"Eehh-Mmmm... Sooo, what are you doing here?" asked Vanessa.
The ogre spoke calmly in a monotone voice, "I was born with immense strength and power. And I've devoted that gift to defending those in need. That need here is to protect the shrine".
Vanessa stared at the map, finding their way to the shrine by matching the shape of the swamp with the images on the map, "Soooo why did you attack us in December"?
"You stole from a church".
"Oki, but, they were kids," answered Vanessa.
He clenched his fist, "They needed discipline".
Vanessa closed her eyes for a moment and shrugged, "Doesn't sound good to me".
"Oh really?" he smiled, "Tell me, how much did you enjoy hearing that snake crackle to its death? Or how much did you enjoy slaying Gula? Did you enjoy seeing R'bi bleed a mere foot in front of you? Or how about when you slayed an archangel of God who came down to perform his duties to the land"?
Vanessa had no response.