
The Interplanetary Hero

Izuku Midoriya is powerless in a world of powers. Despite this, he desperately wants to be a hero, even when everyone says he couldn't. The Omnitrix is an immensely powerful device, filled with the DNA and powers of millions of species across the galaxy. When these two meet, a hero is born.

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 1

In the depths of space, two spaceships were in a chase, passing by Jupiter. There was an obvious size difference, as a small blue ship with green markings dodged a shower of lasers, and shot some of it's own that sliced into the hull of an absolutely massive warship with a brown and red motif, the Chimerian Hammer, causing massive explosions.

Inside the warship's control room, dozens of robots were stationed at monitors, keeping track of the ship and firing weapons. "Hull damage at twenty percent! Systems are still operational!" A robotic voice yelled out to the commander, a creature who sat in the center of the room.

"I have come too far to be denied. The Omnitrix shall be mine, and there is not a being in the galaxy that dares stand in my way!" The beast yelled, looking like an absolute freak of nature, with solid red eyes, green skin, and tentacles coming down from his chin like a beard.

The warship fired a powerful shot at the small ship, decimating a fair chunk of it, including it's thrusters, which made the ship's acceleration completely stop.

"Thrusters destroyed!"

"Prepare the cannon! We will salvage the Omnitrix from the remains!" The monster commanded, as the warship's frontal cannon, taking up more than half the ship, began charging, the red sacs dotting it glowing.

As if reacting to the sight of this, an orb on the small ship began to shine blindingly bright, firing a shot that pierced through the shields of the warship, and hit right into the control room, creating an explosion that sent fire and shrapnel everywhere, destroying the robots and hitting the commander, melting and stabbing into various points of his body, nearly killing.

But the cannon still charged up, firing upon the inferior one and almost annihilating it entirely, except for the very front of the ship. From what was left, a pod shot out, flying towards Earth.

"It's not bad to have a dream, young man. Just... make sure your dreams are realistic." Izuku Midoriya was about to cry. The skeletal figure of All Might walked right by him as if he hadn't crushed every single molecule of his hopes and dreams, and then he was alone.

"Of course..." Izuku mumbled to himself. "Of course you couldn't be a hero, you idiot..." He felt numb as he left the building. He walked down the street, eventually pulling out his destroyed notebook and flipping through the pages. All Might had saved his life from that sludge villain, but... he almost wished he didn't.

Izuku had no idea where he was going, just walking, until he smelt something rancid that knocked him out of his stupor. When he looked, he saw a beach, absolutely covered in garbage. "Oh... Dagobah Beach. A garbage dump." He walked to the beach and just stood in front of it, taking in the scenery. His eyes were wet, and he looked down at his notebook, all burnt and wet. "This and all my other notes are as good as garbage anyways... Just like me, I guess." He mumbled, putting it in his backpack. As he did, he saw something streak through the sky with a shining trail. It was unusually bright. "Huh... A shooting star, this early?" He said, mildly surprised. "I wish I could be a hero..." Izuku muttered, just as the shooting star changed directions, seeming to head straight for him.

So he started running, letting out a panicked scream. Then, when it landed behind him, it was like an explosion went off, sending him flying onto the sand. After a few moments, Izuku got up, looking behind him, and saw a sizeable crater. Curiosity got the better for him, and he started walking towards the crater and getting inside it.

In the center of the crater, there was an odd, metal pod, the ground around it having been turned to glass. It opened up as he stared, emitting a bright green glow that revealed what was inside.

It was a bulky device that seemed like a watch, mainly black, and grey, with two white trims that bulged slightly, pointing towards a faceplate in the middle, with the glowing green hourglass as the faceplate, and a smaller button glowing the same light.

"A watch? Why was it in a meteor? Why is this thing a meteor?! What are the chances?!" Izuku said to himself, leaning forwards. "Oh my god, this thing came from space! It's an alien device! What can it do?! What is it?!" Izuku said, unable to contain his curiosity as he reached towards the pod. Basic reasoning of the heat of the pod escaped his mind, he was too interested in the device within.

But as his hand got close, the watch came to life and jumped up, clamping onto his left wrist. This made Izuku realize his mistake rather quickly.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! OH NO!!! Is it trying to kill me?!" He screamed, shaking his arm wildly, before realizing that nothing was happening, and calming down. "Wait... It's okay. Can I get it off?" Izuku rubbed the wrist where the watch attached itself, wondering how to get it off. He put his finger underneath it and pulled, but that failed, so he then considered pressing the button near the faceplate.

This made it rise up, and the hourglass changed into a diamond with a silhouette of a humanoid figure in it. "Wait, what's this?" He thought to himself, looking at the circuit board-like design of the sides of the faceplate hourglass.

Izuku then looked around, double checking for anyone, before gently pressing down on the faceplate. The moment it hit the bottom, a blinding green light enveloped him.

In that moment, the quirkless boy felt something happened to him, an odd feeling spreading throughout his whole body in an instant. He couldn't help but scream as he began changing, and green light bathed everything around him. His arms felt heavier, his body felt denser, and he could feel a sort of burning sensation.

It lasted less than a second, with the odd feeling disappearing as soon as the changes were done. Izuku looked down at his body, confused, and his eyes widened like dinner plates.

Instead of Izuku's normal body, his entire body was covered with what looked like coals, with just a centimeter or two between each one, with fire burning in the space between them. On his chest was the hourglass from the watch, but nothing else from it. His arms were far larger than they should be for his body size, incredibly bulky, but the rest of the watch was gone. The coals ended at his wrists, and his hands looked like they were made of pure fire shaped into hands that had only three large fingers and a thumb. And at his feet, he only had two toes each. He was also lacking any form of clothes, including his backpack, but he didn't seem to have anything unsavory out, or the embarrassment that came with nakedness.

As Izuku comprehended the sight, he screamed, shaking his arms, which felt so heavy compared to normal, and stepping back, almost tripping from the unfamiliar feeling of his new body. "Oh my God! I'm on fire! What happened to me?! Why do I feel okay?" Infinite questions ran through his head as he panicked, before noticing his new voice, raspy and deep.

Izuku shook his arms a bit more, slowly calming down as he got used to his body. But then, he realized something. He had a quirk. He finally had a quirk!

The boy began to grin, looking at the palms of his hands. He had fire... Could he manipulate it? Shoot it out of his hands? Maybe even absorb it! He looked around, seeing a fridge, and he aimed his palm at it, feeling something rush through his body and fire out, hitting the fridge and destroying it.

Izuku's happiness at the sight skyrocketed, and he began laughing to himself, overwhelmed with emotions. He put his hand on his face as he cried, each tear hitting the sand with a hiss.

"Finally! A quirk! A power! I... I can be a hero! YES!" Izuku shouted, his fiery body flaring up. "THIS IS THE BEST!" He screamed to the heavens, accidentally shooting fireballs into the sky. They eventually popped, but when they did, there was a much louder explosion than what it should've been. "Was that me?" He muttered, just before he heard distant screams. "A villain attack! I should go and watch!" He ran towards the sound of the commotion, each step feeling easier and easier as he got used to his alien body.

By the time he got to the scene, there was already a crowd built up, and smoke rising from a one lane street which he recongized as a shopping district. He made his way over, looking over everyone's heads.

Then, through the crowd, he saw something that made him freeze up. The villain that he'd encountered early today had escaped. And he had a new hostage.