
The end, and the beginning

Agent Howard, Madison, and George are back in California at the SSOSH headquarters. George walks passed one of the superheroes he rescued. "What the hell is he doing here?" The superhero says to Agent Howard. "Trust me, were unstoppable now" Agent Howard says. The superhero walks away with a temper. They walk into the locker room. "George, your locker" Agent Howard says. "Oh, so I got a locker now?" George asks. They laugh. "I missed you kiddo" Agent Howard says.  "I missed the crew. Think they'll let me back in?" George asks. "They're not going to have a choice" Agent Howard says. Another superhero walked in. "George?" The superhero said. "Hey! Long time no see" George says. "I thought those cops had you for sure" the superhero says. "What can I say? I'm bulletproof." George says. 

George went into the weight room to train. He sees one of the superheros training. He walks over and touches then, copying there power. "What's your power again?" George asked. "I can turn into dust" the superhero says. Georges eyes go big. He turns into dust. The superhero laughs. "Let's see if you can put your self back together" the superhero says. George tries and manages to get his foot back together but then he turns back into dust. "Concentrate" the superhero says. George turns back to normal and he gives the superhero back his power. "I don't like that" George says. The superhero laughs. George walks to another superhero and says "before I do anything, what's your power?" George asks. "I can shoot fire out of my hands" the superhero says. "Can I practice with you?" George asks. "Sure" the superhero says sticking his arm out. George copies his power. George shoots flames out of his hands and instantly stops. "Thats hot!" George yells. The superhero laughs but teaches George how to work past the heat. He finally gets over the heat and trains with the superhero. "That's gnarly heat" George says. "Now you know what I have to deal with" the superhero says. "Yeah" George says walking away. George goes to the his old lab and finds the scientists who helped design his suit that helps control his invisibility. "Hey George" one of the scientists say. "Oh hey man" George says. "What's up?" The scientist asked. "So you know how you guys helped me with the suit?" George asked. "Yeah" the scientists says. "Do you think you could make a ring that controls my powers instead of a suit? The suit gets uncomfortable wearing it all the time." George said. "We'll see what we can do" the scientist says. "Alright" George says. George walks out and sees a teenager. "Is that the Invisible Man?" The teenager says. "Hey Buddy" George says. "Are you really the Invisible man?" The teenager asks. George turns invisible. "No way" the teenager says. George turns back to normal. "You want to hang around me for the rest of the day?" George asks. "Yeah!" The teenager says. "Is it ok with your mother?" George asks. They both look at his mom. "Alright go" the mom says. "Thank you, thank you" the teenager says. "So what do you wanna do first?" George asks. "Can we go to the weight room? I haven't gotten my exercise in today" the teenager says. "Yeah, let's go" George says. They got to the weight room. "I bet I can lift more then you" the teenager says. "Is that so?" George asks. "Yeah" the teenager says. "Let's test that" George says. George puts 100 pounds of weight on the Barbell. The teenager puts 150 pounds of weight on the other Barbell. "Are you sure about that?" George asks. "Yeah" the teenager says. They both grab the barbell and lift. They both pick it up. George drops his. The teenager is still lifting his. "You're lying" George says. "Nope" the teenager says dropping it. "Okay then" George says. They do more exercises. The teenager beats George in all of them. "You got some muscle kid" George says. "I'm not a kid" the teenager says. "Feisty" George says. They go into the training room. "Back so soon?" The superhero that George was training with earlier says. "Yeah" George says. "Let's see your moves kid" George says to the teenager pointing at a dummy. "I told you, I'm not a kid" the teenager says. "My bad" George says.

The teenager walks up to the dummy and starts punching it. He starts to speed up his punches. He increases his hits and knocks the head off of the dummy. George and the superhero look at each other. They are both shocked. Then George smiles. "I'm going to take to the simulator room" George says. "What's that?" The teenager asks. "Its a football stadium sized room. You put VR goggles on and you can see the props in the room as well as robots programmed to act like villains and whoever is in the simulation with you. You wanna try it?" George asks. "Are you going to be in there with me?" The teenager asks. "If you want me to" George says. "Let's do it" the teenager says. "Alright then" George says

