
The Ivory Witch

Keely's training was nearly complete at the Citadel when everything was taken from her. Her teacher dead. Her friends imprisoned. Keely is forced to turn to the very person who took everything to get it back.

ElliottJones · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Soldier

"I knew those dirty witches couldn't be trusted," Private Daci spits.

The royal square was a crime scene. The charred rubble of the wooden stage sat in a pile on the eastern end. Private Lukas, of the city guard, didn't see the moment the High Priestess tried to blow up the King but had heard the aftermath. Screaming, people tripping over each other to rush out the gates he was guarding.

"Today was supposed to be a celebration. Those traitors won't know what hit them when we come for them, "Daci continued.

"Give it a rest," Sergeant Pratt replied.

"Why sarge? It's been a long time coming. Shoulda' wiped em' out years ago if you ask me."

"No one's asking you, Daci", Lukas said.

Daci stares daggers at Lukas but knows better than to start that shit in front of the sarg. 

Lukas couldn't care less about a witches' betrayal but he did care about the unpaid overtime. A crowd was gathering at the locked gate trying to find out of the King was alive. He was. He seemed more angry than hurt by the High Priestess's attempted assassination. An announcer was making his way out to the gate to disperse the worried onlookers. 

"Here, here! The King is touched by your well wishes but has asked that you go home where you will be safe!" the well dressed courtier bellowed to the anxious crowd.

Lukas didn't think there was much of a reason to be there. It had been hours since the coronations and there wasn't anything to guard but a pile of rubble and an unbreakable gate.

"Hey," Daci was still talking for some reason.

"Private Daci, do I need to send you to the General so he can explain how to follow orders?" Sarg said.

"No! Seriously! Look," Daci pointed towards the pile of rubble.

"You seeing things Daci?" Lukas asks.

"I saw the planks move, someone is over there."

Daci drew his sword and began creeping towards the rubble. 

"Hold your horse, Private. Lukas go check it out."

Lukas draped his hand over the hilt of his sword and walked towards the rubble. Half the stage remained largely untouched but the right side had completely collapsed. The pile of broken wood looked the same but as Lukas moved around the edge he saw that several planks had been strewn between the rubble and the castle wall. 

"Dammit," he muttered under his breath. 

Daci was right, something was moving around here. Lukas scanned the scene and noticed one of the servants doors slightly ajar.

"I'm just going to check this out," he calls back to the Sergeant. 

He gripped his sword and pressed the door fully open. It made a long slow creak as the long hall behind the door came into view. Candles flickered along the walls and a long green rug stretched over the center of the hall. A thud came from the far side of the hall. Lukas cursed Daci as he moved down the hall. His sword was drawn and readied. A door leading to the right closed suddenly ahead of me. He rushed towards the door when it swung open suddenly. Lukas was splashed with water as a servant holding a drinks tray crashed into his chest. 

"Ah. Look what you've done!" she chides. 

"I'm very sorry. Have you seen anyone unusual down here?" he asks.

"You mean other your lumbering self? No one," she continues down the hall tucking the tray under her arm. 

Watching her walk away Lukas was struck by how tall she walked. Even the young servants usually have a limp or even a slight hunch. And her face. Covered in soot.

"Excuse me," he calls after her.

She stops but doesn't turn immediately. 

"Yes?" she answers.

"I have a few more questions for you."