
The Isekai Young Heroes' 'Ordinary' Teacher

Ezera Gemstone is a teacher - though he has not always been so. He teaches at a random high school, as the main teacher of a random class of twenty students. He is well liked, and he likes his students in return. This young man with attractive long hair doesn't need any more than this to be happy, overjoyed with this ordinary life filled with loving people. However, peace never seemed to remain stable with Ezera. One day, as all days are, ordinary, filled with teasings and yawns and students trying to get out of their duties but overall a quite peaceful day, the world fell apart for Ezera and his class. Then, quite literally, another built itself around them Another world, another era, whole new dangers, whole new powers, and a royal authority declaring his students to be the long awaited heroes of this world. This only meant trouble to Ezera Gemstone. Immediately cautious, it didn't take him long to realize something was deeply wrong in this kingdom. And Ezera, with the unlikely help of a powerful warrior, would stop at nothing to protect those he loved. (Of course, Ezera would also give a lot to go back to his very random and boring life, why did this happen to him? Also, is that a DRAGON???) *updates at least once every two days*

IlnaHers · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

Professor Gemstone survives an assassination attempt! part 7 (26)

Ezera had tattooed people, in the past. He had only ever needed one needle. Sometimes two. Sometimes it was painful, but he could make it painless. It was an art that required lots of precision.

It was with that same precision that Ezera engraved the scrying diagram onto the coin, carefully. It was a painfully slow process. He was very happy to have an accessible fire just a step away. Thanks the gods – or was it the suns? – for Ilya.

"This is a double diagram," he explained to his companion in a very low whisper as he worked. "The first part is for spying, the second is for sending."

Ilya hummed in the same whispery way, his voice naturally deep emitted beautiful sounds. Ezera imagined that, if he could be humming constantly, the effect of his voice would resemble that of a cat purr.

"How do they not intermingle with each other?"

"It's conceived in such a manner that they're superimposed on one another where it counts, which effectively tricks the array into believing it is only one unity when it is in fact two diagrams complementing each other."

Ezera spoke slowly, exhaling carefully after each line. He made sure his hand wasn't trembling. Thankfully, Ezera had very steady hands. It helped with all sorts of activity, including but not limited to this one.

"This is what the original creator was missing."

"It doesn't sound like a known practice," Ilya commented following Ezera's pace and volume of speech.

It was mute by how low they were speaking, but Ezera thought he could detect a hint of curiosity in the remark.

"Mh mn," he emitted noise, focused on the thin lines he was makin in the copper. "It probably isn't used all that much," he agreed. "If it were, I dare say more than a small hundred of arrays would have been created. I thought it didn't interest you."

The low rumble next to him denied.

"I may not be an expert, but I enjoy witnessing magical technology at works. There are very few arrayal and spell masters left, yet it is a fascinating world."

"It is. You just have more important duties. Is it closer to a hobby?"

"Yes. It is a hobby. Duty calls elsewhere."

When Ezera finished his woork on the first face of the coin, he said:

"Our currency has some forms in relief, but it's very light. Hopefully it shouldn't interfer with the array. It is engraved deep enough. There should still be a diminished effect, but it would already be a miracle if it worked, in term of science."

Finishing preparations for the second face, he didn't risk bringing the coin close to the fire. Instead, he once again dipped the needle deep into the blue fire, careful of its flame, and waited an appropriate amount of time before letting it out.

He brought it close to the coin, but not poking into the metal. Instead, he let it rest against it, caressing its surface at times slowly, at times in rapid succession.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm warming it so that this part of the coin becomes more malleable. Do you know what is a tattoo?"

"Mh. It is very rare, not well known. I heard of that practice in the higher territories of Kyur, and in Darcia."

He was only quiet for a few more moments before adding an interrogation.

"How does it work?"

Ezera had priorly prepared a vial of his own blood, resting on the table at a safe distance from the warmth. Once he dimmed the coin face softened enough, he dipped the needle in the scarlet liquid and started poking in and out.