They go to the simulation room and get suited up. "Are you ready?" George asks. "Yes" the teenager says. George chose the Parkour simulation with villains. He has had his experience with parkour so this will be easy. He wants to see if the teenager has what it takes. The simulation begins and George starts running. The teenager stands still, not know what to do. George stops and turns around. "You coming?" George asks. The teenager runs past George and climbs a 10 foot wall to the top of a roof. George climbs the wall with the teenager. They get to the top. They see propped villains in a parking garage. They look at each other and then run off the roof. George lands on a different roof and the kid lands on the ground, rolling. "You okay?" George yells. The teenager looks at him and runs to some scaffolding and climbs up the side of it. George jumps from the roof he is on to the floor above the propped villains. The teenager climbs to the top of the scaffolding. It ends just one level under the propped villains location. George, one level above them, grabs the side of the parking garage and swings to the level the propped villains are on. The teenager, one level below them, has outstanding upper body strength, jumps and grabs the floor of the level above him, lifting himself up. Now, with George and the teenager on the same level as the propped villains, they walk behind the propped villains. The teenager taps one of the propped villain and he turns around. The teenager then punches him, knocking him to the floor. George grabs the other propped villain and puts him in an arm lock. The propped villain fights Georges arm lock and breaks free. The teenager runs up and kicks the propped villain in the chest, pushing him off of the edge. George and the teenager walk to the edge of the parking garage and look down. "Oops" the teenager says. George looks at him, extending a fist. The teenager looks at George's fist and raises his fist. Their fist collide, fist bumping. They take off their goggles and climb down a ladder to get the floor of the simulation room. "You did good" George says to the teenager. "You too man, could of took down the villain yourself tho" the teenager says. "Hey, I had him" George says. "Okay" the teenager says sarcastically.

They exit the simulation room. "I never got your name" George says. "Harrington" the teenager pauses "Michael. Michael Harrington" Michael says. "Nice to meet you, Michael" George says. "Yeah you too" Michael says. "You have a lot of strength too" George says. "Oh, I didn't tell you?" Michael says. "Tell me what?" George asks. "I have super strength, you really thought I would just be wondering around SSOSH Headquarters because I wanted to meet you?" Michael asks. "That explains a lot, it really does" George says. Michael and George sat around headquarters all day not knowing what to do. That's until the alarm went off. Another invasion. Just this time, more villains. George went to his locker to go get suited up. He opens his locker and finds a ring sitting in there. He realizes what it is and puts it on. He puts on normal clothes and heads into battle, once again. "let me come with" Michael demands. "I don't want you to get hurt" George says. "I can do this! This isn't my first time." Michael says. "Do you even know how powerful these villains are?" George asks. "Yeah, not that powerful" Michael says. "What makes you think that?" George asks. "I was there when you fought them the first time, you know?" Michael says "Wait, what?" George asks. "Yeah, I was one of the kids you saved. So I do know how powerful they are. They aren't as powerful as both of us combined. Come on man! You seen what we did to those villains on the parking garage" Michael says. "those were props. they can barely fight back and they are programmed with very little defense." George says. "Please" Michael says giving George a puppy face. "FINE!" George yells "But you're staying by me!." "Yes sir" Michael says. They get to the battlefield. They see that there is already mass casualty. They are too late. So they think. Michael sees something floating in the air and he hits it. It was a bird. But not just any bird. This bird can project an image if programmed the right way. When Michael hits the bird all of the bodies disappear and they see no one has arrived other then them. The villains programmed the bird to show mass casualty to make them think they already lost the battle, but it was just the beginning. George calls in that he needs immediate backup and tells them they have holographic birds. Backup finally arrives 30 minutes later. George and the superhero that was training with him earlier run up to the ship to try and destroy it. Michael runs up behind them. George stops and looks at michael. "Go back there kid" George says. "You told me to stay by you" Michael says. "Yeah, well now i'm telling you to go back there, I don't want you to be involved in this. It can go badly" George says. "Fine" Michael says going back to the group. George and the other Superhero start to tear apart the ship, slowly, but surely. As they are tearing the ship apart, a missile launcher turns towards them, firing a missile. George grabs the other superhero and jumps off the ship. The explosion of the missile throws them across the field, injuring both of them, badly. Michael runs up to George. "George!" Michael yells. Michael slides and crawls to George. "I'm sorry kiddo" George says. "You can't leave us" Michael says. "I don't have a choice" George says. "Yes, yes you do" Michael says. "Look kid, before we left, I wrote instructions on a note in case things went south. It's in my right pocket, grab it" George says. Michael goes to grab it and George touches the other superhero and himself, copying both their powers, and then taps Michael, giving him both their powers. "No George" Michael says. "This is your battle now. Finish this." George says, passing out. Michael stands up and reads the note. The note reads of instructions of what to do. They tell him to turn invisible and sneak inside the ship. Then, use the fire powers from the other superhero to burn the ship down. If he sees any villains, then fight them. Michael grabs George's ring that helps him turn back to normal off of George's finger and puts it on his. He crumbles up the note and walks intimidatingly towards the ship.

