
The inhuman Blood king

Brian, who was only 7 years old wakes up and finds himself transported into the world of one piece by mistake. Fortunately, Serra's family found him and adopted him as one of them despite his unique ability he did not want to conquer any world or become the king of the world, yet fate had other words after 8 years of living with the Serra family, an accident happened that changed everything _______________________ [ I own the cover copy right ] [ IMPORTANT : All artwork belongs to its rightful owners  ] Well this not my first novel , I have several ongoing novel on other platforms like M.E.G.A.N.O.V.E.L com . ( Heavenly werewolf system) Anyway I write this fanfiction a year ago and I want to share it with you, so enjoy reading this novel that will contain several worlds such as Naruto/ one piece / marvel comics/ DC comics. I don't awn any of this works , except my characters and the others

MAT_10 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Logia devil fruit

Brian's lips rose to the top, forming a wonderful smile on his face, the look in his eyes was stunned at the transformation of his arm.

He sighed happily and murmured

"I wasn't expecting this, I had a logia type devil fruit all along, blood logia…"

Brian had just eaten one of the most foreboding Devil Fruits, the Logia-type Blood Fruit.

Under the control of his thoughts, his arm slowly returned to its normal state

His body was strong due to all those training he had done for a long time and also he was different from the others due to his ability to move across worlds which put an enormous load on his body and soul.

Because of this, he could exert the power of a Devil Fruit into an Elemental Transformation state immediately after eating the fruit.

He clenched his hand tightly and thought

"My body is now immune to any physical attack… manipulate blood is such a terrifying ability."

He put his thoughts aside for another time , and walked out of the alley.

He was about to go to the casino to find Tsunade, but as soon as he came out he saw a familiar figure.

Tsunade, who was about to enter the hotel as if sensing Brian's stare, turned her head and gave a sideways glance at Brian before shaking her head and entering the hotel with Chizune.

"Hmm, due to the ability to manipulate blood, my sensitivity towards blood has become a bit strong…" Brian thought before sighing and saying in a calm voice.

"So what do you guys want from me!?"

The reason he said this is because behind him inside the Alley , three ninjas appeared, each of them holding a kunai weapon in there hand and preparing to attack Brian.

As soon as he turned around, he recognized one of them, it was the ninja who showed him the location of Tsunade after he gave him those gold coins.

Brian sighed in frustration in his heart and muttered in a low voice

"Heh, greed, wherever I go I find someone who covets my property, Rhodes who wanted to monopolize the Kingdom of Serra…"

One of the ninjas turned his head to the side and said while pointing at Brian with his finger

"Is this the person who gave you those coins gold!?"

The other nodded his head confirming his words.

After seeing their comrade's affirmation without hesitation, they moved and attacked Brian

Brian looked at the ninja coming in his direction with the intention of killing him just to get a few gold coins.

"Thank God! I thought it would take a long time for me to test my new ability on someone, fortunately the guinea pigs appeared in front of me."

Brian spoke as he raised a finger towards the ninja and activated a Devil Fruit ability.

"blood bullet "

The blood slowly formed in front of his finger, then began to concentrate and press, until it went in the form of a bullet.

The bullet fired very quickly towards one of the ninjas, the reaction speed of the ninja was slow compared to the speed of the blood bullet, the bullet penetrated his right shoulder.

" Agh ! Damn, that hurts ... "

The Ninja fell to the ground and started howling in pain .

When Brian saw this, he shook his head in disappointment.

His aim was the heart but instead he aimed at the arm .

"Hmm! I'm still inexperienced, the bullet takes a while to form and looks like I need some practice in my aiming skill."

Although the ninjas were so frightened by Brian's unknown ability that they did not run , they both disappeared from their place in a sympathetic understanding and appeared on both sides of Brian and waved the kunai towards his head and his heart at once.

Unconsciously, he tried to avoid the ninja's attacks, but he forcibly stopped himself.

The attacks hit him and pierced his body, but despite having kunai in his head and another in his heart, he murmured softly.

"In this world there is no haki, that means I am immune… No! I don't know yet if chakra energy can affect the transformation state or not…"

Both ninjas were terrified and afraid of the red-haired young man, apparently Brian's appearance changed after he ate the fruit as his hair changed color to red.

Brian ignored the terrified ninja and activated his blood manipulation ability.

Numerous thorns made of blood shot out from his body and pierced the two ninja's bodies, blood splattered everywhere and dyed the ground.

He looked at the corpse ninja with confused eyes, closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, this wasn't Brian's first kill or second kill, though, taking someone's life was heinous.

After a few minutes his mood calmed down, he looked around and saw that the third ninja who was attacked by the blood bullet had disappeared from his place, most likely after he saw that Brian was a difficult opponent he took advantage of the opportunity and ran away, and fortunately for him he ran away otherwise he would have been a dead body .

"In this world or any other world, the law of the jungle has always prevailed over society…"


I just want to say that , the mc past will be as a flashback in the incoming chapters .

Brian abilities :

• The ability to travel across worlds

• the ability of pocket space

• the ability of super health

• a devil fruit type-logia : manipulate blood

If you like this novel , kindly leave a comment and some power stone , so that I can publish more chapters for you

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