"Mh. You might know it's a practice usually done on skin. It's all about inserting ink under your skin so that it forms a picture. It cannot be removed. It is usually performed with special material in where I come from, but it is also possible to use needles. It takes longer."

Ezera was starting to sound tired. Tattooing was a practice that needed great focus, skill and precision. But in this case, he found the tension in his body almost draining away when it should be the opposite.

He shouldn't be surprised. In the past, when he tattooed his friends, it was a mind numbing experience. They would be in a darkly lit place, comfy but silent, in the relaxing way only fireplaces could offer.

Here he was, in the darkness of his chambers, the night long fallen outside, with a small blue fire emitting light over Ezera's work. He was slowly but inexorably relaxing.

"What is the use of blood?" Ilya asked.

"It allows the diagram to recognize me as its master. Or rather, it gives it my informations, in a way. It will know to send the information it collects to me and not anyone else."

Ezera allowed himself a small pause, to breathe, then he went on for the second part of the tattoo.

"At first, I thought it would be a good idea to engrave the first part of the array with my students' blood as well, but it's a bit gruesome."

"You wish to use this on your student?"

"Yes... I can't investigate properly if I always have to be there with them. But I don't want to leave them alone either. I'd rather have them know I'm still here even if not physically present. It's not spying if I have permission," Ezera cracked a smile.

"Not everyone will have these intentions."

"You're right. It's better if I don't reveal them to anyone yet. Do I have your silence?"

"You have it. And you should know that... I could not reproduce it, in ant case."

Once again, the man sounded a bit strange, but Ezera didn't question it.

Soon, he licked his lips and said, with a rough voice.

"It's almost done."

They were done by the time souper had gone by. They would only have so much time to clean up before Ming went to look for Ezera.

Ezera stretched his tired limbs with satisfied sounds. Ilya brought his palm down, the fire fading away, leaving them only with the dim light of the lamp.

"That was long. Now it's done, at least."

"You have not eaten," Ilya remarked.

"Neither have you to my knowledge."

"I have," Ilya surprised him again. "My meal schedule is early compared to that of your class. They do not wish for me to meet the Heroes."

Ezera's eyes narrowed.

"I see. By the way, you said you were having trouble moving around the guards?"

"Yes. I have not yet figured out their movements and patterns."

"Well, now you climb to my window. You could do the same with the rest of the outer castle. This side isn't guarded much. They don't seem to know that their walls are climbable."

"Not to everyone," Ilya countered, but he seemed to be considering it. "I see."

"Mostly," Ezera added, "there's actually something I should show you later on."

They could hear footsteps in the hallways.

"What will you do with the cursed artifact?"

"Oh. Are you worried?" Ezera teased. "It's not overly complicated. I just need to find the opposite formula and apply it to the back of the amulet. I will also need fire, but I in fact do have a fireplace that I could use if I prepare it right."

Ilya listened then turned thoughtful.

"Because the two diagrams will nullify each other?" he reached the expected conclusion.

"Yes. There aren't supposed ti be multiple arrays on the same object. Two array will naturally fight each other for dominance, or get confused. Doing so with two opposite arrays will not give a double effect, but instead nullify both."

"I see... No need."

That surprised Ezera. This day should be called 'Ilya surprises Ezera'.

"What do you mean?"

"No need for the fire place," Ilya clarified. "I have very little to do, just call me. It is also a good idea for Ilya to become friendly with Professor Gemstone."

That... Wasn't a bad idea. Ezera smirked, tiredly.

"Alright. You better go, Ming will be back now."

"Yes... I will bring you souper."

Ezera raised an eyebrow.

"What? In the middle of the night? Ilya, you don't need to... And he's already gone."

Through the window like a thief. Ezera chuckled.

The door opened to Ming, who looked up at Ezera, dubitative. He leveled the man with that special polite gaze that said you're being very strange and asked.

"Is everything alright?"

Ezera smiled.

"Yes. I was just warm."

They didn't close the window.