~My name is..-Once Monsters~

Michael turns invisible and goes inside the ship. He sees hundreds of villains inside the ship. He turns back to normal and all the villains see him. "Get him!" The leader of the villains yells. Michael makes his hands on fire with this intimidating smirk on his face. He nods his head slowly and signals for them to charge him. All the villains charge him. Michael grabs one of the villains and lifts him up, burning him as he's lifting him up. The villain is now of fire. With the villain of fire, Michael throws the villain he has lifted up at the other villains, knocking some down and burning the others. The villains he knocked over stands up. They charge at him again. They are running towards him at all angles. Michael looks up and notices a rope. "Thank God for gym classes". Michael jumps up and grabs the rope, lifting himself up. The villains run into each other. Michael drops, landing on them. Now it's just him and the leader of the villains. "Is that all you got?" The leader of the villains pauses "kid." Michael face turns red "I'm.. Not.. A.. Kid!" Michael says, turning invisible. "You can run, but you can't hide" the leader says. "Is that so?" Michael says, punching him in the face. The villain doesn't even flinch. Michael gets scared. "Show yourself!" The villain yells. Michael turns back to normal. "So? You think you can hurt me?" Says the Villain. Michael looks outside of the window and sees backup arrived. "Not by myself" Michael says. "Good thing you're by yourself now, right?" the villain says. "Well, that's where you're wrong. If you look out that window, you will see i'm not alone." Michael says. "I have mines all over the ground out there. you see, I thought about this.  I already have a plan in my head and it's going to work. Only one of us are going to make it out of here alive and we both know that's going to be me." The villain says without hesitation. "Good thing not everyone is on the ground" Michael says. "Wha-" The villain says not being able to finish what he was trying to say because he was interrupted by a loud thud on the roof. "Told you" Michael says. The villain backs up as glass shatters. The villain is soon surrounded by Super Humans. The Super Humans from the battlefield have recovered and managed to enter through the door. "Little did you know, we disabled the mines" George says, cut up and in pain. He walks into the door. Michael feels relieved only for an instant. Michaels relief soon ends with cages falling from the ceiling, capturing everyone but the villain and George. George gets scared because he doesn't have his powers because he had given them to Michael on the battlefield and he is injured from the explosion. The villain smirks with a foul look on his face. The villain proceeds to walk closer to George, step by step, inch by inch. George feels intimidated. George steps backwards, trying to get further from the villain. As George is stepping backwards, he bumps into one of the cages. He bumps into the cage containing the SuperHuman with the power to turn into sand, also known as Sandy. George turns around to look at what he has bumped into realizing he had bumped into Sandys cage. George taps Sandy, taking his sand powers. George has only harnessed the power once, which he failed at. As the villain is getting closer to George, George steps to the side and attempts to use the power he has just taken from Sandy. At first, the power wasn't working. George looks at Sandy with a scared look on his face. "Take a deep breath and concentrate" Sandy says to George. George takes a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling. The villain charges at George, but George was able to turn into sand just in time, dodging the villains charge attack. George struggles to change back into his normal form. He eventually manages to change back. George taps Sandy, giving him his power back, and then proceeding to tap Michael, taking the powers he had given Michael on the battlefield. George is invisible because he doesn't have his ring that helps him be able to switch back to normal, so he can't be seen. He walks to the other side of the room and shoots fire out of his hands, striking the villain in the left bicep. The villain flinches and then grabs his arm, indicating he's in pain. George then runs up, grabbing the villains head, and slamming it into the cage. This knocks the villain down, but only long enough for George to grab his ring back from Micheal. George puts on the ring, turning back to normal. The villain stands up. Now that the villain is able to see George, he charges at him. George shoots another fireball out of his hand but the villain blocks it with a shield that is formed from his arm. George starts to run backwards, shooting fireballs faster and faster. But they weren't affective and the villain tackles George, landing on top of him. The villain then proceeds to strike George repeatedly in the face with his fist. George looks over and realized he is next to a cage. He looks at who is in the cage and it's Micheal. George attempts to reach his arm out to transfer his power to Micheal, but the villain pulls his arm back. The villain stands up and grabs George's leg in hopes of pulling him away from the cage. George manages to kick the villain, knocking him down. George then starts to speed crawl towards Michaels cage. Micheal and George extend their arms, barely be able to reach each others fingers, transferring the power. The villain stands up and grabs George and starts dragging him. Micheal, not knowing what to do, points his hand toward the villain, closes his eyes, and shoots a fire bowl at the villain, knocking him out. George then looks at Micheal, gives him a thumbs up, and then arrest the villain. George then walks over to Michaels cage, tapping Micheal, and transferring the power back to George. "We got to find a way to get you out of here" George says. He stops and thinks for a second "okay, I got it. Stand back" Micheal backs up against the other end of the cage and George shoots the lock with a fire ball, knocking the lock off. "It worked!" George says excitedly. "Help me get the others out" George says. They walk around open all the cages, Micheal with his super strength, and George with the fire balls. After about a minute of walking around unlocking cages, everyone's cages were unlocked. George calls in for medics and transportation to come to the scene and help take care of things. After what felt like forever, the medics finish checking everyone out. Some, were taken to the hospital, while the others were taken to HQ. George and Micheal enter the locker room, putting their gear away. "You did good out there, I'm proud of you" George says to Micheal. "Thanks, you too. The way you handled that villain was next level" Micheal replies. They fist bump each together and attempt to go their separate ways. George turns around towards Michael and says "Hey kid, how do you feel about partnering up?" George asks. "Hmmmm." Micheal pauses. "Let's do it!" George smiles "Alright!" George says. "But hey, I'm not a kid." Micheal says. "Fine" George replies. They walk away from each other. Until they meet again.

After that day they're known as "The Dynamic Duo"