
The Italian God

“I said,  go" I warn her. She scoffed and cursed in Russian under her breath. But made her way to the door. "It was nice meeting you" she addressed Maya who I think passed out. I walked to the pole and started untying her hands. I did it slowly so I wouldn't hurt her already bleeding fingers. She is going to be in a lot of pain tomorrow. I caught her before she fell and her face contracted in pain. My suit had blood on it as well, not that I cared. I carried her against my chest looking at her face. Her hair was a different kind of red. God I fucked up big time, she will definitely kill me. I walked with her in my arms out of the basement. "Oh god" I hear, I walked in to the living room. It was filled with Aria and some of her friends, also Enzo and Alessio, who was shaking his head at me when he saw Maya. "Who is she" I hear the girls whispering "Call the doctor" I tell them carrying her upstairs to my room. I sat at the corner of my room with a drink in my hand. With a clean fresh suit. I stared at her unmoving body on my bed, she looks so small on it. The doctor came and checked her body, she had bruised all over her body, a small concussion and her ribs were bruised. Veronica might have went over board this time. He cleaned her cuts and left a ton of medicine she has to take for the pain. He also attached a drip to her cause she was dehydrated. I cleaned her with wet towels and changed her filthy clothes. I was so thankful she didn't wake up, I didn't know how she would react to me seeing her naked. I noticed small cuts and scars on her upper thigh. She also had old ligature marks on her wrists. Something happened to her and I was going to find out what. I put her in one of my shirt and let her sleep. I had to chance into a new suit, my other one was covered in her blood. And I was meant to be at a party very soon. I had to make sure every gun and anything that can be used as a weapon was taking out of my room, I don't want her hurting anyone or me. And I know when she wakes up, she is going to want to kill me. I don't know what to do with her now and I couldn't let her go, she's seen too much. CIA agent Maya Reed is undercover in a mission In Italy, for the past 3 months. When her partner gets killed and all hell breaks loose. She gets kidnapped by the most power Mafia boss in Italy. She tries to escape still having faith that the Americans are looking for her. Not knowing they think she died. Lorenzo … Cold. Ruthless. Killer. I am respected and feared by all. I wasn’t put on this earth to love or be loved. I was put to be a killer, to be feared. When I find a strange girl in my club , killing two of my best costumers. I don’t let her live out of compassion. She’s a trinket, my plaything.

cluelessgixl · Teen
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86 Chs

Chapter 12

Maya Pov

"Do I have a bed or am I sleeping on the floor again" I ask referring to the basement they locked me in. We finished eating dinner not too long ago, I was surprised when Aria told me I would be eating dinner with them. I had just finished taking a bath, when she told me, she gave me her clothes that I could wear but only the leggings fit me the top she gave me was too tight so was the leggings but it went up my thighs. I didn't expect it, I thought I would be put back in the basement after, instead we moved to the sitting room.

When I saw the plastic forks and knife I couldn't believe it, I give a clap for being careful. But I knew I can't try and escape now, he had guards surrounding the estate. I could see two walking around the back from the place I sat down. If I wanted to leave here alive I have to be smart. When dinner was over Lorenzo and Alessio excused themselves when they got a phone call, I could their faces that it wasn't good. So it was just me, Alice and Aria sitting down.

"We have a lot of rooms to spear, Lorenzo doesn't mind" Aria says smiling at me. The tension during dinner was gone. After that wanna be barbie 'Elena' said what she said I was starting to like Aria more than I wanted to. The comment affect her, I could still see it in her eyes. I could take the fact that she referred to me as a whore; wasn't the first time. But I can't say the next time I see her I won't kill her.

"Where did you say you were from again" I hear Alice say, I didn't get a good vibes from her. I knew it had to do with Enzo, he wasn't happy with the fact that I was still breathing and his brothers weren't.

"I didn't" say giving her a tight smile. Alice was a black hair girl with pale skin, I could tell she was Russian cause of her thick accent.

"Non sa che sei un agente della CIA" Aria says quietly, I looked at her puzzled. They didn't tell her I was a CIA agent.

"I just find it a little weird that you were invited to dinner and you sat down at the late capo's wife sit"

"I mean we don't know you" she says drinking her glass wine

Opening my mouth to tell her that I don't give a shit what she think Aria cuts me off, why was she so concise about where I sat. It was just a sit at the end of the day, I saw their faces when I sat down but ignored it. I thought they were just horrified about the bruises on my face.

