The stream split before them. To make it worse, the right corner where they needed to go was between the two streams. Then the first bridge took them to the far side where they had to take another bridge to get to the center section. Oh well.
Mimi ran to the first bridge and sliced through a water lesser that rose up. Three little quasits rolled out of the water with five scrags. Kiki noted how cute they were before spreading a sea of flames across.
The scrags jumped in the water to heal whereas the quasits morphed into lizardfolks.
Mimi ran through the flames, given Kiki's flame immunity, and sliced into a morphed quasit. It parried her attack but fell to her blade that was rammed through its gut.
Mimi spun it around to block another morphed quasit's attack. A scrag from the water shot her with a water bullet.
It knocked her into a combat roll, only for two others to shoot her as well.