
The Inmate

Life was hard for Amber until Ray came into it showing her that there is warmth and love for her in this world but when Amber ends up in jail and falls for her murderer inmate, everything takes a juddering turn especially when she finds out he isn't who people thinks he is...

Umaima_Tauqeer · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 8

"Amber," Ray called.

I realized he had been waiting for me and I was still rooted at the spot in front of his car.

" Sorry, what did you say?" I asked again.

" I asked what's wrong with how you look right now. You look perfect," Ray remarked.

I couldn't help but notice the slight blush on his rosy cheeks. There was something sickeningly sweet about a grown man blushing and it almost made me blush as well. The way Ray had said that I looked perfect actually made me think I did. The way he looked at me felt like he was putting bandages on my scars. Fixing my heart.

" Nothing," I shrugged. Ray smiled at me and I never knew a smile could hurt you. That smile made my heart ache.

Ray held out his hand and beckoned me towards him. I stood beside him and he took my hand in his. My skin tingled from the touch. His hand was warm even when it had no business being so. We walked toward the restaurant and I couldn't help but gape at how fancy it was. It kept getting more breathtaking the closer we came to it. Ray opened the door for me and a blast of cold air hit me. I looked around me and let my eyes sink into the view. Coruscating chandeliers hung low from the ceiling shimmering like diamonds. Classical music played in the background and the smell, oh god, the smell of the restaurant was one I could drown into. I noticed there were a lot of couples around. Hot date spot for sure. Everyone was dressed and manicured unlike me. All the girls had perfect makeup and even looked perfect. I met eyes with one and caught the disgusted look on her face. She scorned me when I stared back at her and whispered something to what seemed to be her boyfriend. I shrunk myself behind Ray. I didn't belong here at all. The look on the girl's face was enough to make me lose my appetite. I wanted to get out of here but I couldn't be rude to Ray and I was enjoying my time with him. I ignored all the looks I received and sat on the chair in front of Ray.