"She is our cousin, yeah she had to get away from her abusive husband" Aria lied nodding at me to go along with it. What a very shit lair.

"Still doesn't explain the treatment your getting from Lorenzo"

"We don't have too lie Aria" I say rolling my eyes, she gave me an alarmed looked that I ignored

"I'm his whore" I say smiling "yeah he took me from his club in Italy"

Ignoring Aria chocking on her drink and kept on going "he is really into BDSM, hence the bruises. Does that satisfy you" giving Alice a fake smile. She looked at me disgusted and got up.

"You have a fowl mouth for a woman, you should be punished for speaking about the capo like that" she says before leaving the room. Looking at Aria worried I went too far, I thought she would know I was joking. Unexpectedly she burst out laughing making me laugh as well. At least someone here got me and didn't have a stick up their ass. 

"Oh that was priceless" she says calming down from her laugh

"Only if Lorenzo was here to hear what you said" she giggles

"I didn't know she would take it that serious" I say 

"Ignore her, she will come around" 

"Miss Aria, your  car is here" I heard a man say behind me, I watch the smile drop off her face when she heard that. 

"I told him I was staying the night" she says 

"I'm sorry ma, he wants you home now" the guard says

"who?" I asked confused, I thought she lived here with Lorenzo

"My fiancé" she grumbles out getting up. 

"Thank you Rafael" I assumed that was the guards name

She was engaged? I could tell by her facial expression it wasn't by choice 

"I will see you tomorrow Maya, don't get into any trouble okay" she comes to give me a hug 

"Bye!" she called out as the door shot behind her.  

I sat there in the empty living room not knowing what to do now that I was alone, looking at the man that stood at the door. I knew they told him too watch me. I eyed the riffle he had around his neck. I could easily take that off him and kill him in seconds but I knew that was going to be a smart move, there was probably 20 men outside or more. Looking at the huge white clock on the wall to my right, the time says 8:30. Did they expect me to sit here a wait for him, I might as well start planning ways too kill him...

Lorenzo Pov 

"How the fuck did you let this happen!" I yelled punching his face again. He cries out when my hand connects with his face. 

"I'm sorry boss we didn't expect it" he yells out,

I was having dinner when I received a phone call saying the Mexicans had taken another of over shipment again in Italy. I didn't want to leave Maya but I had no choice. I told them to make sure they changed the rote but they didn't. I lost millions again, this will affect my disrupters in Mexico and America. Looking down at the idiot I put in charge of it, he was covered in blood. I have been taking out y anger on him for a while now, my hands was bleeding but i didn't care, someone needed too pay. 

"We found the location" Alessio says coming into the room 

"Good" I say pulling the gun out of the straps. He didn't have the time to beg as I pulled the trigger. The bullet went straight to his brains, he dropped lifeless against the chair. They needed to know what will happen when you don't follow my orders.

"Clean this up" I say pointing at one of the guards. 

Taking the white handkerchief out my pocket cleaning my hands, I wanted to get home as soon as possible. I was worried all the 30 men I put as guards will be dead by the time I got there, I know what she is cable of. 

"Show me" I tell Alessio putting the stained handkerchief  back in my pockets. I told him to find the location of Mexicans warehouses so we can burn it to the ground, they took my shipment, I burn down all what they have. 

"We have a drone footage of the warehouse right now" our tech man says 

"Well what the fuck are you waiting for!" I yelled "send them the location"

"Yes boss" he rushed out typing away at the screen. I have my men at Italy waiting for the location.  

"Those fucking Mexicans won't know what hit them!" Alessio says grinning 

"Call Rafael, make sure he is still alive" I tell him, I haven't checked on him in a while. Last he told me she was watching a cooking show on the Tv which was hard too believe, I'm sure she was planning ways too escape. Aria had too leave cause of her fiancé that I didn't approve of or like. But I couldn't do anything about it, her father made the match. If it was up to me he would be ten feet under right now.  

"Sir, they reported back. There are people in there sir" 

"I don't give a fuck, Do it" I say. I don't care if there was a hundreds women in there, those bastard just lost me hundreds of millions. I will kill them all and not  blink.

"Sir, he didn't pick up" Alessio tells me putting his phone away 

"Try again" I say, that bastard better not have let her kill him

"No answer" he says

"FUCK!" this can not be good

"We have to go now!" I tell him "You stay here make sure the job gets done" I point at Enzo who was sulking at the corner. I knew he was still angry about the whole men thing, but if she killed any of my men today I will personally put the bullet in her beautiful face.