
The inhuman Blood king

Brian, who was only 7 years old wakes up and finds himself transported into the world of one piece by mistake. Fortunately, Serra's family found him and adopted him as one of them despite his unique ability he did not want to conquer any world or become the king of the world, yet fate had other words after 8 years of living with the Serra family, an accident happened that changed everything _______________________ [ I own the cover copy right ] [ IMPORTANT : All artwork belongs to its rightful owners  ] Well this not my first novel , I have several ongoing novel on other platforms like M.E.G.A.N.O.V.E.L com . ( Heavenly werewolf system) Anyway I write this fanfiction a year ago and I want to share it with you, so enjoy reading this novel that will contain several worlds such as Naruto/ one piece / marvel comics/ DC comics. I don't awn any of this works , except my characters and the others

MAT_10 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

New world (1)

Land of Fire

The bright sun was shining on a peaceful forest.



The beautiful blue sky began to distort, and little by little a gigantic space crack began to open.

The frightening sound of a space crack frightened the birds and all the animals in the area

Suddenly an unknown force surrounded the rapidly expanding space crack, and applied an oppressive force on it, it began to contract, but this unknown force seemed to provoke something terrifying, a terrifying sound sounded coming from the dark space crack.

Roar !

All the living creatures that were near the crack could not bear the terrifying roar that came out from the crack

All of the animals started to fall to the ground and bleed to death.

The roar stoped

Amidst the pitch-black space crack, a red eye appeared that gave off an enormous sense of oppression, and the unknown force that was suppressing space instantly vanished.

. . .

After the space rift stopped expanding instead of applying massive suction due to its frightening gravity

Suddenly, the beautiful clouds disappeared and were replaced by ominous black clouds. The beautiful weather that had been just a while ago disappeared and was replaced by rain and stormy lightning.

Many debris mixed with bodies fell from the crevasse


As it fell to the ground, a cloud of dust rose into the sky.

After the debris and corpse came out, the crack quickly shrank and disappeared, the rain stopped falling , A deadly sound resounded the entire place

After about half a day , The sun was about to set

In the middle of the forest, the rocks suddenly moved, a bloody hand came out and pushed away one of the rocks to reveal Brian's pale face full of blood and dirt.

He started to remove the debris from his body.

He stood up and walked out holding the twins covered in blood in his hands.

He put them on the ground and knelt and tears began to fall from his eyes, he cried without a sound, only the falling tears that began to turn into blood with the passage of time, the black spot in his eye disappeared and was replaced by a red spot.

Half an hour had passed since he knelt on the ground as he stared at the twins' corpse, he opened his mouth and said in a hoarse voice

"Again… everything is gone!"

He stood up and patted his clothes, examining his body, looking for injuries, and was surprised that there were no serious injuries that Rhodes and his crew had suffered.

"It has been 8 years since the incident in Black Bono! ..."

" however, I did not learn the lesson from that incident . . ."

"I haven't learned the lesson... that it is the law of the jungle that prevails in any world."

" Rhodes was right about one thing! I am weak, and my weakness is what caused all this..."

"I see… So strength is the basis of everything…" Brian's mood undergoes a terrifying change, unknowingly a heavy aura began to emit from him! .

. . . . .. ... . . .. . ..

Brian Serra, 8 years ago he was known as Brian Edderston in his home world Black Bono, where some awaken some supernatural powers that lead to unimaginable wars, the planet known as Black Bono went through four great wars, during the Fourth World War he awakened the strongest ability A person could imagine it, after witnessing the murder of the only remaining member of his family, the ability enabled him to escape the fate of death.

He called it later as the ability to travel across worlds, as the name suggests, this ability enables him to travel through the worlds, despite the horror of this ability, he cannot control it well, so he did his ability unconsciously and traveled to a world he thought was Only imagination, the world of One Piece, faced the danger of death after his transfer. When he used his ability for the first time, he was very weak. Fortunately, one of King Rick Sir's guards noticed the strange phenomenon that occurred during his transfer. Rick, the king of Sera's kingdom, took him and adopted him as one of the family members. He lived With them for a full 8 years, the family dealt with him kindly and made him one of them, so that he became the only prince of the Kingdom of Sera, but unfortunately it seems that fate had other words.

When he was snapped out of his thoughts, he cried out angrily

"I lost my first family, and now I am losing my second." Brian's heart was boiling from within with anger, despair, and frustration. Anyone in his place would have lost his composure.

After a period of shouting to express his frustration, he took a deep breath and calmed his nerves

"Navy, pirates… I want revenge. Even though I lost everything, I still have a goal! I can't die without completing it…."

He looked at the twins for a while and wiped the blood and tears from his face, then started looking around at the unfamiliar forest and said

"Hmm, which world did i come to this time !?. . . . "

He wiped the blood from his right hand on his clothes and touched the twins' corpses, their corpses instantly disappeared as if they never existed.

He went towards the wreckage and began to search for the bodies of the father and mother. After a period of searching, he found them and placed his hand on them. The bodies disappeared, and he went to the bodies of the pirates and began to search them .

After he searched all their bodies, he found some money and a group of weapons and put them in his private space, a private space.

Or pocket space that's what Brian called this ability.

Besides the ability to move through the worlds, he has another ability, which is a space pocket in which he can put any non-living thing! .

After finishing his work, he started walking in a random direction .

He frowned as he saw the birds and various dead animals he found along the way.

"Strange!… What happened here!?, How did kill all these animals like that!?, Is it some kind of epidemic!?, This world is strange…"

After two hours of walking, it got dark, so he had to stop and wait until morning.

"Hmm!, in an unknown world in the midst of an uninhabited forest where all living creatures have died in a strange way, and on top of all that is hungry, weak, and without food…"

"Ha-ha! I'm so miserable! Of all the ways I thought I might die, I never imagined starving to death!"

He climbed a tree while bemoaning his miserable condition.


Well I hope you enjoyed reading this stuff 😄.

I know it's just 3 chapters and you guys not sure if this will drop like most of the fanfiction I saw in this platform.

Well I can tell you that your thoughts are incorrect, I'm going to continue writing ✍️ this novel .

I hope 🙏 that you leave a comment and maybe a power stone 🪨 .

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Leave a comment , so that I know there's someone reading this.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MAT_10creators' thoughts