Carter laid down, facing the cieling in his cell. His metal cuffs were too tight to squeeze through. He didn't feel like dying in these next few month. Given his current circumstances, there didn't seem to be a way around it. In these last moments, he thought about the stadium. The lasting conversations he had with Logan, Saya, and the others.
It all made him think about Nolan and what his future would look like in this stadium. Clearly it was going out of business. But it would be nice if the next generation could enjoy the things he did when he was their age. It dawned on him that perhaps it would be nice if they had a mentor the way he had Bebe there to guide him throughout his youth. Of course, it was all coming to a distant memory. He wondered when he was going to get another cigarette.
His cell slammed open, "Ready for your execution"?
Carter rose his head to view the general, "Can we wait till la-"?