy, it's good for Feng Shui! Don't you know what would happen if you tore it down?" Wu Yuyao immediately sat up and shouted.

Jin Yida let out a long sigh. "I know, but I ran into Jin Xi just now. She told me that I have fortune sores on my body. If I don't tear down the roof, more will grow and I'll die."

Jin Yida was afraid of death, not to mention this horrible way of dying. However, Wu Yuyao was obviously not so afraid. She said impatiently, "you believe her just like that? I think it was a bug bite!"

Jin Yida scratched his sore spot, "but she sounded very serious when she said that. She didn't seem to be lying to me."

"Hmph, have you forgotten what she did in the mountains? She's a quack!" Wu Yuyao said disdainfully. "How can you believe someone who swindles people all day long?"

"Besides, if there's really something wrong with the Feng Shui, why didn't the Taoist say anything? In my opinion, Jin Xi is jealous of our fortune, so she wants to cause us trouble!"

"But the sores on my body are really itchy!" Jin Yida said as he clutched the back of his neck in pain.

Wu Yuyao got up and went to the drawer to get an ointment. "There's still a lot of ointment left. Come closer, I'll apply for you."

She applied the ointment on Jin Yida's wound with a cotton swab, and it took effect after a short while.

"Is it till itchy?" Wu Yuyao asked.

"I feel much better," Jin Yida said with a happy expression.

"This means that it isn't a fortune sore at all. Otherwise, why would it work?" Wu Yuyao said.

Jin Yida thought for a while and felt that her words made sense. "Then we won't tear down the roof. We need good Feng Shui!"

"That's right!" Wu Yuyao said with a smile.