
The inhuman Blood king

Brian, who was only 7 years old wakes up and finds himself transported into the world of one piece by mistake. Fortunately, Serra's family found him and adopted him as one of them despite his unique ability he did not want to conquer any world or become the king of the world, yet fate had other words after 8 years of living with the Serra family, an accident happened that changed everything _______________________ [ I own the cover copy right ] [ IMPORTANT : All artwork belongs to its rightful owners  ] Well this not my first novel , I have several ongoing novel on other platforms like M.E.G.A.N.O.V.E.L com . ( Heavenly werewolf system) Anyway I write this fanfiction a year ago and I want to share it with you, so enjoy reading this novel that will contain several worlds such as Naruto/ one piece / marvel comics/ DC comics. I don't awn any of this works , except my characters and the others

MAT_10 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Blood limit part 2

After he finished absorbing the blood of the Ninja Leader, Brian sat back on the chair and closed his eyes, he could vaguely sense that deep inside his body a new gene chain was slowly forming, some knowledge flowed out of the void into his mind.

As he absorbed the information, he opened his eyes wide and murmured in a voice that carried excitement within

"Blood Boundary, the strange energy I sensed within the blood and genetic chain is Boundary Blood, I obtained a Boundary Blood from the corpse of the Ninja Leader!!"

The information he received was about how to use the bloodline that the Ninja Master had absorbed from his body, of course the bloodline that Brian had been trying to obtain was the same bloodline that the Ninja Master had used to add the explosive property to his kunai weapons.

Blood Limit allows adding the explosive property to anything, the timing of the explosion can be controlled by the user's mind, the ninja master used kunai to add the explosive property.

But unlike the ninja leader, Brian didn't need kunai or any other weapon, because his entire body was a weapon.

He raised his hand and pointed his finger at the void in front of him, blood started to pool around his finger.

A small bullet formed on the tip of his finger, Brian focused on the strain inside his body and tried to give the bullet the property of exploding.

| Explosive Blood Bullet |

The bullet shot into the void in front of him quickly, and under the power of his thoughts, it exploded.


"The explosive power is a bit weak compared to before, apparently the blood limit power became weak when I absorbed it…" Brian murmured as he noticed that the explosive power was weak compared to what the Ninja Commander was able to produce.

"But according to the information I received, I can upgrade my bloodline to obtain a large amount of blood from people with the same bloodline, but unfortunately this guy has a nerd bloodline, and even if there are people like him, the chance of finding them is slim… Forget the important thing." It is that I can obtain bloodlines from others…"

When Brian said his last sentence, an image of a red eye with three tomo inside appeared in his mind.

"Sharingan, this blood limit I have to get…" Brian thought excitedly, the Sharingan was an extremely powerful blood limit with terrifying potential.

He put his hand on his chin and thought with a frown

"According to what I know in this period of time there are several people who have the blood of the Uchiha family, Sasuke, Itachi, Obito…"

He shook his head and murmured, "Itachi and Obito are not an option at the moment. My strength is unable to face both of them. The first has a terrifying illusion technique and the second has a space technique that is even more terrifying than Itachi's illusion technique…"

"So, the last person left is Sasuke Uchiha..."

Having identified his target, he got up from the chair and came in front of the still unconscious Eggzod.

Brian slapped Eggwood's face lightly and said

"You are lucky!!, even after offending me several times you are still breathing, lucky for you you are still useful to me…"

Brian's goal in not killing Eggzod was because he wanted to find out more information about the ninja squad that Eggzod belonged to. Brian wanted to make sure that anyone related to Eggzod was removed because he had crossed the line too much.

Brian mentions the woman who became Saiyan-like after Eggzod did something to her

"It seems like today is my lucky day, two bloodlines, this guy probably has a bloodline and my intuition tells me that this guy's bloodline is better than the bloodline I got from their leader…." Brian murmured excitedly and then pulled out a weapon The kunai thrust it into Eggzod's thigh, which opened his eyes wide and let out a loud shriek.

Brian ignored the latter's screams and controlled the blood flowing from Eggzod's wound to form into a small ball of blood. After he got what he wanted, Brian placed his hand on Eggzod's wound and made the blood flow velocity high to increase the healing quality. Under the stimulation of his ability, Eggzod's wound closed. Although he left an ugly scar.

"Ugh!, what do you want!?" Eggzod asked with red eyes filled with anger.

"What do I want you to say!!, hey, that's the question I should be asking…" Brian sneered as he looked at the small blood ball floating above his right palm, a gold coin appeared in his left hand as he showed it to Eggswood.

"Man!, your comrades have been killed and plundered by me all because of greed…"

Eggzod's facial expression turned ugly when he heard Brian's sneer, he unconsciously looked around to see the corpses that had become meme-like.

"What have you done to them!?" he asked angrily as he tried to break free from the chains.

"They have become part of my power, but you are different from them. I can release you…"

"But!?, you want something in return?" Eggzod sneered.

Brian gave him a thumbs up and said, "I like smart people especially people like you who keep their cool in situations like this, actually I need you to do something simple, tell me all the information about your ninja squad…"

Eggzod frowned and asked, "Like what!?"

Brian replied, "Oh! Like, I want to know if there are any more of you or do you belong to some organization or rather a village!? Oh, I almost forgot to tell me what you did to that woman to become that powerful!?"

Eggzood sighed

"Are you really going to let me go after I tell you the information!?"

Brian nodded his head.

Eggzod sighed again and began to tell Brian all about the bloodshed and the ninja squad.

Sorry about the grammar fault, this chapter and the previous one are not edited.

[ Power stone ]

I will be appreciated if you read my origin novel

( Heavenly werewolf system )



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